naman's picture



The Government of the Time

I have very limited understanding of the issues which I am about to raise in this thread. What I am attempting to do is compare the issues of living in the community Jesus lived in in his lifetime with the issues in the community that I am living in today.


ie Where was society headed then and where is it headed now?  Or what would the average Joe settle for then and what will he settle for now?

EasternOrthodox's picture



Clarifying the discussion re: capitalism, collapse of the West, US takeover of the world

This is regarding the discussions on the this site regarding the general state of the world, which have become heated lately, due to the world economic crisis.


But I am still confused on just what people are complaining about.  

1) I keep hearing about "greed."  But, please, do you not think that greed is part of human nature?  That is has existed at as long as the human race?  That is cannot be abolished?   That is the first question.   Can it be abolished, yes or no?

graeme's picture



New Brunswick democracy: In memoriam

Died this week in Fredericton, Brunswick, democracy, after 144 years of failing health.

Premier Alward has handed over planning our economic future to a self-appointed committee of corporate heads. The government will be represented only by the premier who will simply be one member of the committee.

That means effective control of the budget and taxation will be held by the Irvings and the Ganongs and their friends. And they will be in no way accountable to either the elected  assembly or the people of New Brunswick.

Motheroffive's picture



A corporation = a person with the right to vote?

Well, the latest from our fair province is that our government, led by Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals, are considering granting corporations the right to vote in municipal elections. If this was granted, we would be the only jurisdiction in Canada to allow such a thing. Here's a clip from a  Policy Note from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on what's to come if this is permitted (click for the full article) :

