Tabitha's picture



Happy relationships

Hi Folks,

Tell us about the happy supportive relationships you are in. Tell us about the folks that matter to you and you to them!

Tell us about getting it right!

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She_Devil's picture



This would be nice to read.   What a good idea Tabitha.

Tabitha's picture



Well I can talk about the community of friends around me.

Our neighbours in the back are all supportive of each other.

One keeps a spare house and car key for us-oh for the last 10 years. I've used it a few times-the kids more.

The kids even go to the next neighbour to get the key for the first neighbour's house to retrieve their house key when necessary.

Audrey.'s picture



I am blessed to have a wonderful group of neighbours around me--except for one house on the street but that's another story not for this thread.  Across from me is an 85 year old lady who still does her own yardwork. She sits in her front room watching the birds at the feeder and keeps an eye on my house. I have to always tell her when I'm expecting workmen to show up when I'm working, or she's over here to check them out and ask a million questions.  Last summer when my old blind dog was lost my other neighbours stayed out with me until 2:00 in the morning trying to find him with me, when I'd just asked to borrow a flashlight. Families on my little street are respectful of people's privacy but always right there when needed. I feel like I have a little cheering section of witnesses to my life around me, and I'm grateful for them since my family lives in another city.

myst's picture



Nice to have a positive relationship thread Tabitha! While I have ‘happy and supportive’ relationships with friends and extended family, the happy, supportive relationship that is so significant to me is the one with my partner. I feel so fortunate to have such a solid, committed, respectful, honest, loving, caring relationship. We met 23 years ago through a common interest (singing and playing guitar and planning leadership for a worship service) and we have shared many other common interests since. We are very connected, have very open communication with similar processing styles, and have similar values, hopes and life philosophy. We truly enjoy being together and are still happily in love. I truly feel fortunate.

Tabitha's picture



I also have friends who have been very supportive of my family-the kids and I

One group of friends we camp with every long weekend in may-we have only missed 1 in 11 years. There's about 30 kids and 11 families and we rent a grouup campsite.

After a day full of family centred events the kids go to bed and the adults stay up talking around the fire.

It's a favourite weekend every year.

crazyheart's picture



I have been reading with interest, and I would like to say that a loving, committed, supportive relationship  with CrazyDad has flourished for the last 50 years this coming Sept. He is my best friend and we have had a happy relationship sprinkled throughout with ups and downs.Our relationship has rubbed off on those around us - our kids and grandkids. I am thankful for it.

myst's picture



Ah crazyheart, that gives such hope to so many. And we are going to have the biggest 50th anniversary wonderparty!!!!  

crazyheart's picture



It's diamond , isn'i it. Bring on the bling. LOL

lastpointe's picture



 I thought 50th was Gold.


Anyway I have a couple of very supportive relationships.


My best is my hubby.  28 years this past december.


He is my rock.  WE are each others best friend.

I could count on one finger the fights we have had and on one hand the times he has annoyed me.  i bet I annoy him much more.

He listens, he cares, he laughs.


I listen and care and hug and help .


I have followed my moms advice to never go to sleep angry and to talk things out.  

Beloved's picture



50th is Gold.  60th is diamond - so you have to put in another 10 crazyheart to get your bling - sounds like another 10 won't be difficult for you.


But, think of all the nice jewellry that comes in gold . . . bangles, rings, earrings, chains, charms . . . nose and eyebrow rings . . .


lastpointe's picture



 For my parents 50th they took us all to a lodge in Muskoka for the weekend.


We then planned a wedding supper there that they didn't know about.  We booked a private room, selected a meal, ordered flowers like my mom carried in her bouquet, had a big "wedding " cake.  We ate in one long big head table style


We toasted, gave speeches, and had a slide show of slides from their early years that i borrowed from an uncle.


It was great.  The littlest grandchildren played on the floor with toys we brought.  Welaughed, made noise and didn't disturb anyone.  My mom was of course in tears, she was emotional that way, my dad was touched and everyone had fun.


At Muskoka woods actually

Beloved's picture



My happy supportive relationships . . . My number one would also be my hubby (celebrated 25 this past year - didn't get silver but got a beautiful wall clock that I picked out!) - he is very supporting, helpful, loving, kind, giving, patient, and much more.  He listens, and like most men, has a tendency to try and solve, and I have to remind him at times - just listen - don't do!  I would say he is number one in my life and is my best friend.  I trust him with my heart and my life.


I also have a few very close, supportive, and encouraging gal pals with whom I can totally be myself, share almost everything with, can depend upon and trust.


I have other friends and church family persons whom I know would be there in an instant if they knew I was in need . . . they care for me and my family, but our relationship is not as intimate as my very close gal pals.


