DaveHenderson's picture



How do you beat the mid winter blues?

Much of the holiday feasting is a faded memory.

The first few steps out the door find our nostrils freezing shut or our feet fighting for purchase in the slithery slathery slush.

It's getting a little bit brighter to start and end the day.  But many of us are still leaving for work in the dark and returning in the dark.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is, I am sure, at or near its zenith.

And then there's that moment you turn the ignition on your vehicle and get that  ZHUZH-ZHUZH-ZHUZH-ZHUZH sound that precedes the dreaded click-click-click of a winter-drained battery.

So how do YOU beat the mid-winter blues? 

One thing my wife and I do is leave certain outdoor Christmas lights - lights that aren't necessarily identified with Christmas on through the January/Februay months.  I know my lights, as low watt as they may be - are contributing in their small way to global warming.  But there's something cheering about seeing lights glow in the coldest, darkest time of year.


What do you do?

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sighsnootles's picture



we always take the family on a ski trip at the end of january - beginning of february, so that we have something to look forward to. 


after that, its valentines day, and then lent and easter, so we're home free.

Elanorgold's picture



When the temperature is above -10, and the sun is shining, I grab my hat and gloves and go out for a walk. Maybe you can get out for a little bit on lunch breaks from work during the week, hopefully there's some pretty trees or bushes covered in frost nearby...I grab the beautiful moments of winter when I can. I'm lucky enough to live in the countryside, which is gorgeous when the sun comes out. I also sit right under the window in the house during daylight hours and get as much of that as I can. Sometimes I lift the sheers to let maximum daylight in. And in the evenings I watch movies to take me away.


I also occasionally get a new haircut or something new to wear to bring newness in during the winter.

Elanorgold's picture



Oh, and we play music from hot countries! North Africa, Peru, Spain, the middle East...the Caribean!

Northwind's picture



Elanorgold, I have recently discovered "bigupradio.com" which is a reggae station. It is a groovin way to pass time while doing paperwork. I also have a disco station to groove to.


I am in a curling league, and that helps make winter more fun. I am in a community choir and singing helps too.


Failing that, I remember that our reward for dealing with subarctic temperatures, and short days, is the sparkling white snow and big blue skies of the BC Peace Region. Of course noticing the return of the light and celebrating its return helps.


We had the pleasure of sunny vacations last year and the year before.......oh that we could do that again. It is a wonderful way to have a break from the snow and cold. Maybe we'll be keeping our eyes open for some screaming deals!

trishcuit's picture



 Living in a valley we get 'valley cloud.'  ALOT at this time of year. can't remember the last time I saw sun. So we will probably go up to the ski hill. Not to ski, just to wander around the village, soak up some sun and get a wee bit snow blind. 

nighthawk's picture



Drink a nice, big, winter-worthy beer.  A RIS, porter, barleywine; something creamy, smooth and roasty.  Warms those winter chills right away.

lastpointe's picture



We ski, and walk and i must say i really love the snow and cold.


I don't love shovelling but it is all part of it.


I just dont' really lilek the dry skin, so i remeber to get the lotion out for a nice early bed time with lotion and a fire and .......

The_Omnissiah's picture



Build snow forts!



They might come in handy when the americans invade...


As-Salaamu Alaikum


Northwind's picture




I just dont' really lilek the dry skin, so i remeber to get the lotion out for a nice early bed time with lotion and a fire and .......


I have just been told about something that helps dry skin. Use sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil in the shower instead of lotion afterwards. It has helped me a lot. As an additional treat, mix epsom salts, sea salts and a favourite oil together and use as a scrub in the shower. My skin is actually MUCH happier in this very dry, cold part of the country.

DaveHenderson's picture



Hi Omni,

I can just hear one of those Yankee army scouts radioing back to the main force and saying, "No, I don't see any guns, but you should check out the snow forts!"

God bless,


DaveHenderson's picture



Hi nighthawk,

nighthawk wrote:

Drink a nice, big, winter-worthy beer.  A RIS, porter, barleywine; something creamy, smooth and roasty.  Warms those winter chills right away.


My mouth was watering before you even finished...one of the tastiest posts I've savoured in a long time!

God bless,

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