graeme's picture



bin thinkin'

I mean like, it's weird, you know?

Right there on p. 1, genesis told the animals to be fruitful and multiply. And, you know, he gives adam a wink and a nudge and talks about his desdendeants so, like, you know, we'll all adults here. we know there's only one way yo can do that. (There's more now. But not then.)

So there's Adam and there's EVe, I  mean all equipped and everything but they don't know what to do. Hey. Give them a break. Remember your first date?

So, like, Eve eats the apple. It turns here on. So she tell Adam to take a bite. I mean, she hasn't got a whole lot of choices. If Adam just stands around with his face hanging out, there ani't gonna be no action, you know?

So Adam bites. And we're off.

But God gets mad. I mean, He really blows his cool completely, makes it all a big deall, and puts them on the road.

For Pete's sake, how did He expect them to be fruitful and multiply if they're standing around there with their faces hanging out?

So Adam and Eve had to hit the road. I'm glad. It was a lot more fund than hangin' around in that garden without a clue....

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graeme's picture



Sorry. Made a mistake. left out God in the first sentence. Big deal.

rishi's picture



graeme wrote:

For Pete's sake, how did He expect them to be fruitful and multiply if they're standing around there with their faces hanging out?


Maybe that's just it.  Maybe they weren't up for the "dirty work" ....  They just wanted to pluck the fruit off the tree, like consumers,  instead of actually bearing it themselves, with all the ups and downs that entails...   I meet lots of parents who feel and act that way. And it sucks to be their kids, since they have to raise themselves without a clue....

WaterBuoy's picture



Dirty work?


That would be processing in the Roman point of view where the logic or process might lead a thinker to what the authorities didn't wish you to know ... moors Torahs ... about roots derivations and sources of word in ... seminal fashion?


Sounds like Cede Eire in the brae'n ... cool snow storm ... white out casa banka ... deci embre bride ... fridged ... neeeds to be warmed with an opposing story from what the father told her about falling off the Wahl ... Rae Hab?


Time to recover and think that wasn't so A'B'D ...



A lot of points to gather ecclesiastically ... and still there are dis a dents ... dimples of the primal spectre ... like a "v" as mire image of "eL" in capital Greek sense ... of Sisyphus ... uphill battle on the wedge in the butte ... stops the whine and someone said nothing will due but a story to amuse what's confined under IT ... primal ID ... if you face your fears of a phoqah up in distant dimensions ...

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