Beloved's picture



Room For All (Part 1V)

Wondercafe is a busy place.  Kind of like a Union Station....a hub of activity with people coming and going all the time.  I'm a people watcher and love to sit in a place like a train station marvelling at all the different types of people that I see and imagining what their lives are like. 

Wondercafe offers us even more.  Here we get to see and meet all kinds of people but even better yet we are offered glimpses into their lives.  They share life's joys, questions, celebrations, disappointments, worries, ambitions, concerrns and even share in their time of loneliness and grief.  And in this place, where people are busy, and people are coming and going, we do what few people do in the real world.  We stop and listen.  We reach out.  And hopefully we help one another.


 In some corners of the room people it may get noisy as people banter back and forth.  In other corners of the room it is much quieter, as people not only listen, but they reflect and carefully choose their responses to the person in crisis.  In some areas of the room we ponder life's big questions.  Other areas of the room are silly and often resemble a party of one type or another.  So many people, so many different lives, all carrying different things in their suitcases, and THIS UNION station offers room for all.


In another thread posters were remembering that there are many here missing loved ones this Christmas.  While many celebrate Christmas with decorations, parties, shopping trips and anticipation of a full house....others are wondering what this Christmas will mean with an empty chair.  Some are looking towards Christmas wondering where they will be, who they will be with or who they might be without.  Some who visit here don't believe in Christma.  So how do you decorate the Union Station?


I am opening the doors wide in this thread.  The room is big, the room is inviting, the room is warm.....there is room for all.  Enter in and bring with you whatever you may add decorations to fill the space, you may offer food to nourish others, you may bring only yourself and tell us how you're doing.  You are welcome here.  I'll be happy to see you and sit for a while.   Please continue to welcome others as they enter in and if I'm not in sight, please tend to their needs.  This is a busy union station of people coming and going.  Let's make sure that everyone is recognized and that their needs are met.  If they are happy, let's share in their joy.  If they are sad, let's offer them an ear, a hug and a caring heart.  If they are lost, let's offer them hope that they'll find their way and perhaps some guidance.  If they are hungry, let's feed them.

There is room for all.

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Beloved's picture



It must have been nice for you all to have been able to have this get-together.

Pinga's picture



and how hard to not know, to love and care for someone who is private -- to respect their boundaries


thinking of you, PP.  

neat story about a shout and great laugh re the whipping you out of the nursing home (made me smile)

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


I had a quiet word with a nurse at church today - she told me that it sounded like they were going to remove part of his lung - and they put in some draining thingie and you have to learn a breathing technique......


I said a special prayer at church for him today. (It's a strange thing - but I often feel that my prayers carry more weight if I say them at church.)


Something about the surroundings, and the comfort of my congregation.........

seeler's picture



Pilgrim - today at church I will add my prayers to those of you and others thinking of your brother.  May you feel the healing and love that comes your way. 

Tabitha's picture



How helpful that you have a nurse to talk to to answer your questions. Thinking of you and your brother Pilgrim.

I'm not at church this morning. We have a leadership team meeting at 3-the only time a consultant can meet with us.

Our rented building leaks in the rain. I'm very sensitive to mold and mildew and being there Friday has affescted my lungs already. And so no church service but yes to meeting.

And I consider it  a good thing as the church considers where to relocate.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Thanks, folks.......


I understand he'll be in ICU at first -and he told me he's paid to have his own room after that.

It's difficult for him to be with  others- so he's hoping his hospital stay won't be too long......

somegalfromcan's picture



This weekend has been all about celebrating and fun for me. Last night I went to a Sacred Music of Duke Ellington concert. Free tickets were offered to all members of presbytery - and since the tickets were free, I figured we'd be at the back and/or on the balcony (which would have been more than fine). When I picked them up, I was directed to the main floor, but it wasn't until we got in to the theatre that I realized that we were going to be in the front row! Amazing! There was a phenomenal tap dancer, three amazing singers (one of whom you might remember from her show on Vision TV - Louise Rose), a gospel choir and a jazz band. The concert was a fundraiser supporting Our Place - a United Church ministry that works with low income and homeless folks in Victoria.


