Matthimaus's picture



(first post) Does anyone mind that im athiest here?

Okay so firstly, I signed up here before realising that the website is related to the church. I don't have any problems with that, im just wondering whether im gonna get booted off the site in like 30 seconds after I post this.

Also, does anyone who can comment have a problem/issue with an openly athiest person being on the site?

Lastly, if this topic has been done a thousand times already, and your thinking "arrgh another newbie getting it all wrong" don't be afraid to tell me. Cause I certanly am a newbie...(akward silence)...

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sighsnootles's picture





we have a great number of athiests here, actually.  all kinds, really... some are real dawkins-like...  loud and in your face about it, others are quiet and just let it be.  all are welcome.


just as long as you don't break the rules, you can hang out.  i love having athiests around, actually, because they are able to really see what we are talking about from a completely different point of view.  that is refreshing.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa's picture



I image by now you have been registered for more than 30 seconds and, apart from the awkward silence, nothing has happened yet, right?

So the answer is - we welcome everyone. And I welcome you Matthimaus to wondercafe. This would be a rather boring place if we all started quoting from the Bible wouldn't it. So, yes your views are welcome and appreciated.

There are a number of other atheists who comment regularly on this site so you won't be alone.

ninjafaery's picture



Big Welcome, Matthimaus!  Personally, I'm flattered that you didn't realize this was a "church site" right off the bat.  Wondercafe must be doing something right, in my opinion..


And you are most welcome, as an atheist here, and you're certainly not alone.  Lots of atheists, agnostics, bible thumpers, pagans and a ton of others like me who are still trying to figure it all out. 

Anyway, hope you enjoy it here and that you jump right in. 

sighsnootles's picture



we had a scientologist once, but he didn't last more than a few weeks.

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Matthimaus wrote:

Okay so firstly, I signed up here before realising that the website is related to the church. I don't have any problems with that, im just wondering whether im gonna get booted off the site in like 30 seconds after I post this.

Also, does anyone who can comment have a problem/issue with an openly athiest person being on the site?

Lastly, if this topic has been done a thousand times already, and your thinking "arrgh another newbie getting it all wrong" don't be afraid to tell me. Cause I certanly am a newbie...(akward silence)...


Hello Matthimaus, Welcome to Wonder Cafe. Have no fear, as others have said, you're not going to get kicked out just for being an athiest. There are certainly other athiests here.


Basically, if you're here to share your ideas with us, and are willing to discuss things, you'll be easily accepted.


Again, welcome.

Witch's picture



hey, if they'll let a Witch in here, I'm sure an extra Atheist won't be a problem.

sighsnootles's picture



since that athiest with the 'borat' avatar left, we've had a real vaccum in the 'dawkins style' athiest point of view.


so, matt, do you think you can take on a fundie dawkins style??  cause that was always a fascinating thing to watch unfold.

graeme's picture



hey, welcome. but who are you athier than?


Actually, I often find the atheists more congenial than the believers.

rishi's picture



Timebandit's picture



I'm fairly new here, Matthimaus, a self-described "functional atheist" (deeply agnostic - open minded but understanding a distinct lack of probability in regard to the supernatural), but I've felt quite welcome.  There's some very thoughtful conversation that goes on here.

Matthimaus's picture



Excellent, thank you everyone for your support!  Im actually excited now.


"Sighsnootles" - thanks again, also whats a "fundie dawkins style"?


im geusing it has to do with darwin?

seeler's picture



Matthimaus - welcome.  Please come in, pull up a chair, get yourself something to drink (sunshine or moonshine?), and join us.  As others have said, there are lots of folks here who are athiests, agnostics, people following other faith paths, as well as various Christians from Progressives, through Moderates, to Fundies.  We talk about various things - sometimes silly, sometimes profound - we tell each other our troubles, we ask questions, we give advice, we support one another.  We are community.  And yes, sometimes we bicker a bit - and hopefully someone pulls us up in our tracks before somebody gets hurt. 


By the way, this site is sponsered by the United Church of Canada.  Not only are atheists welcome on this site, they are welcome in many of our churches.  In the little church I attended for over 30 years, I knew two men who were atheists (there may have been more).  They came regularly and took part in much of the life of the congregation. 


