Wolfie's picture



Wolfie opens the Cafe....

*Greetings*...come in....come in....


The fireplace has a warm cheerful cozy blaze this morning.  There are plenty of chairs, love seats and tables available for everyone.  The Cafe WI FI is on.  Join us for a wonderful day of Friendship and Laughter.


*Peace* ALL are WELCOME!


~ heartlaughheart ~



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Wolfie's picture



Welcome Friends...


It is almost 2am here for me in Vancouver, I'm awake, of course I'm usually awake, sleep is something reserved for mere mortals.  A MaDiva like myself no longer seems to require it. lol


It is great to be back at Wonder Cafe and to see all of you wonderful people and to pick up the Wonder Cafe paper and read through the different sections catching up on all the latest news, Stews, Relationships and seeing the different views held by people in the Religion & Faith section of the Cafe.


Halloween is almost upon us in just a few days,  I suspect many people are looking forward to that.  Also, Christmas is not that far off it seems with all the decorations now available in stores.  I hear some great buys are to be had around the world and different stores.  What do you all think?


*Sips* his Earl Grey Tea.... ponders a moment....and continues....


I am sure alot of you are aware of the Pay It Forward scenerio... I believe in making that my way of life, I look for every opportunity that I may pay it forward in some way or fashion.  It doesn't matter how small or insignificant we ourselves think of what we do to show kindness to another.  It is the fact that we do it with a genuine heart of love and kindness that makes it matter, not only to ourselves, but to those we are able to bless by that kindness.


Sits in his favorite chair in front of the Fireplace waiting for people to enter and find a place of acceptance and love.


~ heartlaughheart ~



naman's picture



What a plesant surprize! Nice to see you back, Wolfie. We missed you. Where have you been?

Wolfie's picture



Hi Naman....


How has the world been treating you?  Hope all is well with you these days.


I didn't realize I have been away from the Cafe for 2 years...my how time flies when you don't pay attention to it.


Health and such have had me on a rollercoaster,  with ups and downs, but, I'm back and glad to be here with wonderful people such as yourself.


I thought it would be nice to Open Wolfie's Cafe once more giving people a place to stop in and rest their weary bones and feet and enjoy a good cup of Friendship and Laughter with other cafe users.


~ heartlaughheart ~



kaythecurler's picture



It was such a nice surprise to see your name popping up on some threads recently.


When I first heard of the Pay it Forward scene I was puzzled.  Isn't that kinda like what we were told to do ay back in our childhoods?  My mom said Never miss a chance to be kind. my dad said Look for ways to help other people.. 

gecko46's picture



Hi Wolfie.  Are you really from Newfoundland?  NL and Labrador are my second home...love to spend time there with friends and enjoy the beautiful scenery and awesome wildlife.

Not a tea drinker, but will drop in to the Cafe for a cup of coffee now and then.

If everyone adopted a "Pay It Forward" attitude, the world would be a much better place.   My parents were very much about helping others, especially my father.

Wolfie's picture



Hi Kaythecurler...


Come in and relax, warm yourself...help yourself to a Cup of your favorite!


Yes we were taught that way of living life as children.  It's an Art that is sometimes lost in the hussle n bussle of life these days, with people rushing here and there, thinking only of themselves and passing others by with only a cursory glance of acknowledgement.


Paying it forward could be something as simple as a SMILE or seeing someone that needs assistance and helping them without being asked and expecting nothing in return.  I've always told people that have tried to reward me back...for helping them... thank you, but, please do something unexpected for someone you meet on your Journey. Pay it Forward.


By doing this the Cycle of Loving Kindness continues.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~



Wolfie's picture



Hi Geko46....


It's nice to see everyone again, and YES I'm from da Rock.  A place called Old Perlican. Trinity Bay.


I've walked from one end of Canada to the other many times. Those were the days let me tell you.  I recall one summer during my Journey across the country coming across a stranded car with two elderly ladies with a flat tire. I totally surprised them coming out of now where, I said, I'm here to change your tire.  They just looked at each other with wide eyes.  I changed the tire for them and put everything away in the trunk for them, wished them a pleasant day and continued on my journey.


