Beloved's picture



Room For All (Part 1V)

Wondercafe is a busy place.  Kind of like a Union Station....a hub of activity with people coming and going all the time.  I'm a people watcher and love to sit in a place like a train station marvelling at all the different types of people that I see and imagining what their lives are like. 

Wondercafe offers us even more.  Here we get to see and meet all kinds of people but even better yet we are offered glimpses into their lives.  They share life's joys, questions, celebrations, disappointments, worries, ambitions, concerrns and even share in their time of loneliness and grief.  And in this place, where people are busy, and people are coming and going, we do what few people do in the real world.  We stop and listen.  We reach out.  And hopefully we help one another.


 In some corners of the room people it may get noisy as people banter back and forth.  In other corners of the room it is much quieter, as people not only listen, but they reflect and carefully choose their responses to the person in crisis.  In some areas of the room we ponder life's big questions.  Other areas of the room are silly and often resemble a party of one type or another.  So many people, so many different lives, all carrying different things in their suitcases, and THIS UNION station offers room for all.


In another thread posters were remembering that there are many here missing loved ones this Christmas.  While many celebrate Christmas with decorations, parties, shopping trips and anticipation of a full house....others are wondering what this Christmas will mean with an empty chair.  Some are looking towards Christmas wondering where they will be, who they will be with or who they might be without.  Some who visit here don't believe in Christma.  So how do you decorate the Union Station?


I am opening the doors wide in this thread.  The room is big, the room is inviting, the room is warm.....there is room for all.  Enter in and bring with you whatever you may add decorations to fill the space, you may offer food to nourish others, you may bring only yourself and tell us how you're doing.  You are welcome here.  I'll be happy to see you and sit for a while.   Please continue to welcome others as they enter in and if I'm not in sight, please tend to their needs.  This is a busy union station of people coming and going.  Let's make sure that everyone is recognized and that their needs are met.  If they are happy, let's share in their joy.  If they are sad, let's offer them an ear, a hug and a caring heart.  If they are lost, let's offer them hope that they'll find their way and perhaps some guidance.  If they are hungry, let's feed them.

There is room for all.

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Beloved's picture



Great news Pilgrims Progress!


somegalfromcan's picture



That is wonderful news Pilgrims! 


Tabitha  - I am so glad you are feeling better!


I am hoping to head out to see our annual truck light parade this evening. I say hoping, because about an hour ago I was heading to my kitchen when my head started to spin and my stomach started to churn. Instead I got myself a glass of water and lay down. I'm feeling better now, so am going to try again soon.


Yesterday was a busy day. We had a women's potluck Christmas lunch at church, which was lovely. In the afternoon I helped out a friend who is preparing to head to Africa for a month. I had dinner with two other friends at a German restaurant. In the midst of all this, I received an email asking me to take on an acting role in Christmas pagent next weekend (someone had to drop out). I will be playing the role of Mom in a pageant that the youth group wrote. So, after dinner, I went to the church to join the youth and do some prep for the pageant. 


It's been entertaining, for the past couple of days, to see people reacting to the temperatures. We're in the midst of the coldest snap I've seen in a long time in Victoria - last night the windchill factor had the temperature down around -13. I had to laugh last night when one of the youth told me she was wearing 5 layers of clothing. The reason I was laughing was because last Sunday this girl, who was born in Ontario but moved here about 7 years ago, told me that she never gets cold in Victoria!

crazyheart's picture



Good news Pilgrims and Tabitha. SomeGal, I hope it isnt flu . seems like lots going around here.

somegalfromcan's picture



Thanks Crazyheart! I'm feeling much better now, even after eating a small lunch, so I don't think it's the flu. I am wondering if it might be related to the fact that I accidentally ate a small amount of meat yesterday at lunch time (I am vegetarian). 

seeler's picture



Good to hear of people feeling better and getting back to their routines and exercise programs.  It's no fun to be sick.  I saw my doctor recently.  I'm low on vitamin D - increasing my daily intake to 2000 IU.  And my blood pressure was low that day.  Otherwise I am feeling better again.  Bowling Christmas party tonight.  We held it at a UCC and had the UCW cater (a few years ago when I was president I checked four or five places.  It met our criteria - parking, wheelchair accessible, price was right.)  We had a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, a gift exchange (I got a big candle - Seelerman got a bag of goodies - chocolates, shampoo, shaving cream, toothbrush), and then we played cards.   Nice to see everyone dressed up.  Good time.