Today the celebrations have continued. This morning our congregation celebrated our 140th birthday! At the beginning of the service, our minister read out greetings from both the moderator of the United Church of Canada, Gary Paterson and the moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, David Sutherland (our congregation was originally Presbyterian). During the service, stories were told about the history of our church - and the person we were named after. After the service we had a potluck lunch and cake.


Later this afternoon, I will be heading to another United Church to participate in a covenanting service - after which presbytery members will be the guests at a potluck dinner.

Pinga's picture



PilgrimsProgress, it is good he is taking care of himself, but, gosh, how hard we as individuals make life for ourselves, don't we?


Sounds like fun, SomeGal and a successful event.

Pinga's picture



Good thing re the church, tabitha. Glad you are looking for new digs.

Tabitha's picture



ah yes Pinga-our congregation is going through changes. Problem is they want to keep everything or at least a place of our own and a full time minister and if we keep spending at current rate all money will be gone in  2 years. (our rental building does have a pending offer on it)

2 options-renting just for Sunday mornings ie school

or reducing FTE of minister are meeting with resistance.

We met tonight with outside (free) consultant to review feedback from congregation. In a nutshell it said 2 most important things are as above.

Now we as Leadership Team need to go back and say "You can't have both"

Pinga's picture





What is the pool for having  full time building


How did the church start up or get funding in the first place, sounds interesting.

Tabitha's picture



ah Pinga  5 years ago Presbytery declared that the congregation was not functioning and 2 congregations were formed. Ron S was on w/c at the time and spoke about it.

Everyone chose what congregation to join (tho many are not connected to either now).

2/3 stayed and 1/3 formed what is now the congregation I attend.

Fiancial realities have changed. A bequest was challenged by the faily and court upheld challenge. Good bye 350,000 hello lawyers bill.

Current spending will deplete bank account in less than 2 years. There  are no other reserves.

Folks haven't got the message yet. Change is needed.

We have office admin 3 mornings a week, full time minister and pay for rent and utilities/repairs on building that we rent.

We spend 20,000 more than we take in , offerings and rentals and fund raisers.

We give 10000 to M&S (and that is specified donations)

We can't at this time afford both a full time minister and to rent dedicated space.



anyhow probably enough of this in Room for all. It is on my mind as te congreagtion must act.



Pinga's picture



wow, 350k bequest challenged? how sad is that for so many reasons.

I am sorry for you & your congregation tabitha 

Beloved's picture



Tough decisions Tabitha for your congregation.  And a choice must be made.  That's awful about losing the donation . . .


Start of a new week . . . starting out busy already.  Hope to go to our UCW potluck supper tonight, bible study on Wednesday, and board meeting on Thursday.


How about everyone else?  Ready to start the day?


Tabitha's picture



work day today but it finishes with the Book Club- from first nations perpective. This time we are looking at a non-fiction short story book "We are born with the songs inside us"

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Just a brief note to say I visited my brother in hospital today.....


He's made a good recovery from the surgery - and the professor saw him earlier today and said that  things were going well..


When he saw me at the door of the ward he gave me a grin - reminded me of visiting him in hospital when he was a kid with polio.


I told him I'd just been to my philosophy course - and we had discussed Camus' "The Outsider". He then told me to look in one of the drawers by his bed - there was an article about Camus he thought I might find interesting - but, "Can you return it, because I would like to keep it."

He's still very much my brother with an amazing intellect.....   smiley


Tabitha's picture



sounds like a good visit Chris.

Lovely book club from 3:30 to 5 today but then I came home and napped 6 -9.  I'm hoping for renewed energy shortly.

Pinga's picture



Tabitha, this illness is hanging on too long.

Pp, sounds like a good visit

crazyheart's picture



Hi everyone, Mamogram results this morning. Great!!!!. Had since Fri. to worry.I wonder if they are paid half for only one. Have to keep the jokes coming. lol

crazyheart's picture



tab. I agree. It is hanging on. Take care.  PP, your brother sounds like a very nice man.