Paying it forward is the ONLY way to live life.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~



gecko46's picture



I've been to Old Perlican.  A couple of friends and I did a NL tour 2 years ago.  We explored that peninsula.  Seems to me we had some very tasty fish & chips in Old Perlican.  Last summer I stayed in Port Rexton for a week, going whale watching in Bonavista Bay and Trinity Bay with friends.  I hiked the Skerwink Trail - beautiful.

Newfoundlanders know all about helping each other and helping others. It's rooted in their culture.

Wolfie's picture



Indeed it is and indeed they do!


I remember swimming many a summer with iceburgs in the Bay and visitors oooing and ahhhhing while they snapped photo's of us diving off the Ice pans from the burg into the ocean laughing and swimming.


~ heartlaughheart ~



somegalfromcan's picture



Hello all!


I'll bring in some Halloween decorations to spruce this place up! 

Wolfie's picture



Hi Somegalfromcan....


Oh yes, some decorations would be great, I never thought to put any up!


I'll get more wood for the fire and make sure fresh Coffee & Tea and assorted beverages are available for everyone who joins.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~



waterfall's picture



Hi Wolfie, thankyou for offering some hospitality at your cafe. Mind if I just put my feet up and enjoy the coversation for awhile? Life is good.

Wolfie's picture



Hi Waterfall....


Make yourself comfortable, there is plenty to drink, Somegalfromcan is putting up decorations to make it more festive!


Great to have you here.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~



naman's picture



This is getting to be old home week.  I wonder how we can invite some of our old friends who are no longer hanging out here.

paradox3's picture



Hi All!


I will put my feet up for a little while.


So peaceful here.  Ahh. . . 

Beloved's picture



Tea . . . where's the tea . . . chamomille would just hit the spot :)


chemgal's picture



I don't know what Chemguy did with the green tea.  So I pulled out my white Christmas stuff.  White tea with mint and probably some other stuff.  I figured it matched the weather :)

somegalfromcan's picture



Has anyone seen the pumpkin carving knives?

gecko46's picture



I've never tasted white tea....what is is made from? 

Mint tea I like.

Alex's picture



Earl Grey Tea for me. and my buddy

chemgal's picture



White tea is made from young green tea leaves.  It has a milder taste than green tea.  I rarely drink plain white tea, I prefer a bit more flavour.  It has less caffeine, so I tend to drink it in the afternoon for a slight pick me up.


I looked and this one has ginger and peppermint in it.

Wolfie's picture





I go out to the store to get something and come back to a wonderful gathering of friends!!!!!




Love the Bears & Tea Alex


*Waves* @ Kaythecurler, Beloved, Chemgal and Paradox3


Great to have each and everyone one of you here visiting....Earlier we were talking about Paying it Forward.  Have any of you done that? Do you have a story to share, of what you did or may like to do at some point to Pay It Forward?


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~



redhead's picture



Hi Wolfie!!!  Great to see you :)


Wolfie's picture





Oh My Goodness..... Long time no see.... I saw you post in one of the other forums and wondered if you would drop by for a visit.


I'm glad you did!


How are you? How has life been to you? I've been away for 2 years from the Cafe.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~



redhead's picture



Oh dear Wolfie,


It is truly great to see you back at the Cafe


I. too. take breaks from WC.


LIfe is okay;  it has its own momentum


I am really glad to see you posting - You have a gentle and kind presence. 


Perfect for hosting a gathering :)


(lobs a lime wedge at Wolfie's head  ;)



Wolfie's picture



Flings Rainbow color Marshmellows at RedHead.... snatches the wedge of lime outta the air and puts it into his cup of Earl Grey Tea....how did you remember I love a twist of lime with my Tea!!!


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~



crazyheart's picture



You know, Wolfie and Red, it is like old times. Everyone is gone and then they pop back in. I love it.

Wolfie's picture





I was beginning to think you were avoiding me... LMAO


Wonderful to have you drop in and visit.  Make yourself comfortable, get something to drink, admire the decorations Somegalfromcan has put up for everyone to enjoy.


Yes it is like old times.  I have missed all of you.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~




Wolfie's picture



We had been talking earlier about Paying It Forward... incase anyone decided to skip to the last post lol....


Have any of you done it yet?  Has anyone done it to you?

Is there something special you would like to do for someone you know, or a stranger that you haven't had an opportunity to do yet to bless them?


I posted one of mine above earlier.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~



redhead's picture



So much  fun!