Pinga's picture



It's advent, a time when people look forward, sometimes with dread to spending time with family, to the joy of worship, to the laughter of social times.


I am also aware that there are those who will be having christmas without someone for the first time, for folks like kay and seeler who will be supporting children and grandchildren in new arrangements of family, and those who at this time are also facing health issues, those named and unnamed in our community.


peace to everyone today.


may you find time to be still in the hubbub

Pinga's picture



ps, i am headed out momentarily so will have time alone at airport & on plane..a good time for me for retrospection.

carolla's picture



Yes, peace - and to you also pinga.  


Sounds like a good party Seeler!


A friend of mine was in the truck parade Somegal - sounds like fun!


We had  a lovely baptism service this morning - two cousins - and we presented prayers shawls to them also - knit by their grandma & greatgrandma who is part of our ministry - that was quite special.  Tonight is the candlelight service which will be filled with beautiful music ... can't wait! 

carolla's picture



I've been thinking about ABPenny lately - anybody hear news of her?  I hope she & family are okay.  I miss her gentle and insightful comments here. 

crazyheart's picture



She is on Facebook.

somegalfromcan's picture



Small world Carolla! I'm sure I waved at them as they drove by! 


I'm off to a concert by our presbytery-sponored young adult choir this evening - which should be fun!

somegalfromcan's picture



I just got back from a church council meeting and I have to say that I am so proud of our council as we really lived into our affirming values tonight. At the end of the meeting our minister said to us, "Before we leave I've got one more announcement to make. My wife and I are separating - leading to a divorce in a couple of months. The reason for this is that I am gay." Every single member of council offered him, his wife and their adult children their support and encouragement - and most of us offered him hugs too. He was visibly moved - and we were too. It was a truly beautiful thing. He also told us that he is totally okay with us telling people - as he'd prefer not to have to make a big announcement in church about it (he feels that would "be an insult to our Affirming process").

carolla's picture



Oh my - that was quite a moment somegal.   No doubt it was comment he delivered with some trepidation & your council received him with grace.  Changes ahead ... 

Tabitha's picture



Prayers needed please. For good safe roads from Vancouver to Surrey on Monday.

Here's the story. I'm a chaperone on a Dreamlift on Tuesday. A plane full of kids with disabilities and chaperones flies form Kelowna at 6am and returns at midnight. The kids have a wonderful day at Disneyland.

One young boy-with progressive muscular dystrophy  has a seat on that plane.

His mother has had a heck of a time getting his passport. First he had the old style birth certificate-with no parents names on it . No longer suitable for passport application for kids.So after a hassle new long form birthcertificate arrived yesterday.

I drove mthe mom to Kelowna-bad roads-lots of snow-3 accidents attended by police on the road . The trip usually takes an hour.

I have good snow tires and am an experienced snow drive. Mother does not have snow tires and inexperienced in driving in snow.

Application sent by express-it will be back on Monday mornings mail truck-provided truck can get through.

It's a real concern as the road does close sometime.

We have done what we can.

Beloved's picture



Tabitha, you are very kind, giving, and caring.  You have done much for this family.  I will hold you in my prayers.



somegalfromcan's picture



The weather forecast, according to the Weather Network, is for sunny weather in the Lower Mainland on Sunday - I pray that it will turn out that way and that you all will have a safe and fun trip on Tuesday!

seeler's picture



Praying for good weather, and good connections in southern BC - and in NB.


carolla's picture



prayers offered tabitha!  wishing you well on that amazing excursion!  safe travels and enough energy to enjoy it all. 

Pinga's picture



Ooh tabitha, hope it goes well.

Pinga's picture



Rough week on a few fronts for me, including getting the flu on tuesday night through wednesday day.


Happy to be heading home in the morning.

thankful for healthy family

thankful for good friends

thankful for my own health

carolla's picture



it must be extra crummy to get the flu when away from home pinga - hopefully you're feeling better for your flight ... take care. 

Pinga's picture



Thanks Carolla, I feel pretty good today, just a few "wonky"moments...but I found out that one of my friends is now feeling it...not fun.   The one fellow that I really came to spend time with went home sick on Tuesday, and didn't work on Wed or Thurs.  Another coworker was out wed with the flu bug, lots of stuff going around.


I had some amazing shopping done, my suitcase closes well, and I am way under the total budget spend, so that is good.


I caught up with an old friend from Mumbai and had dinner.

