Beloved's picture



Room For All (Part 1V)

Wondercafe is a busy place.  Kind of like a Union Station....a hub of activity with people coming and going all the time.  I'm a people watcher and love to sit in a place like a train station marvelling at all the different types of people that I see and imagining what their lives are like. 

Wondercafe offers us even more.  Here we get to see and meet all kinds of people but even better yet we are offered glimpses into their lives.  They share life's joys, questions, celebrations, disappointments, worries, ambitions, concerrns and even share in their time of loneliness and grief.  And in this place, where people are busy, and people are coming and going, we do what few people do in the real world.  We stop and listen.  We reach out.  And hopefully we help one another.


 In some corners of the room people it may get noisy as people banter back and forth.  In other corners of the room it is much quieter, as people not only listen, but they reflect and carefully choose their responses to the person in crisis.  In some areas of the room we ponder life's big questions.  Other areas of the room are silly and often resemble a party of one type or another.  So many people, so many different lives, all carrying different things in their suitcases, and THIS UNION station offers room for all.


In another thread posters were remembering that there are many here missing loved ones this Christmas.  While many celebrate Christmas with decorations, parties, shopping trips and anticipation of a full house....others are wondering what this Christmas will mean with an empty chair.  Some are looking towards Christmas wondering where they will be, who they will be with or who they might be without.  Some who visit here don't believe in Christma.  So how do you decorate the Union Station?


I am opening the doors wide in this thread.  The room is big, the room is inviting, the room is warm.....there is room for all.  Enter in and bring with you whatever you may add decorations to fill the space, you may offer food to nourish others, you may bring only yourself and tell us how you're doing.  You are welcome here.  I'll be happy to see you and sit for a while.   Please continue to welcome others as they enter in and if I'm not in sight, please tend to their needs.  This is a busy union station of people coming and going.  Let's make sure that everyone is recognized and that their needs are met.  If they are happy, let's share in their joy.  If they are sad, let's offer them an ear, a hug and a caring heart.  If they are lost, let's offer them hope that they'll find their way and perhaps some guidance.  If they are hungry, let's feed them.

There is room for all.

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seeler's picture



We were down to Saint John again to today and visited Seelerman's brother in hospital.  He has accepted the fact that he has to apply to go to a nursing home when he is discharged. 

It was rather a sad visit. He was asking about another brother who died a few years ago. "What was it like for E---? Was it like this?" No, E---- had cancer. He knew that his time was limited and that he was in palliative care. With this brother there is nothing definite or fatal - just aging - getting weaker - unable to care for himself - but not sick enough to be dying.

I too am having some heath problems. I don't think they are related to my Parkinsons but rather to my old problem - Crohn's disease. I see a specialist on Tuesday.

chemgal's picture



Seeler, I hope your brother in law will settle into the nursing home and have it actually feel like home soon enough.  It does sound like it will be a better place for him.  Maybe a group can even go to the race track together, gamble with toothpicks or something.


Hopefully for you it's just a temporary flare up.  Have you been waiting a long time for this appointment?

Pinga's picture



Seeler, take care....watching those who are around you fail and the various ways they do cannot be easy, especially as you look at your own age creeping there.


May you find that the days are always worth raising and smiling for, and on the ones that seem questionable, well, that there may be more good days ahead

seeler's picture



It's funny about the appointment with the specialist in internal medicine.  He moved to this place a couple of years ago, shortly after I started going to a new family doctor.  Seelergirl was in the middle of a severe flare-up and had no problem getting to see him.  Seelerman also got on his list and had a bi-annual exam.  My doctor sent a referral for me - just a referral; no rush.   About eight months ago a routine test showed a bit of internal bleeding.  No big deal for Crohns.  But my family doctor sent another referral.  And I waited.  Then yesterday I decided I had waited long enough.  I phoned directly to see where I was on the waiting list.  A few minutes checking and the receptionist asked "Can you come in Tuesday?"   Yes, yes - I can come Tuesday!!!   Of course that probably means some nasty tests - but worth it if we can find the problem and get some treatment regime started. 

It is hard to see your contemporaries or those just a bit older (Seelerman's brother is a bit older than him) getting frailer and loosing abilities. It reminds us of our own mortality. Although my parents died young, I had uncles and aunts all over the place (about ten plus their spouses). Now my sisters and I are the older generation. Next to kick the bucket, I guess. However, I have a few years left in me yet. Just let me get past this little glitch and watch my dust.

