Wonderingg's picture



Athiests and Evangelicals: Common ground?

I came across a review for a book by Gina Welch (Secular Jew, Athiest) about her undercover journey into Evangelical America. My first reaction was "Oh great, another athiest bashes the religious right." As I read further reviews and a Q&A with her on time.com it seems that she is trying to find common ground between Evangelicals and Athiests; to discover that we are all people with genuine motivations to do good and help others.


The book came out a couple of weeks ago, I'm going to pick it up this evening. Here are a couple of links to check out.

Matthimaus's picture



(first post) Does anyone mind that im athiest here?

Okay so firstly, I signed up here before realising that the website is related to the church. I don't have any problems with that, im just wondering whether im gonna get booted off the site in like 30 seconds after I post this.

Also, does anyone who can comment have a problem/issue with an openly athiest person being on the site?

Lastly, if this topic has been done a thousand times already, and your thinking "arrgh another newbie getting it all wrong" don't be afraid to tell me. Cause I certanly am a newbie...(akward silence)...

robynanya's picture



Do you think it's okay for Athiest's to say "Oh my God"?

 I have some really close friends that are Athiest, so I have nothing against that type of "religion" I believe that people have freedom of choice. But because I'm Catholic, it strikes me when people say "oh my God" in the first place...but to hear it come from people that don't even believe in God, it just doesn't seem logical.

matt4630's picture



hello God...It's me, an Athiest.

Hello there, I was reading Readers digest and saw the Ad for this site.  I love to talk freely about my beliefs and I thought it was a good opertunity to clear up some misconceptions that many people that I have met have about Athiests.