I also got confirmation that I can book my flight to San Francisco in Feb for work..






somegalfromcan's picture



Today was a good day. It was the day of our Christmas Open House at work. The children in my room did a performance for their parents and enjoyed decorating cookies, and making crafts. We had them make candy cane reindeer and Christmas tree ornaments. The ornaments were so simple and yet so effective that we even had children from the oldest group come and visit our room because they wanted to make the craft. We took clear, plastic, Christmas tree balls, removed the hook part, drop in several drops of acrylic paint (of one or more colours), and then swirl them around. 


After work, which ended 1.5 hours later than usual, I scooted over to the church in time to catch the last part of the dress rehearsal for the Candlelight Carol service because I am in charge of doing the lighting for that. 

crazyheart's picture



Wouldn't they have rather made pizza with Goat cheese?

somegalfromcan's picture



LOL - perhaps! But until I can that farm (that Crazyheart gave me in my virtual Secret Santa stocking) set up, we'll have to stick with candy canes - because they are cheaper. wink

Beloved's picture



Greetings Everyone!


Sounds like everyone is busy . . . sorry to those who are under the weather - either from a bug or a lingering, long term illness (I continue to plug along . . . some minor improvements in tests results but not feeling better physically yet) - but I am thankful for the health I do have).


We continue to travel through this winter deep freeze in Northern Manitoba . . . -30 today without wind chill - much colder with it.  Took my daughter out to grocery shop and do banking, but that was it - we did what we had to and then hurried home - she to her place and me to mine.  I am doing some projects and having a hot cup of water with lemon and raw honey (and not going anywhere for the rest of the day).


I have been helping out lots at our church these days as we are currently without office support staff.  My head is spinning with all my "to do" lists - both at the church and at home.


I picked up my turkey - what a relief - about June of every year I have the "it's Christmas Eve and I don't have anything done for Christmas and now have to make do" - and "there are no turkeys left in the store and I haven't gotten mine yet".  So, unless something really strange happens, I will at least have turkey on Christmas Day.


Hope everyone has a good weekend,

Hope, Peace, Joy, Love . . .


seeler's picture



You wouldn't believe this past week.  I spoke in church on Sunday - just three minutes but it got a lot of comment.  Monday I picked up my grandson after school so he could help roll and cut-out gingermen cookies.  Tuesday afternoon and evening I was "At Home" for friends, neighbours, to drop in for wine or coffee and Christmas goodies.  About fifteen took up the opportunity coming and going in my small house - and a good time was had by all. 

Wednesday, after volunteering at the church, we went to Saint John to visit Seelerman's brother.  He is now medically discharged from the hospital and in a sort of 'holding' wing.  We took him out for the afternoon and tried to discuss with him what his alternatives are:  fill in applications for a special care home or return to his apartment with special arrangements made for meals and homecare.  This is hard on Seelerman's nerves.

Thursday was a meeting of my Writers' Group.   Then our square dance potluck and Christmas dance - a lot of fun. 

Last night we went to the model train group's Christmas dinner.

Today I am going to a Rainbow Luncheon at our church - the first since we've decided to start the Affirming process so I guess that will be discussed although the meeting is mostly social.


Bitterly cold today - and a major winter storm expected for tomorrow - which is scheduled for the children's pageant at church.  I, my daughter, and grandson are supposed to be lighting the Advent candles - but they live out of town.  Even if church is held (and I imagine it will be) they may decide not to risk the roads. 

carolla's picture



Whooo - that was a whirlwind week Seeler - but sounds like lots of fun and rewarding activities.   We've got lots of snow falling today - it's beautiful & fluffy & not too cold, and I'll be decorating the Xmas tree & the house this afternoon - lovely day! 

Pinga's picture



My husband left this morning at 6:30am to make the 5hr drive to the city my son goes to school at.  He & eldestson would pack up cars, then the two of them would each drive their cars back.  It is a bad snowstorm in southern ontario, and I don't think that I will rest until they get home tonight. 

seeler's picture



May they arrive back safely!   Our storm isn't due until the wee hours of the morning.  I just received a call that church will be cancelled.


Pinga's picture



Well, one is home (husband), son was giving a ride to someone who lives in a city near us, so will be at least another hour....

seeler's picture



I trust that they are all curled up in their warm beds now. 


