graeme's picture



The 'Iranian' plot

The Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the US is almost certainly an American plot intended to isolate iran - or as an excuse for invading it. that is the opinion of many newspapers all over the world, including papers far superior to any in North America. Indeed, one of the papers to adopt this view is The Guardian, arguably the best newspaper in the English speaking world. Just google The Guardian Iran plot Saudi.

It makes no sense, for a start, to kill a Saudi ambassador at all - and certainly not in the US. That would guarantee a war that would consume to the whole middle east. To order such a killing would put Iran at great risk - with no possible benefit. The only people to benefit woutd be the US government - and Israel.. It enables the US to step up its sanctions against Iran and, possibly, to launch the war that Israel has long been saying is necessary.

Remember Saddam's weapons of mass destruction?


It's been known for a long time that most "terrorist" plots in the US are, in fact, invented by the CIA.  The purpose is to maintain a state of fear that justifies government attacks on other countries and on American freedoms. Watch Harper to pick up the ball.

I shall appreciate hearing from all those wonder cafe patrons who wrote that I was wrong when I said , before the election, that Obama gave no sense of having any policy on anything, and would not be a good president.


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Witch's picture



I'm not really sure it's any more plausible that the US engineered this situation, than Iran did.


I certainly agree that the US is capable, and has shown a willingness and a history of such skullduggery in the past, and certainly would do so again given the chance.


I also don't discount the bumbling ineptitude of the Iranian regime in making very poor decisions and carrying them out with willing bloodshed.


There are other players as well that should be considered.


In short, there are currently too few facts, and too many suspects, to come to any reasonable conclusion, IMHO.

gecko46's picture



I agree that at present there are too few facts to jump to reliable conclusions, but this situation is very timely in that it does several things:

- deflects attention from the present economic crisis in the USA

- deflects attention from Occupy Wall Street and the unrest at home

- gives more credence to tightening homeland security which could in turn provide arguments for turning on the peaceful protestors.....since the Occupy Wall Steet protest is becoming a thorn in the side of Obama


As for Obama, I had hopes that his presidency would be different, that the hope he offered was real.  Sadly, he is a puppet who is being manipulated, and perhaps in more dangerous ways than GW Bush, IMHO.


gecko46's picture



Worth reading....

Published on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 by The Guardian/UK

Unanswered Questions over the Alleged Iranian Assassination Plot
The alleged plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the US does not fit with what is known about the supposed perpetrators
by Julian Borger

Mendalla's picture



Usually, I'm fairly skeptical about conspiracy theories, even those involving the US in messing with Middle East politics. Unfortunately, my thoughts on hearing about this were quite similar to graeme's. A potential pretext for serious action against the Iranian government pops up a year before a US election and during a time when a president under siege is seeking a second term AND is trying to look tough on global "bad guys" like Iran. Even my relatively non-conspiratorial mind found that one a bit convenient.


That said, and given the unanswered questions in the article provided by gecko, I'm not automatically fingering this as a US plot. It could be rogue/subversive elements in Iran or other Middle Eastern countries (or even in the US) stirring up trouble and having it appear that the US is trumping up charges as a pretext could be their goal.


IOW, someone is messing with us but it's not necessarily the US, though it very well could be.




graeme's picture



The next two months are crucial. After then, weather makes an Israeli bombing of Iran more difficult. If that happens, the US will be sucked in, and Harper will certainly follow.

Remember the Alamo ---Americans had no business being at the Alamo. It was an excuse to a war to take over what is now the US southwest from Mexico.

Remember Custer's  last stand?  The Sioux weren't attacking Custer. It was the other way around.

Remember the Maine - Spain didn't sink it. It was an internal explosion due to bad maintenance.

Remember Pearl Harbour - the US provoked an attack for an excuse to spread its power in Euopre and Asia.

Remember Saddam's weapons of mass destruction?


It's more than a little frightening to look at where this is going. western capitalism is not coming back any time soon, perhaps never. The US is close to severe internal disorder.  The one percent may well have decided that it's now or never to establish world "leadership".


Theh price could be very high. It almost certainly will be very high.


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


gecko46 wrote:

I agree that at present there are too few facts to jump to reliable conclusions, but this situation is very timely in that it does several things:

- deflects attention from the present economic crisis in the USA

- deflects attention from Occupy Wall Street and the unrest at home

- gives more credence to tightening homeland security which could in turn provide arguments for turning on the peaceful protestors.....since the Occupy Wall Steet protest is becoming a thorn in the side of Obama


As for Obama, I had hopes that his presidency would be different, that the hope he offered was real.  Sadly, he is a puppet who is being manipulated, and perhaps in more dangerous ways than GW Bush, IMHO.


Well reasoned post, Gecko.


I'm disappointed in Obama, too. Also, Hilary Clinton.


If liberal Democrats are behaving like this, makes me shudder to think what it would be like under the Republicans.


Is this the last whimper from a terminally ill animal?


More and more it seems we're nearing the end of an empire - or is it just another Roman Empire in biblical terms?


Sadly, the Kingdom of God is still nowhere to be seen.



graeme's picture



The Democrats are not liberals, not in any sense of that word. They never have been. Both parties are simply the creatures of major corporations. Neither has any principles.

We are watching the collapse of western empire. The US is making a desparate last try at world dominance.

These are very dangerous times.


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress



I take your point that the Democrats are not liberals in the true sense of the word -  I was  comparing Obama and Clinton to the Republicans and more conservative Democrats.


It does seem a long time ago that political parties stood for more than getting re-elected - and  supporting major corporations to help with getting re-elected.


I agree that these are dangerous times......


InannaWhimsey's picture





Who created the current countries in the ME and for what purpose(s)?

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