Again:   WELCOME!


YouthWorker's picture



Welcome Matthimaus!


I think a fair description of "fundie dawkins style" would be to compare them to a certain other group.  You know the Bible-thumping, hard-core, far-right, evangelical Christians, right?  Picture an atheist version who is a devout follower of Richard Dawkins. 

crazyheart's picture



And we have the best parties in SociaL AND YOU ARE VERY WELCOME.

RevMatt's picture



You are especially welcome because you have a cool name :)

abpenny's picture



Hi Matt...welcome to the cafe.  Many of us have been on twisty journeys and we're pretty open to whereever people are at the present.  I hope you'll start some topics and tell us what you're thinking these days....

Matthimaus's picture



hey thanks, I like your name too. What does your avatar mean? its cool looking anyway

RichardBott's picture



Hey Matthimaus, welcome in.


(The cupcake avatar is great!)


Peace - r

Elanorgold's picture



Hello, hello! I'm one of those other atheists. Glad to meet you! I really like Wondercafe. I hope you do too!

Arminius's picture



ninjafaery wrote:

Big Welcome, Matthimaus!  Personally, I'm flattered that you didn't realize this was a "church site" right off the bat.  Wondercafe must be doing something right, in my opinion..


And you are most welcome, as an atheist here, and you're certainly not alone.  Lots of atheists, agnostics, bible thumpers, pagans and a ton of others like me who are still trying to figure it all out. 

Anyway, hope you enjoy it here and that you jump right in. 


Hi Mattimaus:


Welcome to wondercafe! But you better watch our for kitty-cat!


(For those who don't get the joke: "Maus" is the German word for "mouse," and is pronounced the same way :-)


Of course artheists are welcome to wondercafe!


I am an atheist myself, albeit a spiritual atheists. And I belong to the United Church. And I will be conducting the service at our local church next Sunday.


That's how diverse, inclusive, open and welcoming we, the United Church, are.

Kappa's picture



Welcome Matthimaus! Now I want a chocolate cupcake...

LBmuskoka's picture



Welcome Matthimaus.


As other have said atheism is not an issue here and you will learn soon enough it is not just newbies that get things wrong




Above all, remember that the most important thing you can take anywhere is not a Gucci bag or French-cut jeans; it's an open mind.     Gail Rubin Bereny

blackbelt's picture



Warped_Purity's picture



Don't worry, we have a ton of different people here of various religious beliefs from Christianity to Paganism to Atheism :P  you should feel right at home.

chansen's picture





First, welcome.


Second, as an atheist who has read Dawkins and feels hurt by the supposed "vaccuum" of my kind around, I personally find it interesting that when it comes to contentious issues, I find myself siding with the UCC'ers more often than not, usually against the Baptist and other evangelical types.  If, then, I was forced to attend a church at gunpoint, I would choose a United Church, without hesitation.


Third, you will not be banned here for espousing the observation that God has made a lousy case for his existence.  Some UCC church members will even agree with you, to a point.  Arminius will confuse you by both agreeing and disagreeing, in the same sentence, on the same topic.  Don't sweat it.  He confuses everybody.



rishi's picture



RichardBott wrote:

The cupcake avatar is great!


Is that what it is?    I'd best work harder on the 6th beatitude.

qwerty's picture



Do we mind that you're here?

Nah!  But just as a little icebreaker could you please describe the God (or whatever) you don't believe in. 


I'm not an atheist but just so as not to put you on the spot or anything I'll go first.  The God I don't believe in looks like a man, has a beard, lives in the sky (well actually just above it), wears a long robe (something like Gandalf) and pronounces dooms and will cause the Green Bay Packers to win football games if you pray fervently enough.  If you are really good sometimes he will take your side in a war. 

InannaWhimsey's picture





Those who do mind don't matter
And those who matter don't mind :3


(oh, and welcome to a model of paradise)


I find this forum to be the delightful kind where we're here to form *relationships*. Which means the people who come in for the 'one-shot kills' or with something to proove...don't usually last.


