mindyb32's picture



I am happy, but....

Why is trust such a huge issue. As we know, I am in a long distance relationship with someone and he lives in North Carolina. I have spent time with him twice and will admit that I do really love him. He got me through a lot of tough stuff and I can't ever thank him enough for that. He is my hero no matter what happens between us. I don't usually base my life around a man. I like having one, I like relationships and most of the things that go with it, but i also don't like the drama and the nonsense that can come along with it either. Jacob had told me once that he is bi-polar, and actually that made a lot of sense and answered a lot of questions about his behavior. the whole concept of him with his bi-polar is a whole other issue I have to deal with completely. right now my biggest issue is trust.

I know that in any long distance relationship this can be an issue, but I should also add that I did NOT meet him on a dating website and in all honesty our relationship only started out as a friendship, we talked about Wrestling and sports and things like that. eventually it developed into more feelings and what not. I didn't plan this for my life, I had no idea that this was even an option for my life. I had planned on living happily ever after with my husband, who decided to cheat on me for 6 months, so that was over and here I am. I can't complain about all the wonderful things Jacob does for me and says to me and everything because deep down he really is a good person and he means well, but like I said its the trust. My thing is is that their is too much acess to the computer where he is, too much chances to meet and send email to girls. now, that is just what happened and I found out some information about him that maybe I didn't want too, but at the same time am glad I did to some extent. I called him on it and I do think he was embarrassed about the whole situation and I suppose felt like a fool, He had a really long coversation with my sister about everything and it does boil down to the fact that he needs attention and when i'm not around he goes looking for it. I know he hardly talks to the people he was now that I know and He reassures me that nothing is going on anywhere else and I do really believe him when he tells me nothing is going on. Its just because of what I found out, there is still that little bit of doubt in my mind everytime, his cell phone rings or he sends a text or is on the computer. does this make sense? I don't want to feel like this, I didn't have a trust issue with him before I found the emails, but I do now and its consuming me quite a bit. If I don't think about it I'm good, I'm okay with that, but at the same time, is this really how I want to live my life? I am level headed, I know the difference between right and wrong, I'm a mom of two, I have my stuff together, I have goals and ambitions for my life, but then theres Jake...I do think he came to me for a reason, I know he's still here for a reason. I don't doubt his love for me either, I know he cares, but I also know he's scared, because if we are going to work out he'd have to move to Canada and leave everything behind. he tells me all the time that is what he wants, he loves me and so on and I do believe that. He wouldn't have flown all the way up here twice, with, I might add, NO finacial help from me and I've never sent him money ever!

I know what I should do, and I'm not afraid to be alone I have been alone for nearly 18 months now, so it has nothing to do with that. I just know that there is something bigger out there holding us together for some reason or another, I just don't know what it is. I just want someone to tell me that it will all work and that  Jake and I will be together, there will still be road blocks to go over to get there, but we'll make it. I know no one cal tell me that, but it sure would be nice.

there, okay I feel better getting that out. thanks to those who read this and comment it means a lot to me. good night and god bless.


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D1VA's picture



Hey Mindy,

Trust takes a long time to develop, while, ironically, it takes very little time to crush the trust that has been carefully and lovingly built.  Developing trust involves shared vulnerability, and when trust is breached, it leaves us feeling emotionally naked.  So, how you're feeling is normal.

You are rightfully skeptical, considering the occurences that have lessened your trust of this man.  The skeptism is a good thing, because it is self-protective; it's a way of re-clothing your emotions, until a later time when it is safe to disrobe.  It will take a long time to rebuild trust, if you are wanting to continue the relationship; that's natural AND healthy.  Don't beat yourself up over feeling this way.  Jacob needs to accept that you won't immediately award him the same level of trust as before the E-mails.  You also need to accept that your trust of him is lowered, and that's OK.  Trust can be rebuilt; it takes time to build a more solid foundation upon which to open your heart to Jacob.

Please do all you can to verify that you aren't being 'two-timed'; I say this because it happened once to me.  Evaluate the risks carefully.  Sharing a life together is like a business contract; make sure you don't put yourself at risk of emotional bankruptcy.  A good place to start is to have Jacob CLEARLY spell out the measures he will take to avoid any emotional affairs.  This needs to include a measurable means for you to evaluate his online actions.  Is it possible for him (and you, for that matter) to block all dating-related websites from your PC's?  I'm not technologically advanced enough to know if and how this could be done, or how it could be verified, but it might be worth a chat with an IT professional.  Find a way to be accountable to each other.  This involves using your shared social networks.  You both need to have sympathetic advocates in the other's community to alert you to any unusual behaviour.

As well, I'm a bit concerned about Jacob's diagnosis of bi-polar disorder.  In my 5 years as a nurse in pyschiatry, I noticed that hyper-sexuality & grandiosity of affection were not uncommon in individuals who were experiencing a manic/hypomanic phase of bi-polar disorder.  Do you know what sorts of care that Jacob is receiving for this?  In my experience, it seemed the general consensus for successful management of bi-polar disorder included medications.  What sorts of medications have been prescribed to Jacob?  Is he compliant with the dosing and schedule?  When is the last time he saw a doctor? When is the last time he had a full evaluation by a psychiatrist or pyschologist?  These might seem like invasive questions, but if you might be spending your life with this man, you have the right to know.  That said, many people with bi-polar disorder acheive excellent control of the symptoms and lead lovely, fulfilling, healthy lives -- make sure that Jacob is among this category.  I'd suggest researching and learning more about bi-polar disorder.  Would Jacob be open to you attending an appointment with his psychiatrist?  I know that, when I had a new sexual partner, we jointly attended my doctor's office for testing around sexuality & health.  We both sat through each other's questioning about sexual history; and we both physically looked at the written results of one another's tests.  We need to be as open about ALL our health issues in order to have an honest and successful relationship.

These are some things to think about.  My best suggestion, however, is to find the answers to these questions and book an appointment with a competent, sympathetic, objective personal counsellor.  This is the best way to evaluate a very big decision in your life with far-reaching circumstances.

Blessings to you and to Jacob.  May the Holy One be gracious to you both.

mindyb32's picture



Thank you so much D1VA,  for your advice on everything. I read what your wrote me a few times and will definately put into effect a lot of what you told me. I appreciate your caring way in this matter! Take care and God bless you.
