Wonderingg's picture



WonderCafe Book discussion? Anyone interested?

Does anyone like the idea of starting a book discussion group here at WonderCafe?


I was thinking we could all take a period of time to read an agreed upon book and then set a date to start discussion. The only problem I see is trying to agree which book to read...


Thoughts, suggestions, queries?


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Birthstone's picture



Hi wonderingg - we do that at times - right now, a few of us are part way through Christianity for the Rest of Us by Diana Butler Bass.  This is the first time I've been in on one.

The best way is to suggest a book and see who is interested.

Beloved's picture





I think it's a great idea for those that are interested.  See what response you get, and what suggestions you get for books to read.  Then determine how you are going to set it up, pick something and go with it.


Right now I am reading a book by Jody Picoult called "Change of Heart" - very interesting, thought provoking, faith challenging, etc.


Hope, peace, joy, love . . .




Witch's picture



I think it's been done, informally, a few times here wwith good success. No reason why a more formal approach wouldn't work as well. What books are we looking yet?

seeler's picture



Some books that have already been discussed:  The Shack; With or Without God; and for teens the Twilight series.


Right now I am reading Through Black Spruce and I would be interested in discussing it in a couple of weeks if anyone is interested.

Wonderingg's picture



Personally I'd love to do something heavier. My suggestions would be:

Hitler's Pope - John Cornwell

Deliver Us From Evil - Ravi Zacharias

The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read - Tim Leedom

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

or on the slightly lighter side...

The Razor's Edge - W. Somerset Maugham

The Age of Reason - Thomas Paine

1984 - George Orwell


Any thoughts on any of these?

InannaWhimsey's picture



Wonderingg, BNW certainly is a heady satire -- it was also a balm against the sheer nihilism of 1984 for me :3


Other, topical books that might be appropriate:


Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

Horton Hears a Who by Seuss

Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson

Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth by R Buckminster Fuller

Siddartha by Hermann Hesse

Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein

Island by Aldous Huxley


Read, not stirred


Pilgrim's picture



I think it is a good idea. I agree with Wondering that the main difficulty is agreeing on which book to read.

I would suggest a couple of books:

"Prayer: The Fire within" by Tom Harpur

"With or Without God" by Gretta Vosper

I am just finishing the first one and it is a good book to encourage spiritual growth. I have not read the second but I have heard quite a bit about it.

paradox3's picture



Hi Pilgrim, 


Last spring, when With or Without God came out, we had a series of book study threads here on wondercafe.  We discussed WWG chapter by chapter, and the discussion was a lively one.  I wrote up a summary of the discussion, which you can find in my blogs if you are interested.  In doing the summary, I tried to be as fair-minded as possible, and reflect the range of reactions to Gretta's book.


Back in the fall, Arminius and I co-hosted a book study on Bruce Sanguin's Emerging Church.  It was a very worthwhile discussion, but less active and less controversial than the WWG book study.

sighsnootles's picture



i have 'brave new world' sitting on my bookshelf... i'd be interested in doing a book club thingy on that one.  i've been meaning to read it for awhile now.

paradox3's picture



The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill has just been selected for Canada Reads.  It might be a good one to discuss, if anyone is interested in a novel for book study.  Lawrence Hill is the son of Daniel Hill, and the brother of Dan Hill.

Wonderingg's picture



Dan Hill as in "Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much..."


Yuck. (Not the book, Dan Hill's music...)

mosaic62's picture



I'm interested in the book, the book your church doesn't want you to read.

mosaic62's picture



I'm interested in the book, the book your church doesn't want you to read.

trishcuit's picture




I read "The Book of Negroes".  It was good.

BethanyK's picture



I'd be interested in joining in but I don't think I'd be able to get into a heavier book until the summer. There's only so much extracurricular reading you can do while trying to do essays lol.

seeler's picture



I have four books lined up to read this month and we are already one week into it.  I am reading the Book of Negros for a book discussion group I am in.  I am also reading Through Black Spruce for my own enjoyment and insight into the lives of First Nations people.


I would enjoy discussing either of these books on line if anyone is interested.  I just can't take on another book at this time.


Suggestion:  Somebody pick a book - start a new topic on that book - and see if anybody joins in.

Wonderingg's picture



seeler wrote:

Suggestion:  Somebody pick a book - start a new topic on that book - and see if anybody joins in.

Good plan.


Based on the feedback, I'm going to suggest "The book your church doesn't want you to read" by Tim Leedom. I've been wanting to take a look at that for a while now. I'll start a thread if anyone wants to join in.

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