Beloved's picture



Glad you had a great visit with your brother, Pilgrims Progress.  It must be hard to see him unwell at this time.  Hope the surgery makes a difference :).


Crazyheart - I hope I read it right - that the results were GREAT!  That is great news!  Your sense of humor continues to amaze me.


crazyheart's picture



The results were great.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Great news, Crazyheart.......

I'll pass it on to the roofer -expect a visit from him as soon as he  get's down from the roof.smiley



Some virus's can go on for a long time -so let your body be your guide for energy levels.

Have you had blood tests, that's what they do here, if it goes on too long?

carolla's picture



Great news crazyheart!  Let's celebrate!!  I'll crack open some champagne :-) 


And pilgrims - how extraordinary that your brother had that very article in his drawer on the day you too were studying Camus!   What a lovely link for the two of you.  Glad to hear he's doing well, and that you got a nice smile on arrival - just that is healing in itself. 


I had lunch with Birthstone today!  So wonderful to get together with her for a long chat.  Without wondercafe I doubt we would ever have crossed paths and I would certainly be the poorer for that omission. 


Tabitha - there's a group in my area with possibly some similarities to what you describe, who are doing a very different model of church following a split - Faith United - you might it find it interesting to dialogue with them.  I don't think they actually have regular clergy, which yes - is different! 


I'm hosting my women's euchre group this Friday - and we always start with some sort of fancy cocktail - so my husband & I've been doing my research since the weekend ... can't serve something I haven't tried, right??  Tonight I'm going to try a limoncello martini. Any favourites you'd like to share?  


somegalfromcan's picture



Crazyheart - I'm so glad to hear your good news.

Pilgrims - it sounds like you had a good visit with your brother. I'm glad his surgery went well.

Tabitha - I hope that you feel more energetic soon!

Carolla - that sounds delicious! I really enjoy mint chocolate martinis - mmm!


Pinga's picture



hmm, women's euchre night, now that sounds like fun. Can you tell me how you make it work? one table? two? 


I am thankful that Dad is doing well. It comes at a good time, as the person who dos the operational side of my job has been facing personal challenges and is likely taking a long leave (after a short-leave a few weeks ago).  This will mean more time in the US as I will be working with our contractor to try to keep things steady.  Again, thankful that things are stabilizing in one area so cna do stuff in the other.


CrazyHeart, you cracked me up with your comment, yet, I also have a sense of the stress and worry. I am thankful for the good news.



Tabitha's picture



Yes hurrah for good health CH. (and yes you should be 1/2 priceblush)

Carolla-thanks for the link-hmmmm-if they are officially reconized as an United Church Congregation-I wonder of Presbytery and conference fees will eat up their surplus? It does seem like a congreation with good energy and outreach.

Pinga's picture



At the conference in Boston, one of the other customers introduced me to a drink called gin sin ? I do not have the recipe and I haven't found it when I searched (I remember a couple of the ingredients and though there are lots of ginsin's not one with what I am looking for).  It was delicious, but, ummm...well, let's just say it was a bit too delicious.  We had a blast, lots of laughter and silliness and the first time that I was impaired in a long time.  Good news, it was a short elevator ride and lots of water the next day, hah!

Beloved's picture



Silliness is good!


Good morning everyone!


Sounds like a loss of busy-ness in everyone's lives.  Church, work, medical, family, home, and much more.


We got lots of snow here yesterday.  Hubby has been shovellin' and shovellin'.  It's definitely a white winter wonderland.  Christmas tree lights are out throughout the neighbourhood and town and it looks really pretty.


I'm off today to my ladies' study at the church, then will do some volunteer work at the church office, and then will head out and about town to do some errands.


How about everyone else? Busy day?  Relaxing day?  Stressful day?


Thinking about you Pilrgrims Progress as you go through this time with your brother.



seeler's picture



Today I am doing prep for my colonscopy tomorrow.  It's not fun!!


Tabitha's picture



Just to tease Pinga-you have a much smaller body mass now-therefore you get hammered quicker-make that your excuse

Ah Seeler-keep a good magazine in the washroom and consider this a health cleanse. Not it's not fun but worth it.

seeler's picture



Clear fluids - clear fluids - clear fluids.  

