Alex's picture



Who Do You Believe?

Senator Duffy cameout with various accusation against the Prime Minister's office, which if true, shows them to be liers, corrupot, and holding Canada, and all Canadians with contempt.



However Duffy is one with a histroy of lieing, and in this case, if what he claims happened is true, he himself is as guilty of any crimes as the PM.


However Harper, and other conservatives when asked in the House of Common, refuse to resposnd, and instead just attack the opposition parties.


Who do you believe?

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Alex's picture



From Andrew Coyne of the National POst.


What began as allegations of misappropriation of funds against Sen. Mike Duffy soon escalated, to hear Mr. Duffy’s lawyer tell it, to lies, hush money, and possible obstruction of justice. Donald Bayne may not have succeeded, in the course of Monday’s press conference, in lifting his client clear of the muck. But he has certainly dragged the rest of the Tory hierarchy down into it.


If we are to believe Mr. Bayne, officials in the Prime Minister’s Office blackmailed Mr. Duffy into taking a bribe. He had done nothing wrong, but was forced to go along with a “scenario” in which the prime minister’s chief of staff would repay his $90,000 in disallowed expenses — and he would keep quiet about it — with the threat that otherwise they would remove him from the Senate.



Alex's picture



xxx duplicate

RitaTG's picture



Seems to me there is an odour of rotted truths on both sides....



Alex's picture



My head is held in shame at the very thought that anyone from PEI would be involved in lieing and stealing. I always thought Islanders were above all that  devil

RitaTG's picture



relax Alex smiley .... he is not from PEI ... he is just a visitor....



Arminius's picture



RitaTG wrote:

Seems to me there is an odour of rotted truths on both sides....




Yes, mutual treachery: "You've betrayed me, so I'll betray you." Neither side comes out smelling like roses. Not even the sweet deal with Europe will lessen the stench.



ninjafaery's picture



I know it's ignoble of me, but pass the popcorn. There's going to be a rumble and it ain't going to be pretty.

Duffster has outgrown his usefulness as a syncophant and fundraiser for the PM, and since the lid blew off of the whole stinking mess, he has little to lose now. Hope he sings like a canary!

RitaTG's picture



Mendalla's picture



Who do I believe? Neither of them, really. I suspect both are telling some degree of truth but spinning the facts wildly to boost their own positions. But I'm cynical about politics that way and very little that our leaders get up to shocks me anymore. Call me when a senator gets arrested for assault.


Oh, that happened, didn't it?




somegalfromcan's picture



I believe neither and think the truth lies somewhere in between.

revjohn's picture



Hi Alex,


Alex wrote:

Who do you believe?


If only the choice was between this one lies and this one doesn't.  Regrettably I think the choice is between who lies most.  So in the end the choice is between the devil we know and the devil we don't.


With the exception being that both devils are fairly well known.


To be honest the moment Nigel Wright became involved the allegations that the PM was in the dark did not ring true in my ears (which might be my bias or it could be that there was no truthful ring to be discerned).  Duffy's latest allegation that Harper was present and Harper demanded that the money be paid back while Wright was present does not seem at all far-fetched to me (which again may be my bias or it might be that there is a ring of truth to be discerned).


I don't think Duffy gets off scot free with the "but everybody's doing it" defence primarily because of those caught there are some who are saying okay, money came our way that shouldn't and we will now return it.  Which is precisely what you would expect to happen in the case of an honest mistake.


We might not be convinced by the story/rationale given for the mistake.  At present there seems to be quite a few "new" Senators making the same sort of mistake.  Are these new Senators fundamentally more dishonest than those already in the Senate?  Since they all come from the same party is it reasonable to expect that they all made inquiries from the same individual about these claims? 


Would I make the same mistake?  I don't think so.  I know what principle residence means and even without guidelines I would say that the house I recieve most of my mail to is my principle residence.  Particularly where all my tax forms arrive.  Other expenses seem fairly easy to discern.  Am I doing Senate work?  Then I bill the Senate.  Am I doing campaign work?  Then I bill the campaign.  If I arrive in a riding speaking for a candidate as a Senator?  Most likely campaign so bill them.  Perhaps a career reading teleprompters doesn't encourage one to think much about what is coming out of one's mouth.


Suppose though, I did make the same mistakes.  I would hope that I handle it better than we have seen.  I would also hope that my employer would do me the courtesy of coming to me first and saying that they believe I screwed up and give me a chance to make amends before splashing it coast to coast.


It may also be that the Senators were given that chance and simply failed to run with that opportunity.


But back to the original question.  I don't expect that any truth coming out is going to shine much positive light on any party involved.


Grace and peace to you.


Alex's picture



RitaTG wrote:

relax Alex smiley .... he is not from PEI ... he is just a visitor....



My great aunt told me that the Island earth is coloured red, because it is soaked in the blood of Jesus and his martyres. And having eaten the potatoes and vegitables grown in the Island soil, we were immuned from sin.