Pinga's picture



Seeler, I would be frustrated by my family doctor.  Seriously.

Pinga's picture



Folks, sends hugs to cjms.  Her young daughter has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. 

paradox3's picture



Hugs to Cjms . . . I haven't seen her posting in a very long time. 

chemgal's picture



Oh no!  Thanks for letting us know Pinga, where is cjms?

Pinga's picture



S. ontario

crazyheart's picture



Pinga , would you start at new thread for cjms?

seeler's picture



Hugs for Cjms, and prayers for her daugher.

kaythecurler's picture



I'm so sorry to hear this cjms.  May all become well in your lives with the help of medical people and friends.

Tabitha's picture



My thoughts and prayers cjms. One of my OT friend has been busy at Sick Kids and South Lake-as her son was diagnosed 18 months ago.

Tabitha's picture



well I intended to go to church-and church meeting today. Up and had breakfast. As I was brushing my teeth the thick mucous made me gag and retch. (It does that sometimes-not often). It was quite substantial this morning and so I knew home and doing little was on my list.

busymom's picture



Thanks Beloved for starting this thread.  I am so thrilled that you all continue to keep this room open, warm and relevant.  You are an awesome bunch!

I have skimmed the posts and I think I am caught up on the "news".  My thoughts are most certainly with cjms today.  

I'm also thinking of all of you today, and how much you have meant to me through these years.  While I haven't been around as much as I used to be, I still pop by occasionally to "check in" on my friends.  I don't always post, sometimes just skim through the threads to see what's new.  Knowing you are here is a comfort to me.


When I read the post from Aaron that wondercafe would be closing in June 2014 my heart sunk.  While I know everything has it's season, I am sad that this is coming to an end.  We closed the doors of my church in September, and now I prepare for wondercafe to close too.  It is a sad day.  While I am grateful for the many friendships formed, the wisdom that has been shared and the fun that has transpired, I am sad.


I'm fluffing up the pillows in this room, pulling out some blankets to curl up in, setting out a box of kleenex and the tea is on.   Big hugs to all of you.


Tabitha's picture



I'll curl up in front of the fire with some tea. Wondercafe is ending in June-that will be a change

thinking of all my wonderfriends and wishing them well.

busymom's picture



Snuggling in beside you Tabitha.  Can I warm up your tea?  I've brought some oatmeal cookies.

I also brought some snapshots to share in this room.


Here's one of CH and Pilgrim's Progress with the roofer.


And here's a picture of a wonderparty on a Saturday night so many years ago.  There's sighsnootles, abpenny and monasksit living it up!


Ahhhh, a photo of grant chasing ants around his house.


And ugh!  Is that pumpkin pie that Birthstone, Stevie G and Pinga are eating?


Here's a great memory of a real life wondergathering!  Oh such fun to meet wonderfriends face to face.


I'll keep digging for snapshots.  Perhaps others can bring some too!  It feels like a good day to remember the good times and good people of wondercafe.

crazyheart's picture



It is a sad day, WonderCafe came at a time in my life that I needed it. It and the people who frequent it became an anchor for me. Maybe we could open this particular thread on FaceBook as a group. You might think I know what I am talking about?? Oh my God, here is a pic of Grant in his yellow thong and the Maestro leading the choir and listing far to the left.

busymom's picture



Grant's yellow thong!  I forgot about that!  surprise


And the choir!  Love it CH.


CH I feel your pain.  Wondercafe has been a gathering place for many hearts.  We've gone through a lot together.  The friendships can continue, but it is so sad to learn that the gathering place will be no more.

Tabitha's picture



Ok what I need is some lovely BC wine-Here's some from Ruby Blues, red Rooster and for Seeler some from Elephant Island.

crazyheart's picture



Where is our flag. Can we post it? I'll drink to that.

crazyheart's picture



I just came across a pic of Myst slurping dow the hand sani. Pilgrims couldn't believe it,. What an impression myst.

myst's picture



Hi all -- I haven't posted in here for some time. Like busymom, I may not be posting on wondercafe, but my heart is still here. I think of you all often. I am saddened with the news of wondercafe ending in June and yet, as busymom has said, it is a good day to remember the good people and good memories.I know there are many of you for whom this news will be very hard -- I am holding you in my thoughts.heart

myst's picture



LOL crazyheart - I was busy composing a thoughtful, serious post and you are bringing up my hand sani moment. smiley

chemgal's picture



It's good to see some of the posters who haven't been here for a while.  Is it too early for some of that wine Tabitha?  :)


Maybe some cheese and crackers for lunch before the toasting for me, after some nibbles I'm in!

crazyheart's picture



If you would all like to visit the Agape thread and join in taking some bread and wine for the Table of New Beginnngs. On Religon and Faith forum.

somegalfromcan's picture



Sad news indeed today, but it is good to be in this room and see the old friends who are popping by (I almost typed "pooping by"). I like Crazyheart's idea of keeping this as a Facebook group. Is there anyone here who isn't on Facebook?