This forum is very like a cafe...or a drop-in center, where there are no obligations to stay, and there are quite a variety of rooms. Where everyone can be, at the same time, be considered an atheist and a believer, without contradiction :3


Just a Self-writing poem,


crazyheart's picture



Can I buy you a coffee, Inanna? You too, Matt.

RevLGKing's picture



Of course you are welcome! Keep in mind that I am more interested in dialogue--the sharing of ideas--than in debate--the winning of an argument.


Lord AlfredTennyson said:

"There lives more faith in honest doubt,

Believe me, than in half the creeds


I am interested in: What are your honest doubts?

Perhaps what we need to do is define what we mean when we say 'god'. With this in mind, check out:

Arminius's picture



Yes, RevKing, definiton is important.


If, for instance, one believes in a universe that is self-creative, then this is an a-theistic or non-theistic belief, but not necessarily anti-theistic.


In a self-creative universe, there can be only one God (the self-creative universe ITself) or no God at all (because there is no external deity that created the universe) or any number of Gods of Goddesses (beause everyone and everything is innately godly)


In a self-creative universe, the focus of religion is, or should be, our awakening to our innate godlines, and thinking and acting directly from the awareness of our godliness: Paradise on Earth!


This kind of belief is beyond belief. It is not a belief in a particular doctrine but an experience, the definition of which is up to the experiencer. 

Beloved's picture





Welcome Matthimaus!


In the walk of life I can learn from you and you can learn from me, irregardless of our beliefs or non-beliefs.


Hope, peace, joy, love . . .


Nealatthewheel's picture



WElcome, Matt: As long as we obviously more intellectually advanced Atheists and the  Ignorant Christians treat each other with respect, there is room for everyone here....

*takes tongue out of cheek*

revjohn's picture



Hello Matthimaus and welcome to the WonderCafe.


Matthimaus wrote:

Okay so firstly, I signed up here before realising that the website is related to the church.


To be technically precise it is related to "a" church not "the" church.  The United Church of Canada is the official sponsor of  The United Church of Canada has not pretentions that it is the only authentic expression of Christ's church in existence.


Matthimaus wrote:

I don't have any problems with that, im just wondering whether im gonna get booted off the site in like 30 seconds after I post this.


The only ones who have been "booted off" of this site are those who will not play by the rules and insist on breaking what rules we have.  Those who can play within the rules are generally welcome to stay although if they decide they are not up for open conversation they might find the waters choppy.


matthimaus wrote:

Also, does anyone who can comment have a problem/issue with an openly athiest person being on the site?


I have no problems with having an openly athiest person here provided they understand what respectful dialogue is.  I have no problems with openly Christian persons being here provided they also understand what respectful dialogue is.


matthimaus wrote:

Lastly, if this topic has been done a thousand times already, and your thinking "arrgh another newbie getting it all wrong" don't be afraid to tell me. Cause I certanly am a newbie...(akward silence)...


I don't think the topic has been done a thousand times yet.  As far as being a newbie goes this site is officially three years old in November so all of us were newbies here at one point.


Some of us here will go "arrr" about repetitive topics.  If you have a new slant on old themes I suspect that will be appreciated.  If you don't mind being pointed to the archived threads by some I know that there are others who are always game to open old discussions.


We are mostly harmless here.


Grace and peace to you.


Timebandit's picture



qwerty wrote:

Do we mind that you're here?

Nah!  But just as a little icebreaker could you please describe the God (or whatever) you don't believe in. 


I'm not an atheist but just so as not to put you on the spot or anything I'll go first.  The God I don't believe in looks like a man, has a beard, lives in the sky (well actually just above it), wears a long robe (something like Gandalf) and pronounces dooms and will cause the Green Bay Packers to win football games if you pray fervently enough.  If you are really good sometimes he will take your side in a war. 


Dude, if you're an atheist there's no description necessary...  You can just say *all* of them....  Because you're an "a-theist", as in "without gods".