Seeing that the prep takes a few hours after the first swallow, I was able to volunteer at my church this morning.  Cold day.  We opened the doors fifteen minutes early.  We had anicespread for them - hard-boiled eggs, cheese, sandwiches, cookies, squares, bananas, clementines, and  --- one of the women from the quilters group that meets in another room came early and made a big apple crisp - hot from the oven.   I enjoyed watchin them eat while I helped myself to black tea.    


The good thing is that this test might show just why I'm having some problems and how they might be treated.   And I'm getting it over with before the month of December.  I could just imagine planning my Christmas 'at home' and then getting notice to do prep on that day.



Beloved's picture



I gotta say, seeler, I envy (yes, yes, I know it's a sin) you for a lot of things . . . your energy, your compassion, your willingness to serve, your determination, etc. - but I do  not envy your preparation for your colonoscopy!!!!  Been there, done that this past year - and it's not fun :(.


Thinking of you as you drink the "stuff" and limit yourself to clear liquids.  I hope the test reveals what is needed to be known to you to get better, and that whatever it reveals will be able to be so successfully treated.



somegalfromcan's picture



Seeler  - may your colonoscopy go well and help you and your doctors determine what's been going on in your body.


Beloved - I envy you having all that snow! We haven't seen snow around here in almost 2 years (unless you count snow that doesn't stick to the ground - or, as I like to call it, white rain). I suspect that we will get some, at some point this winter - but not any time soon. 


We had our first frost of the year last night and it's still fairly chilly outside. The kids sure enjoyed tromping through the crunchy grass this morning!

Tabitha's picture



I'm ready to curl up by the fire-but in reality I'll go back to work for a few hours.

There is some wool and needles for those who want to knit. And some books, and a tray of goodies. and hot drinks.

May we remember that we are called to be a community of on-line support and encouragement.

carolla's picture



Okay then - euchre group description as requested - two tables - we have 8 regulars and a roster of 'subs'; we gather once a month starting in Sept - each regular hosts one event/year.


 It's a diverse group in terms of careers - I'm the oldest!! But most are in their mid-50's now - a few are orginal to the group & have been playing for 15 or more years I think.  


So we gather in early evening - have a fancy cocktail & lots of hors d'oeurves, catch up on the news & eventually after about an hour usually, we get to playing some cards.  8 hands to a game - then the losers switch table & everyone switches partners.  We always play at least 2 games, occasionally 3 - but usually there's too much laughing & story telling to squeeze in 3 games!  We finish up with a small sweet treat & tea or coffee and then head home - in cabs or with designated drivers of course!  As you can tell, the cards are just the excuse to gather!  


I started a few years ago as a sub & last year was invited in as a regular - so this is my first hosting event.  I truly cherish being with this group of amazing women - my women friends (these and others) are so important to me. 


And I think I've arrived at a cocktail decision - Blue Rocco it's called - 1 part vodka, 1 part Hypnotiq, 1/2 part Cointreau  .... quite lovely!  And pretty too!  But that chocolate martini upthread looked pretty interesting ... 

carolla's picture



Clear fluids and no line in the bathroom Seeler!  Hoping all goes well for you - have a nice little nap while they do your scope - that's the part I like! 


Tab - indeed re $$ & Faith United; they are exploring ways in which to affiliate with the UCC - I hear that there are multiple possibilities listed in The Manual but I don't know details of that.


Snow beloved - we have yet to see any on the ground in my neighbourhood - but it sure was cold & blustery when I came out of the garden club meeting tonight, so it can't be far off.   So thanks Tab for the warm fire & knitting supplies - let's make a prayer shawl to wrap our WC friends in warmth & love. 

chemgal's picture



I'm willing to share the snow with people who want it.  I was out in the backyard yesterday and it was up over my boots already.

Beloved's picture



Good morning all!


Woke up to -30 C this morning . . . brrr!  Furnace kicking in and out constantly.


Hope everything goes well for you today seeler!


Euchre - I've never played that . . . sounds like a wonderful social time and gathering with some good friends.