Last evening I received a call that church would be cancelled today because of the impending storm.  Woke up at 6:30 - no sign of a storm except that I couldn't see the moon or stars.  Drove Seelerman to work.  7:30 - no sign of a storm.  But I decided to back the car into the driveway to make it easier to get out.  And I backed into an apple tree beside the driveway and broke a light.  (I've never been able to back strait up.)


I just looked out the window - kinda annoyed that church was cancelled - and it's starting to snow.  8:30 am AST.   So maybe its good that people won't be trying to get to church. 

Pinga's picture



it may be tough leaving church...better to let the snowplows have the roads to keep clear.  


everyone made it home, oldestson was later and we all just kinda curled up then nodded off watching tv until someone said "time for bed".



take care on this blowy snowy day folks.

chemgal's picture



Glad to hear everyone is safe and sound.  We had a party last night, and considered just turning back as the residental streets were just sheer ice.  The bladed roads were rained on.  I convinced Chemguy to get on the road going out of the community though, and it was better so we were able to take all main roads to get to an LRT station.  Walking was pretty difficult too.  We arrived a bit late with the sudden change in plans but got there and back safely.


They actually cancelled buses because of the poor road conditions!


Tabitha, hopefully the roads there will be much better on Tuesday!

somegalfromcan's picture



I'm glad everyone is safe and sound! 


This morning we had our Christmas Pageant. It all went swimmingly - and one elderly lady told me it was the best one she'd seen in years. The pageant was written by the participants, so everyone spoke from the heart. A part of it was focussed on the traditional Nativity, and the rest focussed on what people think of Christmas today. The different sections of the play were all woven together by two angels who were visiting the church - one of whom happened to be a puppet. It was a lot of fun to participate in and was very well received by the congregation.

carolla's picture



Glad everyone got home safely pinga - it was a harrowing day for driving!


Our kids did the service this morning at church - it was "Super Christmas" - lots of superheroes who were worried about their status for saving & helping people when they heard a 'new guy' was due to arrive on the scene!   Fortunately, they met Mary & Joe & then the baby Jesus and it all got sorted out to everyone's satisfaction! 


I could use some superhero's to give me a hand at the moment tho - my dear husband was shovelling last evening, moved my car ... and was sure the keys were securely back in his pocket .... NOT!  So they are most likely in one of several a huge snowbanks on our front lawn at the moment.  We borrowed a metal detector, but didn't have much luck ... now he's downloaded the manual & will fine tune the detector ... ah well ... it should keep him busy tomorrow!! 


Now off to organize a baking list - not doing toooo much this year!!

Pinga's picture



oh, dear Carolla.  That is frustrating about the car keys. Is it possible the keys fell inside the car?  


Just got home from movie night with the two boys.  Went to see the hobbit.  I love going to the show with them and am enjoying just relaxing before falling to sleep.  Thanful for them both being home.


Didn't get my wrapping done as I had planned, but....have it all laid out ready to be done.


I also took my Dad shopping today, and with the support of a few folks who helped to convince him his coat needed replacing (oh dear, yes it did!), I was able to buy him an early Christmas gift of a new winter coat, hat & gloves.  Yeah.  His ear's should be warmer now, and he does look better.  We then all went out to Swiss Chalet which is one of his favourite places to eat, so all in all a good day.

Tabitha's picture



We too had a christmas play by the youth and children-and a few adults-about Peace written Bt Linnea Good.

So I have a bunch of things I should be doing but I can't find my glasses-my every day trifocals. I definately had them on last night at 530 when my friiend left. We had been doing apttern layouts for her quilt- I just don't remeber taking them off or where I put them. I've looked in the usual places.....

I'm packing for Mon and Tues night in a hotel and Tues all day at Disneyland.

I pulled out a favourite day pack from under my bed. Perfect size for Disney . It was covered in cat hair. Guess they had been sleeping on it! A quick trip thru the waasher fixed that.

Camera battery is charging. I picked up an extra card for it.

Need to remember to gather equipment for school visit-first thting-then regular visit at another school and then I hope a passport pickup for a student.

seeler's picture



I hate to admit it but I spent most of yesterday on the computer - mainly playing scrabble with several different people, checking into a facebook group about Napadogan (the little hole-in-the-woods where I grew up, and of course visiting the Cafe to see what is happening in your lives.  I did get my virtual Santa gift off to Carolla, and had a long telephone visit with my older sister - so the snow day was not completely wasted.  