Birthstone's picture



Well, I dont' think it is even possible to catch up on you all, and I am sorry I have been scarce.  I just saw Aaron on Saturday, and he professionally didn't say a word when I was spouting complements to our group about the cafe.  When I saw the post today about shutting down in 2014, I realized how he must have been feeling while I talked. 


I'll try to be around here lots more for the next 8 months.   Promise.


chemgal's picture



somegalfromcan wrote:

Sad news indeed today, but it is good to be in this room and see the old friends who are popping by (I almost typed "pooping by"). I like Crazyheart's idea of keeping this as a Facebook group. Is there anyone here who isn't on Facebook?

I am, but I usually only add people who I know IRL.  I don't know about joining a group such as this on FB.  Having it closed would make me a bit more comfortable, but I don't trust FB that much when it comes to privacy.  Health stuff and work stuff don't often go well together.  Even if I changed my posting style for there, this site would probably remain searchable.  I prefer to keep my name and wondercafe unlinked, as if someone came here looking for me, they would figure it out.


If they don't come looking for it, they probably won't just stumble across me.

chemgal's picture



I suppose a pseudonym is possible, but switching back and forth on FB is a bit annoying.

paradox3's picture



A fresh pot of tea is brewiing. Somehow, I can't see drinking virtual tea on Facebook. 

seeler's picture



I've brought in some birch wood for the fireplace.  Don't you love watching it catch on loose bark and the flames licking up - and hear the crackle.  I remember the time I asked for someone to bank the fire for the night.  Someone thought I meant to put it in the night deposit at the bank; and someone else throught they should leave it on the river bank.   We've had some good times in this room.  And my we have eaten ....

crazyheart's picture



There were days in the last couple of years that I REALLY needed this room.

chemgal's picture



I am concerned about feeling a bit lost.  I've lost a community because of health issues.  I've moved and haven't formed a new community here.  I've toyed with the idea of maybe going to church, but which one?  There's a community base of a few neighbourhoods, and there isn't a UCCan within them.  There are still some a reasonable distance away, but I'm not sure how I'll fit in with the demographics.  I have other things to get through before I start to seek that out though.  Right now, WC is my strongest connection to the church.  I thought I would have this as a place to bridge from if it's something I decided to do, but now I'm not sure what that timeline will look like.


The questions I asked in churchlife fit in with some of my concerns.  It relates to how I feel as though my demographic is often not included in the church.  I've been to churches that welcomed people there for the first time.  They asked everyone to raise a hand.  I did, but was not included as I wasn't part of a family.  I've seen it with the lack of marriage prep available.  RevJohn's comments about needs of people my age did strike a bit of a cord too, especially based on the area I'm in.  Even some of the recent FB comments.  Is there a place for young people who are no longer youth and don't have kids?


I've also had some positive experiences!  I'm just not sure which way things are going to go from here.

Pinga's picture



Crazy, there were days that I very much appreciated this room, i still do

Here is a cup of tea, the fire is here, i think i hear loons on the lake

Can you remember the funniest time I the room? Or maybe the most poignant. Or maybe it is the every day beauty which is the most notable

chemgal's picture



Sorry for the negatively, a conversation with Chemguy about this closing and losses with other groups hit me and I thought this was the best place to share that.


I had a bad craving for shanghi noodles, so I did a super quick version that was good enough to satisfy that.  Here's a bunch to share, along with roobis tea.  Food and tea can change a mood fairly quickly sometimes :)


There's been so many times in this room I think it will take a while to pick out a few :)


Lots of support through the tough times, and lots of celebrations as well.

somegalfromcan's picture



Chemgal - feel free to share away. That is what this room is for. This room is such a special little corner of the internet - I will miss it dearly. I will continue to treasure the friendships that have been made here. The stories that have been told here are stories that I hold in my heart. You folks are a special lot.

