chemgal's picture



Contributing to the Brain Drain?

 I am not sure what to make of Dr. Raj Sherman's allegations.  They could be true, or it may just be a political move.  Either way, they are concerning.


Some doctors have come forward though, and there is a problem.  These are our specialists and we need them!  I'm sad to see doctors go to the states because they are being labelled as 'mentally incompetent' for speaking up for patients.  What is going on?

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Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


When the government centralized health care in 1995/96, they brought in a culture of oppression -- the government placed heavy demands on health boards who then placed heavy demands on administrators who placed heavy demands on staff.  The dominant attitude from the top down seemed to be this is what needs to happen, and there is no room for negotiation or discussion.  There was no security for anyone in the system from the top to the bottom, and the insecurity led to a low tolerance for any kind of disagreement.  That culture has not changed very much.  We saw it in the dismissal of all elected representatives to health boards since they wanted to represent the interests of the public, and we saw it in the dismissal of Dr. Swann when he disagreed with the current government's position on climate change.  The pervasive mood is one of fear.

InannaWhimsey's picture





I know that in my province, there is a problem with GPs -- asides from 'helping people' and the fact that GPs are desperately needed, there are anti-incentives to be a GP.  If a med student decides to become a GP, they are going to be severely limiting their pay, ferinstance.


It's no wonder that sombunall doctors are going to the US where they can make a living.


EDIT:  chemgal, the article is setting off my 'conspiracy' radar -- I wonder if its just another volley in the Heath Care Insurance Companies to break into the Canadian market, especially at the deodand of 'wait times'.

chemgal's picture



People have trouble getting a GP in this province too.  Yes, there are some problems with the system but those are more typical, believable problems. 


When Sherman's allegations first hit the news I couldn't believe it, it just seemed a little too odd.  Millions of dollars of hush money about a wait list, doctor's threatened to keep quiet or risk losing their licenses, it just sounded very odd.  Now though, there have been doctors who have spoken up, not necessarily related to the same wait list, but here in Canada having problems practicing because they speak out for patients, I just didn't think our system worked that way.  Sure, I could see a doctor getting wronglyfully kicked off a board or something, but not being unable to practice medicine.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Beshpin wrote:

Stupid medical school... I hope I get it.


My father was going to be a Pharmacist, but then he just dropped out and was planning on motorcycling down to South America...thank goodness his wife convinced him to finish his med school, which he did, but specializing in Child Psychiatry.


When you get accepted, and if it is in Psychiatry, I do hope that you are involved with a school where it is some form of mandatory to get psychoanalyzed.  That will be a hoot and goes a long way with being better able to help your patients in the future.  Though I do hope you'll be able to wait till your elderly years before you start calling your patients on their illogical philosophies and inconsistent politics (liberal and/or conservative) :3


EDIT:  Actually, I can imagine you with a rattan cane that you will call your "Dagnabit bulls*it stick" and threaten to use on your future illogical patients...;3


(and you'll make more money working in the US)

EasternOrthodox's picture



Beshpin wrote:

It's also ridiculously hard to get into Canadian medical school because the college limits how many students are allowed to enter. If they let too many in, it devalues the job and the profession.


Stupid medical school... I hope I get it.


It is even more ridiculous that once you do get in, graduate and finish your residency (as my daughter will be doing at the end of this year in general surgery), you can't find work--not because people don't need surgeons or other doctors--but because the hospitals have "no funds."  And this is in rich Alberta.  She would like to find work in Edmonton, but, according to her, there are too many older surgeons (there is no mandatory retirement age) who won't quit.   They are constantly trying to get doctors to move to rural areas, but in her case, she is married and her husband has a job in Edmonton.


BC is building new medical schools, but that alone won't solve the problem apparently.

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