Nothingfails e3's picture

Nothingfails e3


a mother's eternal guilt?

Hello Everyone.

Ok, so I'm a newbie at this whole blogging thing so please bare with me :)

The thoughts are so random and "there" in my head and the feelings dominate my soul--- that the only place for this to be understood is possibly in this kind of a forum.

I am a mother of three beautiful, happy, healthy vibrant girls (4, 3 and 1 year old) I have a wonderful (albeit-- LAZY) husband and pretty much everything that gives me absolutely NO reason to complain, and yet all I want to do is cry.

It's not a depression- it's not postpartum--- it's being completely WORTHY in God's eyes. I can't explain it using ay other words.

I've had a rough past-- dysfunctional family, rebellious, on my own at 17--- I've done the stupid things (that I can only pray my girls won't do) and yet I am blessed. My dreams came true.......God loves me.

I attended church growing up (for as long as my Nonna could force me) and when I finally broke free from the restraints of being the first born / black sheep-- I ran and I ran as fast as I could-- mainly from the church and felt no remorse. I felt choked by it and if I would have to recite yet another prayer "brainwashed" style I would SCREAM and tell you where to go.

Fast forward 10 years--- I still do not feel comfortable attending mass (the every Sunday- same speech ) kind of mass-- but I find solace and serenity being in the church. We have an Oratory where we live and I have created this ritual for myself that brings me such peace that it also creates such a fear-----a fear that I may not be good enough-- that I may not be worthy enough of my blessings and ironically enough---- I have now created a "same speech" and am "brainwashing" my children to pray before bed and remember to thank God and Jesus. I am lucky that my Nonna is still with us because I get to give her this satisfaction and show her that I appreciate the example she set for me.

Ok, ok..... I'm blabbing in my blog-- maybe not so cool...... let me get to the point-----

How is it that I feel this blessed and "worthy" -- yet paralyzed by the thought that I may [one day] no longer be worthy and lose my children and family? I try to be the best person that I can be, and there are days when I know I fall short-- and for a few seconds I just hope and pray that God will forgive me and continue to find me worthy.... becoming a mother has been the greatest gift--- and the most heartfelt burden..... I don't know how else to explain it.


Thanks. :)

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bygraceiam's picture



Hello nothingfails.....God bless you....


I believe you may be a bit hard on is a tiring job looking after a husband and three children...maybe it is time to take a break and spend some time with just you or maybe just you and hubby....when we dont take Gods rest we are constantly weary...this could be what you may be feeling....God makes a point to tell us to get His rest and even praying can make a person tired....forget about it all spend a romatic night with hubby in your doestn have to cost money...just rest in the soul, mind, body and spirit can make a big difference....


May God continue to rain His blessings Abundantly on Your Life...


IJL: Betty-Jean.

Nothingfails e3's picture

Nothingfails e3


Thank you very much!! I appreciate your words deeply! I'll give it a try..... thank you!!!!

God bless you.

JudyMac's picture



Becoming a mother is exactly as you say - the greatest gift and a heartfelt burden. What got me through is when I realized I couldn't be all I wanted to be. I had to let some plans and goals go by the wayside.

I used to think I would read a story, bake cookies, make a healthy dinner, wash 3 loads of laundry, clean up the kitchen, help with homework, etc. all in one day. I'd plan 15 things and accomplish 5. I finally realized I should pat myself on the back for accomplishing the 5 things. It might mean letting the kitchen stay dirty till another day. It might mean soup & applesauce for dinner.

Don't worry too much about whether you are worthy - you already are. Just do what you are able and keep the most important things at the top of the list whenever possible. Call on God through prayer or meditation to help you decide what you can let go and what you really want to do.

Good luck and have fun with the girls.