Today is 'dig out' day.  Snow everywhere.  And unfortunately I am not strong enough to do any shoveling - I used to clean off the step, and the car, and around the garbage container while Seelerman used the blower.    But we will get out eventually - maybe in time for bowling - and to pick up bread and milk.


Beloved's picture



Just a little something I learned from a catholic friend . . . a request to St. Anthony - patron saint of lost articles.


"Tony, Tony look around,

carolla's car keys, and Tabitha's trifocals are lost,

and must be found."


Ya never know wink.





Beloved's picture



Lots of snow, and blowing snow here yestereday and today.  Hubby has been shovelling and snowblowing a great part of the day.  Really windy right now.


Our children also shared their talents in the White Gift Service at our church yestereday.  They are always all so cute, and good, but I really enjoyed this one.  The children seemed well prepared and when they sang it was lovely - there were about 15 of them in total.


Their play was about a family of 6 children who had never been to Sunday School and didn't know anything about Jesus or the bible stories.


And so their response to the babe in the manger was somewhat unconventional . . . Mary thumped baby Jesus on the back, a wiseman brought a ham (instead of FG&M), etc. etc. The story reminds us that a baby born (whether Jesus or another baby are human and have human needs . . . ). It was very well done.


Met some childhood friends for lunch after and went shopping - a nice day.



carolla's picture



Ah yes beloved - I was just saying that to a friend on Sunday morning - that a long ago friend was RC always asked St. Anthony for help in finding lost things ... sending off a little prayer right now, as my husband's day of raking all the snow in the front yard yielded no key - but at least he was outside in the sunshine!  


He says he's looked in the car too ... and the garage ... and the basement ... and all his pockets ...  I know it will turn up somewhere!  Tony, Tony look around ... 

crazyheart's picture



This happened to a friend at the church who lost her keys when she was taking a cooked turkey to a friends fo supper, we hunted through the church and she hunted at home. no car keys. she never did find them. dressing was lumpy. lol

carolla's picture



lol crazyheart.


Brother-in-law - the owner of the borrowed metal detector - called tonight - his neighbour came over saying he'd lost his keys in the snow & could he borrow the detector!!   Perhaps he will have more luck!  Tony ... Tony ... where are those @#%$ keys??

Beloved's picture



I thought I lost my keys on Sunday after church, but I just put them in a different zipped up pocket in my purse smiley.  Hope everyone finds their keys. 


I lost a "JOY" pin sometime last week . . . I wanted to wear it on Sunday, being the Sunday of Joy . . . I forgot to ask Tony to help smiley.

Pinga's picture



hmmm, i lost my temper today....think that is for a different saint to call down.  


(my patience ran out with someone who showed up 15min late to a meeting that was quite important and he was a key contributor).  In addition, he wasn't prepared.  my temper was not lost at him, as there are circumstances which I know make it hard for him to be present right now.   It was more of a "dang, argh, frick.." after the call was over and in the privacy of my own space.

carolla's picture



lol pinga - yah - not sure which saint is in charge of the rant aftermaths - but no doubt there is one!   Frustrating though, I so get that.  Timeliness & prep is important to me too.  Good on you for keeping your cool - now are you off to the gym to further decompress? 

Pinga's picture



Carolla, I should have been at the gym.  I haven't been of late.  I'm giving myself a break until January, other than when it will fit without added load.  With my team mate's Dad being very ill, then identified it as terminal, and then dying, all over a few short months, it was rather hectic at work. ..trying to get caught up and also fix errors done by people covering or just not mentally there.  rough couple of months, but thankfully due to my improved health, i think i responded and managed well..including when i was reorg'd once agian (did i mention i have my 4th manager in 2 years, argh)


Now for my wonderful news.


I have been aware of the stresses my oldestson was under to pass a very difficult paramedic program.   He got the news and he did!  He did exceptionally well in a quite tough program after a shaky start this term.  So happy for him.  So relieved for everyone.  his next step is to do his placement (preceptorship) with a local paramedic program, and also apply for fulltime positions pending his writing of his summer provincial exam.    


Best Christmas gift in a long long time!

Hilary's picture



Congratulations oldestson and the whole Pinga family!  What a great Christmas gift for him.

Beloved's picture



Wonderful news Pinga!  Some of his smarts must have rubbed off from his Mom :).  I'm sure it is a relief to him, but I can also understand the relief to his parents - it is hard to hope for something for your children over which you have no control.  A wonderful ealry Christmas present indeed smiley.


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