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Hear the Stories of Residential School Survivors - TRC, Port Alberni, BC


You’ve never met a residential school survivor? Never heard them tell their stories?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings that are taking place today in Port Alberni, British Columbia, offer Canadians the opportunity to listen to the stories of former students via a live webcast  between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (PDT).

There’s no better way to understand someone else’s story than to hear it firsthand. Why not take the time today—however much you can manage—to listen to these important and moving testimonies? And share this link with others by e-mail, Twitter, or Facebook.

You’ll never again be able to say you never knew what happened at residential schools.

  • John Bird
    Program Coordinator, Aboriginal Justice and Right Relations
    The United Church of Canada
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Pinga's picture



Thank-you for posting this one.


I have today off, and I am listening, watching, reading.


Pinga's picture



For those who may read this later, after it is done, there are podcasts from yesterday, and I am guessing, there will be podcasts from today.


It would be good for these messages to be shared further & wider.

I am unsure if it would be reasonable to have the allowed to be heard on a vigil with people, with youth, through Easter....with companions.

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