crazyheart's picture



The Christian Thing

I have been reading threads tonight and notice that some posters write "It is the Christian thing to do,,,,,,,"


What exactly do they mean and can other faiths not do the same thing? For example, "It is the Hindu thing to do....." or "It is the Wiccan thing to do...."?

 Are we setting Christians up as the example of "acting better than"?

What do you think?

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blackbelt's picture



Does it have to be religious ?

it is the mobster thing to do


LKG's picture



If as Christians we are committed to following Jesus Christ...which is the essence of the name, I think it's simply being authentic, and perhaps not 'acting better than'

jon71's picture



Well Christian means "CHRIST-like" so the "Christian thing" should means that it's the "CHRIST-like" thing to do. That's what we should aim for imho. I would consider that to be acting superior. In fact there are loads in the Bible about humility, passages about washing feet immediately spring to mind.

crazyheart's picture



bump up

Azdgari's picture



"The Christian thing to do" seems to just mean "the right thing to do", by the person who says it.

Olivet_Sarah's picture



I agree with Azdgari - just as some might refer to 'the Jewish thing to do' or the 'Muslim thing to do'. Now I will say I think it's perhaps a bit of hubris on the part of us Christians that I hear way more about 'The Christian thing to do' than either of those others, or it could just speak to the circles I run in. But I don't mean it when I use that expression,  as something all Christians live up to, nor as something non-Christians are unable to achieve. I know plenty of Christians who do not do 'the Christian thing' come time to 'walk the walk', and I know plenty of incredibly Christ-like non-Christians. For me it's just an expression equivalent of 'the right thing', through my own personal paradigm.

Arminius's picture



The Christian thing to do is not saying "it is the Christian thing to do" but doing it.

Beloved's picture



"It is the Christian thing to do . . ." my thoughts would be a saying or a quote that would come from one who is a Christian or one who has largely been surrounded or influenced by the Christian faith for the most part.  It could also be quoted by a person in a society who has passed the particular saying down but is in no way connected to the christian faith or christian persons . . . but rather are using a quote that has been used and heard in their particular place in society.  When I first started reading the bible many years ago I would come across a quote or a saying that was common in the secular world and think "oh, so that's where that comes from".  While many would use a phrase such as this from their own faith perspective there would be many who would just say it meaning it is the good or the right thing to do.

airclean33's picture



Hi crazyheart - The saying  Christian like , or Christian thing to do . Is mostly use when we are doing something good. As not to offend others , We could change it to. That should make God smile.We could then use it for anyone ,  Wellllllll maybe not chansen.

spiritbear's picture



CH - You write as if "the Christian thing to do" were mutually exclusive from "the Muslim (or whatever) thing to do".  Why? Many faiths share a similar foundation in concern for others, so in many cases the "thing to do" would be similar. I do see some differences (an emphasis on forgiveness, not judging or thinking oneself better than another, etc) that may exist, at a minimum in degree.  As a Christian I am certainly not going to ask myself "what is the Ba'hai thing to do".  It is up to those of each faith to hold oneself to the tenets of that faith. That seems to have been the intent of those you have quoted.


Then again, I think we all recognize that very often we do not do "the Christian thing", and there is a constant need to remind ourselves of where we fall short, so as not to be so critical of others when they do the same.  But I think we all need to be reminded that failing to do "the Christian thing" doesn't mean that we are somehow not Christians any longer - Jesus himself said that no one is "good" except for God. But we get the strength to keep trying to do the "right" thing because we know we are forgiven (something that mere humans are much less likely to do - if you're married, you know what I mean). Otherwise, it would seem to me that it would be easy to be overwhelmed by all the "Christian things" that we leave undone (to address the thread that PP has started on responsibility).

Mendalla's picture



Is the Christian thing (or the Muslim thing, or the UU Thing for that matter) in any way different from "the moral thing" or "the right thing"? I suppose it is if you're talking about specific practices/beliefs, but not necessarily if you're talking general morality. Given that we all live in relationship to each other and the universe, should all the "<specific religion> things" not overlap heavily? I mean, praying 5 times a day while facing Mecca is definitely a "Muslim thing" and calling on God in the name of Our Saviour Jesus Christ is definitely a "Christian thing", but treating each other with love, dignity and respect should ultimately be a "human thing" (but all too often isn't, I'm afraid) not a "<my religion> thing".




Azdgari's picture



^^ Totally agreed, Mendalla.  I am leery of those who wish to take ownership of things like "treating each other with love, dignity and respect" under a particular tribal banner, such as "Christian".

snaps's picture



Maybe we should say, "The Christ-like thing to do" 

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