I donate the rainbow mini-mallows to the hot chocolate


Enjoy the lime enhanced tea, Wolfie  - it is really great to see you here :)

redhead's picture



crazyheart,  I love your name - it is awsome, in the true sense of the word :)


It is refreshing to chat and turn to a sense of community snd kindness - a welcoming.


Very comforting.


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Hi Wolfie,

Lovely to see you popping in at the cafe......


Even an Aussie can make her way to Newfoundland and enjoy what it has to offer. Gecko mentioned Trinity -and I'm sorry I missed it this year...

This elderly lady is thinking it would be worth having a flat tire, knowing that both your assistance and company would be closeby.  smiley

Wolfie's picture



Hi Pilgrims Progress....


Nice seeing you again, it has definately been a while.  Newfoundland is a very beautiful place.


Those summer treks across Canada were awesome.  I met so many different people. Met a tribe of Indians who named me Ancient Wolfwalker.  Met a Buddhist monk who gave me his Mala Beads after we shared Tea and refreshing conversation about Love, Compassion and Humility.


It is great to be back and to be surprised people still remember me.  2 years away is a very long time.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~ *Peace*



chemgal's picture



Pay it forward:

Nothing major.  I got stuck in the doctor's office for a long time today because of scheduling mistakes.  I hadn't been to this office before, the layout is silly.  Inner and outer door, not in a straight line, no button to open them up.  Someone with a stroller had issues getting out the inner door, the second would have been worse because of the door's location.  I got up and held the doors for her.

Wolfie's picture



Every act no matter how insignificant it may seem to us.  May be the ultimate act to the one recieving it.


Good sharing Chemgal.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~ *Peace*



redhead's picture



At times, we have no idea that our poistive, considerate actions mean so much to others... and that is a good way to be, and to pay it forward :)

Wolfie's picture



Agreed Redhead....


How many times unknown to us, a smile we shared to a passing stranger or even someone we've known all our lives...Gave them a reason to not take their lives.  Something as simple as that,


Or someone who we see lose their wallet or purse without realizing it and we quickly return it to them.  For all we know their entire life saving may be in there, or the only money they had to pay rent or buy food for themselves or child/children... We just never know what that simple act of kindness done for the person means, and better yet... we may never know how those who have seen this random act of kindness.  No matter what it may be, are affected and perhaps inspired to through their own lives in some way... Pay It Forward.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~ *Peace*



somegalfromcan's picture



Paying it forward is something that truly makes both the giver and receiver feel good - and I have been on both ends. On the receiving end I have had people offer me a place to stay when I had nowhere to go - that was truly amazing! On the giving end, I have brought groceries for a friend who couldn't afford it - asking only that she do something good for someone else when she got the opportunity. 

Wolfie's picture





It is 1am Tuesday Morning here in Vancouver BC. (And No... I do not sleep, that is for you mere mortals. LMAO)


One of the things I miss recently that I hadn't notice I've been missing is Photography.


That's right, I miss doing my Photography.  Quite a change from having to use a darkroom and hanging prints to dry to.  Digital Camera's.  I wouldn't have a clue where to start on one of those or which brand might be good.  Any suggestions or thoughts from people about Photography if you do it, even as a passing hobby.


Another Pay It Forward: I was in the line at a checkout, and I heard a elderly Gentleman explain to the cashier that he didn't have enough to cover his bill. I quickly wrote something down while he was searching through his pockets to see if he could find extra change or bills to pay for the groceries he needed. Notice I said needed, they were very basic things of food and toilettries.  I passed the note to the cashier who read it and placed it to the side of her till.  She said, oh my I totally forgot, we are to randomly choose one customer today to give their purchase free.  Do you have everything you are sure you need?


The Elderly Gentleman was taken aback and said, Why...yes... These are all I need.  She bagged his groceries for him and send him on his way with a wide beaming smile on his face.  She continued to ring in my items on the same bill as his and I paid for both lots.  She asked me why I did that?  I told her, some stranger did a Kindness to me when I was most in need, and so I Pay It Forward when ever i can to others.  She look at me very intently and said, You know what... I'm gonna do the same for someone I come across.  I am going to Pay It Forward!


We are given many opportunities during our day and our lives to Pay It Forward.  Keep the Cycle going.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~ *Peace*



redhead's picture



Hey everyone,


I have thought about Paying it forward: it is a tenet found in so many religions and philosophies.


