mrs.anteater's picture



Your second pair is free...

Hi all,
I though I spread the idea here for others to copy.
I just had to get new glasses- went to the "second pair is free" store- and since I don't need two pairs , I asked if someone unrelated could get the second pair. And that's totally possible. As long as they don't chose anything more expensive than what you get.
So within two months, you can have someone go there and get glasses for free.
My insurance covered a total of $443 and I had only $2.10 to pay.
The other person can spend the same amount (I got bifocals).
So, here the idea- ask in women shelters, congregations or just the ones you know if they need glasses.
I happened to hear from a senior in my congregation that she needs new glasses and lives on a limited income.
"That was easy"

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ninjafaery's picture



What a fabulous idea!

Tabitha's picture



what a lovely idea Mrs. Anteater. Good for you!

Pinga's picture



That is a lovely idea, mrsanteater.

carolla's picture



so smart mrs. anteater - thanks for sharing this inspiration!


kaythecurler's picture



I'll be sharing this great ray of insight.


ninjafaery's picture




Luke 3:11

New International Version (NIV)

11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”




seeler's picture



When my daughter and I both needed glasses I went to the store where I get my glasses (my perscription changed on an average of every two years), and I asked the manager if we each could get glasses rather than me getting two pairs.  He agreed.   I thought he was doing it for me - a long time customer and also both members of theUCC although different congregatons.   Perhaps the offer would be for anyone.  So I agree with Mrs.anteater - if you don't need the second pair yourself try to find someone else who could use it. 



mrs.anteater's picture



ninjafaery wrote:


Luke 3:11

New International Version (NIV)

11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”




I think the bible speaks about a much more serious giving. I only gave of my surplus that I didn't need and that didn't cost me a thing- giving away a second shirt when you have only two is a whole different challenge and one I don't think I am able to do on a daily basis.

Beloved's picture



That is wonderful, and if deals like that were available here, I'd certainly take up the offer.  We only have one eye glass place and we pay full price for everything.


chemgal's picture



There's lots of BOGO deals beyond glasses.

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