Nothingfails e3's picture

Nothingfails e3


Thank you as well!! You are both soooooooo right and I almsot feel silly about it. I've been told that it's trying to be a "perfectionist" that brings upon these fears of being "unworthy". Maybe that's a part of it (tiny, tiny part)  but it's something that connects me with the Lord--- that feeling that I want to show Him that I can, and I will--- anyhow, soup and applesauce it is....followed by a bath, a glass of wine and a prayer. God granted me today-- shall I be granted tomorrow.

Thanks a bunch lovely ladies.

Have a great weekend.


carolla's picture



Hi NothingFails - and welcome to wondercafe - I don't think I've seen you posting here before.  And hi to JudyMac too ... another newbie or lurker? ;-)


My minister makes of point of repeating this to us - "There is nothing you can do make God love you more ... or less."  We are loved by God ... unconditionally.   It's not a matter of judging worthiness.   We are all worthy.   That may be a slightly different view of it - but one that resonates for me. 


Mothering 3 wee daughters is a BIG and busy job - enjoy!  And be kind to yourself too.

Nothingfails e3's picture

Nothingfails e3



Yes, I'm new here. Thank you for your inspiring words. You are strangers to me--- yet have understood and encouraged me in a way that was greatly needed and appreciated. GRAZIE!!! Thank you! God is surely making me feel his love.... through your words. We are all worthy. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Goodnight ad God Bless.


momsfruitcake's picture



nothing fails:  your life could be my life.  seriously, i could have wrote those very words myself.  i am also at the same point in my life.  i only have two little ones though, 4 and 1.  since the birth of my son i found my faith re-emerging.  witnessing a miracle has that effect i guess *lol*.  i have made many mistakes.  some that i struggled with for a REALLY long time.  how could god forgive me?   i would cry alot.  after the birth of my daughter, whose birth in EVERY way was a miracle (at 3 months i was warned of the chance of my daughter being born with very serious complications --- god and i chatted, i made a promise to god and god held me to it).  the night my daughter was born the nurses looked at the placenta in amazement.  there was no way she should have survived the delivery.  she should have bled to death.  the nurses took pictures for their text books and told me to play the lottery.


why me?  why was i spared such heartache and sorrow?  with all the mistakes i had made it didn't make any sense.  i struggled with this and my feelings of guilt left me feeling the same way you did.  undeserving.


one day i stumbled accross wondercafe and this place has been my saving grace.  i have grown so much since being here.  this is the best place to explore spirituality.  don't get me wrong.  there are many personalities here.  there have been many who have tested my faith.  sometimes i wanted to never return.  sometimes i changed my point of view.  sometimes my beliefs were reaffirmed and became stronger.  the ones who have challenged me the most, have actually changed me the most.  for that i am grateful.


i could go into so much detail, but just can't do it here.   you can wondermail me if you still feel the need to talk.


the thing that i have learnt the most, god answers all prayers, just not always in the way we want or expect.  god doesn't give us anything we can't handle.  and god surely does work in mysterious ways (also one of my favourite U2 songs).


there was also another site that i subscribed to that would send sunday inspirationals to me.  there were many words of wisdom that i received.  words that helped me alot as well.  this story was one of them (i have posted it many times, but i love it).


Remember the Duck?

There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm.
He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced in
the woods; but he could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back for dinner.

As he was walking back he saw Grandma's pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head and killed it. He was shocked and grieved!

In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile; only to see his sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing.

After lunch the next day Grandma said, "Sally, let's wash the dishes."
But Sally said, "Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen." Then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck?" So Johnny did the dishes.

Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make supper."

Sally just smiled and said, "Well that's all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help." She whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help.

After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally's; he finally couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck.

Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, "Sweetheart, I know.

You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you."

Thought for the day and every day thereafter?

Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done... And the devil keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, cheating, debt, fear,bad habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, etc.)...whatever it is...You need to know that God was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing. He has seen your whole life. He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven. He's just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you.

The great thing about God is that when you ask for forgiveness; He not only forgives you, but He forgets. It is by God's grace and mercy that we are saved.


