graeme's picture



when did you get young?

I feel young when i get a speeding ticket, young in that terrible sense of being unworthy of this world.

I can't remember being young as a child,I guess because I had nothing to compare it to I think I began to feel young at 14 when I was promoted to patrol leader in my scout troop. Scouts have all ages from the young to the elderly at the leadership level. At 14, I at last had a comparison. I was older than some, and younger than some, but still young on the balance.

I felt young at 14, too, because I first earned money that year. It was only a couple of dollars a week. But it opened new worlds and gave me a youthful sense of exploration and freedom.

I felt young when I taught grade seven and high school. I knew the kids were young. But I had no wish feel that kind of youth. I wanted to relate to other young people in their twenties in a comfortable youh with friends of my age, and freedom.

I always felt and still feel young whenever I do something that has value and brings acknowledgement. I taught until I was 72, and still felt young at the end of that time. Then I retired.

I found that no doing anything made me old. When I teach or do radio (once a week), or lead a current events group (once a month), I feel great again - 25, tops.


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Elanorgold's picture



I feel young when I go on fairground rides, but then after 4 rises in a row I feel old as I never used to get nauseous so soon! SO I take a break and half an hour later go on another ride and feel young again.


I also feel young when I exersize, vitalized, envigourated.


ANd I feel young when I learn something new.


I also feel young when older people talk about themselves being old.

seeler's picture



I think that one of the times when I feel young is when I am on the Cafe and I feel I am accepted by the majority of people here as as a friend and colleague. 


I feel young when I am included in things that are happening - when I'm invited to join in.  I feel young when I am listened to and taken seriously and given an opportunity to contribute my talents to whatever project is happening.


I feel young when I am around my grandchildren and other children.  (They can also make me feel old when I discover that I can no longer do the things with them that I used to.)


I feel young when I learn something new, accomplish a new task.  And sometimes when I manage to do something that I haven't done in a long while (like helping Mr. Seeler clean the driveway.)


I feel young when I am with people my age or a little older who have really slowed down both physically and mentally.  While sometimes this shows me the writing on the wall I rejoice that 'I'm not there yet."


chemgal's picture



 Slowly, the last 9 months or so I have been getting younger.  Hopefully in a year or so I will actually feel my age again, as recovery has been a slow process, but I am recovering!

Serena's picture



I watched a movie last night called It's Complicated .   The woman who lost her husband when she was 40 to a 20 year old felt old until she was 50 .   When she was 50 she got plastered because she felt old and her kids were young adults and were running around with her friends and not hanging out with her.  She got plastered and ended up in bed with her ex husband and they had an affair.  During the affair she drank and smoked weed.  She also got a boyfriend...her first since the divorce.


The affair made her young again.  Maybe I need to get plastered and have an affair?  I don't think that I will ever smoke weed....

graeme's picture



send us pictures. It's always pleasant to see a young person enjoying being young.

Pinga's picture



hmm, I feel young when with a bunch of it folks hashing out an issue..some still in school...and there are no barriers, we just work together as a team.

i feel young when i go to a party with a bunch of folks of all ages and we have a good time.


i feel young when i am with the church school kids


i feel young when i am with my parents...nah..i feel old coz they are OLD...and it reminds me i am getting old...but sometimes, i realize i am not that old yet.



Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


I feel young when I'm with my grandkids. I get so much out of playing with little people who are still themselves - and haven't sold out to the wider world and even their parents.

I feel young when my grandson was three, and I tried to teach him hide and seek. When he couldn't stand the suspense, and leapt from behind a tree saying, "Here I am, Nana."


I feel young, when I chastise my niece for saying to her son, "Say hello to your Great Aunty."

"You make me sound like something out of Dickens, when you ask your son to call me Great Aunty."

 I feel young, when she gives me her gentle smile, and says, "You were always great, Aunty."

naman's picture



Hanging out on Facebook makes me feel young again. I am sure the others there regard me as a green horn. 

abpenny's picture


image nailed it for me with the grandchildren!


I feel young when my youngest brings his friends home from university and they can't wait to make me laugh with their best jokes.  My adult boys make me feel young because they think I can still catch them.  I can't, but they don't need to know.

graeme's picture



naman, your asked about facebook. But I don't know to do that unless you join facebook, and make the request there. I look forward to it.


seeler's picture



graeme - you asked about pictures.  See the little boy on the horse.  He's nervous but proud and pleased with himself.  That's how I feel.  There is something wonderful about being up on a horse.  I still enjoy a trail ride.


Beloved's picture





I feel young when I am at the cabin swimming in the water.  I feel young when I hike up the rocks behind my place to take photographs.


Hope, peace, joy, love ...


Austin_Powers's picture



I am eternally young.



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