revjohn's picture



Trouble In River City

Hi All,



So, you thought Toronto had problems with their Mayor.  That is nothing compared to what is currently our civic nightmare.


The following link shows what our Corporation Logo used to look like:


It is strong, classy and incorporates the statue of Joseph Brant which is the centrepiece of Victoria Park and the ummm guardrails of the Lorne Bridge which spans the Grand River in close proximity to Brant's ford.


The next link takes you to Yahoo News reporting on our controversy.


And if Yahoo News doesn't strike you as a credible journalistic endeavour there is this link to the Brantford Expositor:


This is worse than having a Mayor with substance issues.  This is . . . well . . .its like hiring a graphic artist with substance issues.  And the price tag?  Well that should be good for the city if we acknowledge it in the logo with something like, "If we'll drop 80K on crap like this we'd probably through cash at you just for showing up."


Normally I don't get to upset over minutia like this.  Recently my home town has had some serious problems with public artwork.


Like the following:


The scupture can only be described as poorly thought out.  It depicts a giant Wayne Gretzky with a weaponized Stanley Cup (more on that later) who is sent back in time to kill his younger self and loving parents.


It is like the original terminator if Arnie was sent back in time to kill himself. or Looper where Bruce Willis is sent back in time to kill his younger self. (which is different because in looper Bruce Willis is sent back in time to be killed by his younger self).


How do I know that it is not a genuine Stanley Cup and some weaponized copy?  Well, Kanye West's name is on it.  I trust I don't have to provide more proof than that.


If so:


And I have been to the newly remodelled Gretzky Centre and seen the statue with my own eyes and I declare it to be hideous.


Grace and peace to you.


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Pinga's picture



wow, that is one ugly logo for 80k


how does grand to great seem like a suitable expression?

waterfall's picture



I always thought of Brantford as the telephone city.

chansen's picture



Every municipality seems to be going from complex to simple logos, but this one is....umm....bad. I'm going to go with "bad."


waterfall's picture



That must be what the "B" stands for.

chansen's picture



Well played.

Mendalla's picture



My reaction is rather like the others. My employer's graphic designer could likely do a better logo in less time and she isn't paid anywhere near that much. Once again, bureaucracy has likely trumped common sense. And the saddest part? They will likely spend more to get a better one done once sense does sink in.


That said, I'm not sure Brantford is really that much worse off than other communities. London has been guilty of some bad and bizarre decisions in recent years, too.




Arminius's picture



So how would Toronto re-brand itself: The city where the impossible is possible?

chansen's picture



Our King Township recently went from this:


to this:


To me, it seems more like a stylized "X-ING" OR "CROSSING" sign, but I'm artistically impaired. I'm scared to know how much the redesign cost. Despite being one of the more wealthy areas in the province, our township is seriously in the red. And, we don't even have a public indoor pool. We built a rec centre, seriously thought that somebody would pay real money for naming rights, and nobody did, so the contractor who built it gave them a small discount and now it's the Trisan Centre. After all that, I'm sure this was just as ridiculous as Brantford's blunder, though, in fairness, our earlier logo sucked even worse.




Pinga's picture



looks like you smoke pot. (or some such item with teh green leaves)

chansen's picture



lol, you're right, it does look like that. I thought the potheads were in Caledon?


stardust's picture



Here's some samples of modern logos.


I guess we gotta go with the flow Rev. John. .....history is out.


stardust's picture


Arminius's picture



Pinga wrote:

looks like you smoke pot. (or some such item with teh green leaves)


Just wait until the Liberals form our next goverment. They'll replace the red maple leaf in the Canadian flag with a green marihuana leaf.


Talk about Canada re-branding itself: Going green and liberal—and to pot.wink

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