 But of course Duffy did leave the Island at a young age, and lived most of his life in Ottawa. And As my cousin (son of my great aunt) said after he was cut off UI, "ottawa is the most Godless place in Canada. So perahaps that explains all the lies and thievery . devil


The red soil of PEI, soaked in the blood of Jesus and his martyres

Alex's picture



revjohn wrote:

 Regrettably I think the choice is between who lies most.  So in the end the choice is between the devil we know and the devil we don't.


With the exception being that both devils are fairly well known.



Alex's picture



Duffy did say one truthful thing as he left the Senate. "The Senate should be televised"

Alex's picture



I hope Mike Duffy has followed the example of Dick Cheney and has had the wireless function on his pacemaker turned off to prevent it being hacked .

Alex's picture


When thieves and thugs fall out and fight
There's fell arrears to pay;
And soon or late sin meets its fate,
And so it fell one day...
-- Robert Service
revjohn's picture



Hi Alex,


Alex wrote:

Duffy did say one truthful thing as he left the Senate. "The Senate should be televised"


Well that would give the Parliamentary Channel something to beat in terms of watchability.


The Duffster is history no matter how this unfolds.  Since he has no way to preserve his very self he becomes what our moms always tell us to avoid, cornered, fearful, wild, injured animals.


And Harper is the dim-bulb who keeps advancing and poking him with a stick.


This is going to end in tears.


Sorrowful ones for some and joy for others.


Grace and peace to you.




Arminius's picture



"Under the spreading chestnut tree

I sold you and you sold me—"




BetteTheRed's picture



somegalfromcan wrote:

I believe neither and think the truth lies somewhere in between.


I respectfully disagree. I suspect that the truth is hundreds of kilometres away and moving fast...wink

somegalfromcan's picture



BetteTheRed wrote:

somegalfromcan wrote:

I believe neither and think the truth lies somewhere in between.


I respectfully disagree. I suspect that the truth is hundreds of kilometres away and moving fast...wink


LOL - you may be right!

Alex's picture



Best line so far On The Current.  "The Senate is just like High School" and the Senators are acting like teenagers.

Alex's picture





ninjafaery's picture



I was just reading that Harper likely has a "situation team", consisting of a few close friends that makes certain awkward decisions for him. Nigel Wright could have headed up that team. Harper may have genuinely not known about the cheque (at the time), but only because he didn't want to know. No flies on Stevie.

Clever eh?

RitaTG's picture



ninjafaery .... is Stephen like this pan?

When things get hot ..... someone gets fried ...... and they slip right off!

No mess cleanup!  LOL



ninjafaery's picture



Reagan "President Teflon" reloaded...

Alex's picture



ninjafaery wrote:
I was just reading that Harper likely has a "situation team", consisting of a few close friends that makes certain awkward decisions for him. Nigel Wright could have headed up that team. Harper may have genuinely not known about the cheque (at the time), but only because he didn't want to know. No flies on Stevie. Clever eh?


I would say it is a strong possibility. C ontrol freak as Harper is, those around him know that there power comes from the brand. As it was with Chretian and Martin, the PM is the brand and not the party. The inner circle knows they can protect their power (whcih comes from the brand) by not telling Harper anything that is immoral opr illegal. If caught they can protect the brand by resigning.


This week Harper is lancing the boil of the Senate by cutting off these SEnators. Becasue in 2 years  they will not be known as Harper appointments to the Senate, but as enemies of Harper.  

Alex's picture




Senator Mike Duffy Drops Another Bombshell


There were two checks taht Harper's people sent to Duffy?


How much worse can it get for th PM?


Will he be forced to resign at the Conservative convention?


revjohn's picture



Hi Alex,


Alex wrote:

How much worse can it get for th PM?


That remains to be seen.  Some Senators are balking at naming all three in the same motion.  If I had to guess the real reluctance is to treat Wallin the same as Duffy and Brazeau.


The fact that the AG is now going over everyone's expense accounting means that there will likely be other names added to the pile and right about now every Senator in the Conservative Caucus is probably thinking, "I could be the next name named . . .what will they do to me if I vote/don't vote the way the party wants?"


Alex wrote:

Will he be forced to resign at the Conservative convention?


Hardly.  It is doubful many will say anuthing other than now it is time for Senate Reform.


Grace and peace to you.


Northwind's picture



I suspect that Duffy and his comrades will be more likely to provide evidence and documentation of their side. That being said, I'm not condoning their behaviour. Duffy and Wallin were both reasonably well respected journalists who I am quite sure were required to follow a code of ethics, and who can deal with even more complicated paperwork. I'm not holding my breath waiting for Harper to provide documentation or to take any responsibility for this mess. I suspect he is angry that his control is out the window, at least for now, and is working to get things back "on script". I also really hope that the Teflon is wearing off (as it does in cookware) and that the odour I am smelling is that of his goose being cooked.....again though, I am not holding my breath on that one.....I think the senators are being thrown under the bus and that their behaviour helped that to happen.

Alex's picture



A Radio station has relased this song "What Does the Duff Say" which is a parody of "what does the Fox Say" which is a parody of pop music videos.


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