It is wondrous to witness it here :)

Wolfie's picture



Good Day Redhead...


It is wonderful hearing other peoples stories about Paying It Forward.  It is also wonderful to be able to share with all of you some of my stories.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~ *Peace*



seeler's picture



Pay it forward - today at Walmart they were short on shopping carts.  As I waited for someone to check out and leave theirs, a gentleman offered me the one he had managed to get.   Thank you.   So when I checked out, I looked around and gave my cart to an elderly woman. 

Wolfie's picture



See, that's Paying It Forward in action.... Seeler


Isn't it wonderful!


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~ *Peace*



Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Wolfie - re digital photography.


Settle back in your den/lair? and I'll tell you a story.......


Once upon a time (last Summer to be precise) an Aussie decided she wished to visit Newfoundland -partly because it was the most easterly point of the North Americas,

(This is a peculiar obsession she has - having visited the most southerly point in Australia -and  being taken by small boat from a cargo ship to set foot on the most northerly part of Australia.)


She was joined for part of this journey by two Wondercafe Canucks - each sporting digital cameras with somewhat phallic lenses. She had only her tiny "point and shoot" camera with her - and she had the disquietning feeling that she was letting her country down in some obscure way.

Upon returning home she was disappointed to see that her puffins could just have easily been seagulls....


A decision was made.


She now has what is termed a "bridging" camera - which has some of the features and magnification of the better cameras - but can also be left on auto.

She has never looked back, and photography is becoming a passion. smiley

redhead's picture



I am, at times, a luddite.  At other times, I embrace technology and innovation.


 I have used  Sony and a Panasonic digital cameras, with great results. 


 I have a Blackberry phone and I have never taken a picture with it.


 I understand from friends who live on the edge of compulsive photography, that Nikon cameras still reign supreme.  Hybrid systems comprised of film and digital. 


Good luck shutterbug ;)

crazyheart's picture



If I could only make a paragraph. Please tell me again. just doesn.t work. and then I will worry about cameras.

Wolfie's picture



Hi Crazyheart....


Change the plain text editor to rich text editor and hit your return key twice.  That's what I did to get the paragraph thing to work on the cafe.  As for in wondermail... it's hit and miss.... sometimes it likes to work other times....


It tells me you outta luck pal... lol


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~ *Peace*



Wolfie's picture



Re: Photography....


Yes there are so many different options for Camera's out there, that is why I'm having such a hard time to decide.  I mean, when it comes to digital camera's, does one go for best camera over affordable ones?


I mean for people who live with fixed incomes, it's the question of, do I get the cheapest I can afford?  Do I get the best now, so that it lasts me for many many years to come?


I've tried using my phone to take pictures but I find they just don't capture that certain essence that a normal camera catches when you look through the view finder.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~ *Peace*



stardust's picture



Wolfie Baby..........


Well....hello there......nice to see you...hope you are well.


I have an ordinary old Sony  inexpensive Cyber-shot and it works like a charm since some years. I take amateur videos for my personal use only, wonderful for memories. Any camera store will do the settings for you  to get you started.


You're still so good you make me feel bad..... that's a terrific pay it forward story!


Here's a welcome back song for you. I'm sure we've  all heard  the Squid Jiggin' Grounds? It sold 15,000 records in  1943....way back when.  I don't know where Stompin' Tom got the Moon song from..... its funny.....that was our Tom.


Squid Jiggin' Grounds
Moon Man Newfie - Stompin' Tom


Wolfie's picture



Hi Stardust....


I posted a reply to your post earlier but I came back to check it and it was gone. LOL


Thanks for the Video's they are great.... Kinda made me feel a bit Homesick.... I love Newfoundland songs.


I like Stompin Tom Conner's and others like Tommy Hunter, who I met in person when I was a youngster in the Cubs.  Don't know if anyone remembers Tommy Hunter or not.


I love hearing peoples Paying It Forward stories, they add an uplifting joy and warmth to what might otherwise be a dull drab, Day or Night.


Never feel that I'm better than you or anyone else, I've just been granted more opportunities to Pay It Forward in my life that's all.  I'm sure you have some great Paying It Forward stories of your own only you didn't realize that you were Paying It Forward.


*Peace* ~ heartlaughheart ~  *Peace*



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