EasternOrthodox's picture



Clarifying the discussion re: capitalism, collapse of the West, US takeover of the world

This is regarding the discussions on the this site regarding the general state of the world, which have become heated lately, due to the world economic crisis.


But I am still confused on just what people are complaining about.  

1) I keep hearing about "greed."  But, please, do you not think that greed is part of human nature?  That is has existed at as long as the human race?  That is cannot be abolished?   That is the first question.   Can it be abolished, yes or no?

crazyheart's picture



Republican Debate / Humanitarian Aid

I may have misunderstood, but I think that most Republican candidates did not want to send Humanitarian Aid to other countries - they wanted to look after their own.


Where is the "Love your  neighbour in this?"

crazyheart's picture



Rush Limbaugh and the Conservative faithful

Now there is a scarey boo man if I ever saw one and at the convention thingie that they had for the Republican party yesterday, it really bordered on hate that was coming out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth. Scarier still was that they were all eating it up.


What do you think?