Tea on . . . Coffee perking . . . muffins on the table . . . snuggle up in a chair with a throw, if you have time before starting your day.


A meeting at one at the church, and then the board meeting tonight . . .


Will have to get out my Helly Hansen underwear today!


Hope, peace, joy, love . . .


Pinga's picture



Never played Euchre Beloved!?!

oh my goodness, it was a staple in our family when i was growing up.  

We need to have a virtual euchre party, but, not sure how you deal the cards, will ponder that one!

crazyheart's picture



-27 this morning but Grey Cup Sunday is to be -3.I dunnnnnnnno Go Riders!!!!!

Tabitha's picture



I can play both euchre and bridge but seldom do either. I find bridge boring (too many cards to keep track of) that said both y sister(older) and mother have teaching certifications in Bridge.

Euchre goes quicker and is a bit more fun. For non-euchre players-you only use one deck, And one person gets to be the dummy each hand. You lay your cards out for all to see and your partner plays one for you at the appropriate time.

We had a small leadership meeting last night for church where we came up with 4 budget scenarios that we can afford. One with full time minister. One keeping same level of office support. and One renting full time space elsewhere. and one cutting some minister and some admin support. With a consultant (free) we'll present to congregation for their endorsement. It went surpisingly well for such hard decisons.

seeler's picture



I learned euchre when I lived in Ontario.  In the Maritimes we play a game called Auction 45s.  A bit similar to euchre.  Lots of fun, laughter, socializing during the games.  And usually short enough to get two games and the rubber in one evening. 


Had my exam this morning.  As I expected, my crohns is active again.  So I will start treatment and hope for it to settle down for another long period.   I'm weak and exhausted - starved (but I have a muffin and coffee before leaving the hospital).  Today will be a rest day. 



somegalfromcan's picture



Tabitha - I am glad your meeting went well. Hopefully the meeting with the congregation will go equally well!


Seeler - enjoy your meals today (you've certainly earned it)! I hope that your treatment will be effective and that your Crohns will settle down quickly.


Beloved - I have also never played Euchre before. Thanks for the muffins - mmm!!!

chemgal's picture



I had some anxiety about my appointment today, and it just got worse after being there.  The doctor hadn't gotten the letter from my specialist that I had a copy of.  She only had the test results, and as they are specialized she didn't know much about them.  She wasn't able to answer many questions about the condition the results are indicative of.  My results that were abnormal before are worse with the followup blood work.  I new more about what this could mean than my doctor did.


I'm not blaming her at all, if she had that letter she would have had more information for me.  I'm super frustrated though, this is my second time at her new practice and I don't even know where the fault lies here.  I've had so many admin issues with offices.  Recently it's been with having my address correct, my GP correct (many offices send it to another doctor with the same last name) and now this.


I'm also upset and concerned with what the potential diagnosis could mean.

chemgal's picture



I'm also fed up with this.  In the past five years I've seen at least 9 specialists although I may have missed including some and now I'm off to another one.

carolla's picture



Tabitha wrote:

And one person gets to be the dummy each hand. You lay your cards out for all to see and your partner plays one for you at the appropriate time.


Ummm ... different game than we play Tab!  One deck - cards 9 through Ace only.  Deal of only 5 cards;  top card of remainder turns up - bids go around the table to determine trump suit. Dealer can pick that card up to make it trump, or turn it down & around we go again.  Once trump is decided, the two jacks of the same colour trump suit are top ranked cards.  Confused yet?? 


I played only a bit of bridge in university - also found it too boring & demanding!  I think in bridge one person lays down their cards ... but not entirely sure.  Or maybe that's what you said & I misread!!  Euchre is definitely faster & more fun in my view!

carolla's picture



that must be frustrating chemgal.  it's a long quest you're on. 

carolla's picture



good to hear your exam when well seeler - come sit over here near the fire & let me get you some nice supper .... something friendly to your tender gut  ...  


Pinga's picture



Carolla, your euchre is hte kind that I know of. 


Chemgal, how frustrating. No answers, just empathy.


Seeler, glad you are now recouping from your cleanse.  

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