Bizarre question, really...

qwerty's picture



Okay timebandit it was bizarre.  I tried to make it bizarre (maybe a better word might be "startling").  It was only meant to head off a rehash of the some of the most common of the preconceived notions by pointing out that the notion of "God" might be more amorphous than our new friend Matthimus might first have imagined.  I am in, in fact, in the "all of 'em" camp .  My thinking is along the lines of what Arminius describes.  I just want to bypass a lot of the stuff that RevLGKing was trying to ease us past too.

InannaWhimsey's picture



crazyheart wrote:

Can I buy you a coffee, Inanna? You too, Matt.


Make that a Matcha Latte and you've got yourself a deal :3

cjms's picture



Timebandit wrote:

qwerty wrote:

Do we mind that you're here?

Nah!  But just as a little icebreaker could you please describe the God (or whatever) you don't believe in. 


I'm not an atheist but just so as not to put you on the spot or anything I'll go first.  The God I don't believe in looks like a man, has a beard, lives in the sky (well actually just above it), wears a long robe (something like Gandalf) and pronounces dooms and will cause the Green Bay Packers to win football games if you pray fervently enough.  If you are really good sometimes he will take your side in a war. 


Dude, if you're an atheist there's no description necessary...  You can just say *all* of them....  Because you're an "a-theist", as in "without gods".


Bizarre question, really...


timebandit - even if you cannot, perhaps Matt can articulate what it is in which he does not believe.  And certainly it seems that he has come here for dialogue.  Simply shutting that avenue down, seems counter-productive...cms

CDNRXBY's picture



Much like Canada as a whole, it's BETTER that WC have people of varying backgrounds, faiths, creeds, sexualities and colours (etc.).  It helps us all hear the other side of each post topic and has certainly helped ME personally be more open to the other side.


So WELCOME good Sir.  Say, do you HAVE any of your pictured cupcakes you'd care to pass along? :-)

GRR's picture



qwerty wrote:

Do we mind that you're here?

Nah!  But just as a little icebreaker could you please describe the God (or whatever) you don't believe in. 


I'm not an atheist but just so as not to put you on the spot or anything I'll go first.  The God I don't believe in looks like a man, has a beard, lives in the sky (well actually just above it), wears a long robe (something like Gandalf) and pronounces dooms and will cause the Green Bay Packers to win football games if you pray fervently enough.  If you are really good sometimes he will take your side in a war. 

Kinda like this fella?

Seems Like God REached Out and Touched Me


RevLGKing's picture


  • Oct 18 09 11:40 PM




For details, check out

I hope that that Crosshatch is sincere and not just pulling my leg to have some fun. Fun in its place is OK. Here goes:


Hi, Rev,

Good answer, brother Man!!

I'm now almost bursting with faith that you'll consider the following, and get back to me after church and fellowship-- donuts or whatever comes after--today.

You got me thinking, here on the Sabbath you doggone blessed man o' G0d!!

[I use G0D, or GOD.]

(Sorry, Twelve Tribes - Saturday don't get it for a Sabbath. College Football?)(Yeah, Right!)

[You will need to explain the meaning of this to me, later.]

Anyway, here's my stirring Atheist question for the day, and a comment or two:

I'm trying to keep my paragraphs manageable. [Which is what I hope I am doing, for you.]

Rev, It seems a paradox that living longer is viewed as a benefit of church attendance.

I know YOU don't believe in G0d.

[Make that 'God'. As I understand it, G0D is in all of us; and we are in GOD.]

Hence all the talking about G0d, but, for the run-of-the-mill churchgoer, wouldn't a longer life just mean that the precious faith-unit has to wait longer before "meeting his maker?"

[I think of it as meeting the One we all really are.]

Or going to "be with the Lord". Or all those other things that spiritual folk like to, piously, blab about at funerals, when they make dying sound as if the freshly departed "soul" just won a trip to somewhere a thousand times better than Maui, all expenses paid?

[Quite funny, and apt! ]

If croaking is your (our) boarding pass to an eternal reward - isn't longevity just a prolongation of a big old relatively G0d-deficient dry spell?

[Yes! But, depending on how we approach the challenge, it, IMO, can be a pleasant and pain free experience, I hope...]

Now, may I compliment you, Rev King?

[I love compliments! And I love giving them, especially when they are deserved.]