I find I'm at the stage in my life where many friends have moved out of my life, from death, divorce, or relocation.  I am at the stage in my life where it is not as easy to make those close, intimate friends.  My circle is becoming smaller.  And so, I am thankful for those that I still have in my world.




northstar's picture



Right the best relationship I have going is the one between my 21 year old daughter and I.

somegirl's picture



The most supportive relationships in my life right now are with my husband and my son.  My husband is truly a blessing.  He supports me in the things that I do and he's there when I need him.  My son can be very immature at times but at other times wise beyond his years. 


I am trying to cultivate friendships and other contacts since my mother died.  I knew that there would be a very empty spot in my life because she provided almost all of my social contact.  I joined a learn to run for smokers group and although I haven't found anyone to be a forever friend there, they are a great group of people and I will definately be signing up for the next one in the summer.  I'm only walking now but I'm hoping to be running by next summer.  I've also started walking with a friend from work once or twice a week.  Next year, when my son is less busy, I'm going to start taking craft workshops at the local craft shop and maybe join the string parent's auxillary to meet more people.

Tabitha's picture



And my 75 year old aunt, who has been a widow for 8 years married on Sat. She married a man she had known for 40 years from down the road.

His wife had passed away a few years ago.

He and my aunt have been 'seeing each other" for 2 years.

Best wishes to both of them.

Beloved's picture



Aww, tabitha, how nice for your aunt to find someone to share her life with.


Oh yes, I love your avatar.


Kappa's picture



Love your story about your aunt, Tabitha!


My parents have been wonderfully supportive to me. I have two really good friends who are not in the same city but who are wonderful people and I hope I will always stay in touch with them. Those have been happy relationships for me for a very long time.


I am also in a relationship right now with someone who I feel has great potential as a long-term partner, though it's probably a bit early to say. We have been together for 4 months and this is the longest I have ever been in a romantic relationship. He is lovely and I feel I have known him for much longer than the few months it has been.

SG's picture



I am blessed (and we have worked our arses off)  to have a great relationship with my best friend, lover, confidante and wife of over a decade (Holy Union counted and legal was just icing on the cake).


There are a number of local septuagenarians,  octagenarians, nonogenarians  and a centenarian who bless me with their wisdom, their zest for life, their resiliency and their great tea times. 


My relationship with my mom, though definitely different, is one that is important and supportive. We have found a way to support each other unconditionally.


gaiagrrl's picture



My partner has been a continual source of love, support, inspiration and comradarie over these 17 years... I am struck again and again by her dedication not only to her family but the people that she serves... our relationship is based on joy, trust, faith, and a wilingness to say, yup, i'm in it for the long haul, every day. 


I fall in love with my daugther every day... She's a little over 3 and is a constant source of wonder and humour (and will and strongminded resistance - traits Im sure she inherited from the donor .. my mother would disagree )  After 10 years of trying, she came into my life just before I turned 40 and although I lack some energy that I had 10 years ago, the timing was right and we have so much fun together.  she makes me laugh, usually out loud and long, at least once a day... how great is that?


And I have a community of old friends that have stuck with me when many have left... m y ups and downs are not always easy on friends but still the ones that love me throughout, are like soft pillows to fall on... they are there for me, at my best and at my worst, a true gift.


And recently, a new minister came to our congregation and she and her partner and their daughter (same age as mine) have become very good friends and there is something about friends that live down the street that is different.  All of my old friends live 'away" and so to be able to borrow a rake or send over a casserole or get together for dinner with 1/2 hours notice, those things feel wonderful.

footprints165's picture



I met R when we were 17. We were young, but we knew it was love. My father died when I was 18. R was there. My mother and I stopped speaking when I was 19. R was there. My doctor told me I have cancer when I was 21. R was there. My doctor told me I have to go through chemo and I'm 24. R asked me to marry him. Without R, i don't know how i would've survived all this.

jlin's picture



yah, supportive relationships happen for me from time to time.  My partner is generally supportive, not always.  My sister and mother and I get bogged down in history and jealousy as is the norm for humanity, but generally try for the best.m, same with various friends.  We attempt to mature.  Our ages tell us we should. Estranged dad, is pretty good for support when called for.  My pets are great.  My kids, are beautiful but I refuse to lean on them, it's not their responsibility to nurture me. 


The best that I can usually do is remember that when alone, alienated and one I am at my most strong not my weakest and that it is my priviledge to be alone and to be strengthened in my union of ONE.  Even when I am in a crowded room of sabateurs. like work can be at its very worst. 


Perhaps, my best relationship has been with myself or maybe it really is God, who knows? All I  do know is that I have realized that asking for support is almost akin to a fairytale and that though it often seems impossible, I have to shut up and let myself support me and that --  genius --  I keep expecting to come in from off stage is actually me calling to me.  I am the one that imagines it and I just have to be it. 

Hilary's picture



I was good friends with a girl in high school.  We grew apart.  We reconnected several years ago and now we are eachother's favourite leaning posts.  We email back and forth when one is feeling rotten or great.  When I see her (once or twice a year) we have the best chats and the best silences.


One day we'll live close together again.

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