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New Brunswick democracy: In memoriam

Died this week in Fredericton, Brunswick, democracy, after 144 years of failing health.

Premier Alward has handed over planning our economic future to a self-appointed committee of corporate heads. The government will be represented only by the premier who will simply be one member of the committee.

That means effective control of the budget and taxation will be held by the Irvings and the Ganongs and their friends. And they will be in no way accountable to either the elected  assembly or the people of New Brunswick.

The committee will, of course, have university presidents and other respected types as decorative potted plants. But it will essentially be big business. Without exaggeration, it is possible to call this the first, openly fascist government in North America.


The plan to be followed is the so-called Oregon Plan which is mostly about cutting taxes for the wealthy, cutting down on edcuation and social programmes. It has been tried, but only in Oregon, for ten years - where it has resulted in economic decline for most people; but a rise in the incomes of the extremely wealthy.

New Brunswick democracy, born severely handicapped in 1867, had been in failing health ever since.

No flowers, please. The funeral will be a very private one; and it has not been announced by any news service.

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