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Fighting Homophobia and Transphobia Media Campaign

The Quebec government Justice department has created a multimillion dollar media campaign to fight homophobia, and transphobia raise awareness.  


Quebec is seen as one of the least homophobic  areas in the world, with upto 90% of the population saying they reject homophobia, or have no problems with LGBT people  .


This campaign is not about saying that homophobia is bad, or educating those who beleive that LGBT people are bad, but in helping educate people  who say they are not homophobic to understand they may hold prejudices against LGBT people.


The QC government launched two  web sites to educate people, and it has a test that you can take. The English language site is at


The first two French language TV ads are also out, as well as an English language radio ad. This is a link to the web site that outlines the program, with links to the two sites, and the English radio ad.

 I will also embed the first two TV ads in the next message.


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