Birthstone's picture



Chemgal, and Crazyheart - I've had times, like around 3-4 years ago that this place kept me sane and interested.  The community, the (mostly) confidential nature of it, and open conversation between church people and not-church people was invaluable.  I totally understand how important this place is.  Even when I haven't been here often, WC is  my favourite resting place. 


Logs on the fire, crackling, and the pot of tea, and just to mix things up, how about some of this halloween candy left from a rainy, quiet night? 


Off to take my kid to school, not his favourite place these days, but part of bigger issues.  Sigh.  We get nice long talks in the car (its a 20 min drive) which is pretty good for a teenage boy.


kaythecurler's picture



Good morning everyone - snow day here.

Just wanted to say how much my soul resonates with some of the feelings I've read about here.  Chemgal - your words would fit so appropriately on that thread in Social about the closing of WC. 

This site has been my only connection to Christianity since it opened. I quit going to church because of a lack of inclusion, your experiences at a different age are much the same, I think.  It pains me to think about the loss of this place - for busy posters, occasional posters, for those who just follow the conversations.  As my health and mobility deteriorate I assumed that I could amuse myself in this place.  That hope has been removed from me!



Pinga's picture



On a totally different note, my dad's cataract surgery went well. I have left him at home now to be in awe at his returning sight.

chemgal's picture



Thanks Kay and Somegal.


Birthstone, 20 min sounds pretty good if he actually does some talking or real listening!  This place will be missed during the hard times especially.


Pinga. glad to hear the surgery went well.  How much improvement is expected?

seeler's picture



Birthstone - when my son was a young adult I used to find taking a long drive was the best place to talk.  Just before he went to Korea we drove the Renous Highway (50 klm or so through forest - as well as a drive up the Saint John River to start, and a drive along the Mirmichi on the way home).  We had a great talk.  I miss those drives.  Sometimes we would manage a hike at some point - drive to the coast, take a hike, drive back.    If you ban all electronics and turn off the radio and avoid busy highways or city traffic, a car is a great place to talk. 

Birthstone's picture



Pinga, I'm glad your dad's surgery went well.  I hope it bodes well for some relaxing times after the busy-ness of preparing for it.


Seeler, thanks.  Maybe you could send him a nice note with a map marked with your favourite shared places.   I am so glad to have a boy who will talk and relax with me.  He is bound and determined not to be a jerky teenager, though I'm sure he is trading in some happy-go-lucky times with that.  Part of his trouble.


Kay - for those reasons and more, I think we really need a WC.2.  The church is quite capable of coming up with something.


Hilary's picture



Birthstone wrote:


I'll try to be around here lots more for the next 8 months.   Promise.


ditto!  I keep up with all your happenings here and pipe up every once in a while... but I want this place to go out with a BANG!

Beloved's picture



Greetings Al!


I've been away for a few days . . . and come home to find . . . Wondercafe is closing!!!


Oh no!


I haven't check out that post yet, but will.



Wolfie's picture



Peeks in the door....


We have 8 months before the plug is pulled on Wonder Cafe.  Why don't we rally together and each send a personal letter to Dan Benson and share, not in an angry way, but a heartfelt way how Wonder Cafe has touched our lives and what it means to us.  I will be sending one.  You can message Aaron for his email.


I think it's time they heard from the Wonder Cafe Congregation.  Let our feelings be made known.  Church congregations do things like this all the time... What can it hurt?  And who knows perhaps something Miraculous could come of it.


(>-.-)> *Peace* ~ Beyond ~ *Peace* <(-.-<)


Steven A. Breeze

Pinga's picture



Who is Dan Benson?

chemgal's picture



AaronMcGallegos wrote:

Hi Folks,

WonderCafe isn't scheduled to go off line until June 2014 - 8 months from now. A decision has been made based on the circumstances, but I am sure your input would be appreciated. Please contact Dan Benson, head of Communications at the General Council Office. Message me if you would like his email address.



Pinga's picture



Thanks ma'am.  


I must admit to enjoying coming home, and having Dad be ecstatic on the phone. 



Wolfie's picture



Thanks Chemgal... seems I lost that part of my message about him being head of communications.  Doesn't help that my vision isn't great at catching missing text.


(>-.-)> *Peace* ~ Beyond ~ *Peace* <(-.-<)


Steven A. Breeze

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