[Hey! You are not pulling my leg, are you? Have you been smoking something? Not that it matters!]

You know, Rev - I'm still happy to give you the benefit of the doubt, when it comes to what apparently is your ability to see a bounty of incredibly meaningful, enriching things, that the rest of us can't.

I HAVE A DREAM, Rev King!!

[So do I. I hope that all of our fellow protagonists in this forum do. I wonder?]

A lot of folks here figure that you're basically just enumerating all the ways you can see things that aren't there, but, me?

[And what do you want to say about the snowflake you know as "me"?]

Nope...I'm still figuring: you are going to find just the right way to put the words together that'll lift the fog, and serve as our passport to the luminous, unimaginably-enhanced world that you live in--one that is a whole hell of a lot better than the droll, grey, claustrophobic, faith-deficient, bleakly-unimaginative and dried-up prune of a hell-hole that non-believers--in the special God that you don't believe in, but live in--are trudging through.

Keep trying, Old Buddy!

[Of course! That is what I intend.]

I have confidence (or is it "faith?") that you'll prove the naysayers here are wrong.

[My only goal is to keep all of us thinking, and willing, that that which is good for all of us.]

... and that you'll

[Please let me change that to 'I'll ]

I'll at least get MY faith gland secreting even harder--like a sacred fire hose, the way G0d [G0D] intended when he cranked me, and the billions of other equally-unique, special and individual spirit snowflakes, out on the soul assembly line that runs clear on up to Heaven where we'll be evolving so fast it'll make our heads spin, and the atheists even more jealous!


May I close with a prayer/non-prayer?


Praise G0D, on this Sabbath day that the Lured  [Lord?] hath made for us to praise and have faith in more faithfully than ever!!

May [I prefer to use: We all affirm...] that we will reap the bounteous harvest of blessings ...

[Though the following, IMO, is not clear and not needed, I will leave it as it is:]

... and spiritual blessing-bounty that has been made manifest through and by the blessed, faith-filled prayers of those who walk in the light of the almost blinding light of Love that lights our way along the eternal path that leads ever upward toward the consecrated ground of being where there will be no downward, and our tears will be joyous....

The joyous tears of those who know the peace that "passeth all misunderstanding" and shall make the devil wish he was never born, but not that he was an abortion....

[Stop and think for a moment about the following:

IMO, if there ever was a St. Lucifer, he/she deserves much credit. After all, it is the gift of evil which gives us the gift we call free will--the uniquely-human gift.

In effect, We are free to choose to do good, or evil. It seems to me that this is a god-like and an amazing power. Don't you agree?]

And may we know and share the love and wisdom that was intended for us by The author of all love and wisdom; that will be our glorious heavenly home when the Intelligent design kingdom is established on Earth, as it is, in the eternal Mind of our heavenly Father when he is restored to his throne....

And will joyously lord it over us, without end, amidst great faith and joyous blessed faith-blessings for ever and ever.... Amen!!

Can I get an Amen from you stubborn, arrogant atheist losers, also?

Would it kill you, on a Sunday?
(Please pray for the Cardinals!!!)--

[The baseball team? Or the Vatican Cardinals?

One final question, CH, are you serious? Or are you serious?]



jlin's picture




 Actually, today was my turn to conduct worship and I was very glad to be able to include atheism in my sermon as an aspect of needed awareness when looking at Christian philosphy.  I was able to come from a Buddhist perspective, but not all my ideas were based from that framework.  There's nothing wrong in just not-beiieving.  Personally, I don't beleive one needs to be theist to be Christian, and theologians will agree with that statement. 


Having said that, there are people here who aren't Christian, but most seem to have some sort of formal religious affiliation.  I don't see anything wrong with just being a secularist interested in philosophy and religion, though.

 And anyway, your'e a male and as we live in a predominantly male-oriented society in which neither men nor women can  even clearly hear women speak  unless they have aPHD or some heavy status,   or  perhaps, at least a 6 figure salary ( or just be married to a man who has one) ,  - and this website is no different in it this assessment  - I  should  be asking you if it's  o.k. with you that I'm an intellectual Socialist Feminist Christian (Buddhist) member of the lower middle-class? 

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