crazyheart's picture



Jesus - Leader

On the 2010 Top ten list, somone posted that they didn't agree with the religious leaders list because Jesus wasn't on it.

Now, I have thought about this for the last couple of days and have wondered if posters think that Jesus is a religious leader today?

Are more people interested in God as a Religious leader or Jesus?

Or are they both irrelevent as leaders?

Any thoughts?


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A's picture



 Hmmm... I do think of Jesus as a religious leader when he was alive.  But now?  No, not really.  Just think of how many interpretations exist of what he said and what he stood for.  And he can't defend himself or provide clarification!  


Is God a religious leader?  I guess if you are a believer than yes, God is a leader.  But again, the same question applies.  We live in a mostly secular world, so in what sense is God a leader now?  Only in the private sense, for each individual person who believes in God.  In order for God to be a leader in some larger sense the state would have to accept God's leadership.  And that could only mean trouble!


Anyway, I'm a little bit tipsy and tired.  So, apologies if none of the above made any sense whatever. 

seeler's picture



Crazyheart - I don't remember seeing the list but I would presume that it is a list of the ten top leaders in the world today.  That would be living leaders, or those who have recently died, wouldn't it?   So, no, I don't think Jesus would be, should be, on it. 


I've said before, I worship God.  I try to follow the teachings and example of Jesus.  I guess if I follow, that makes him my leader.   But somehow I don't think of him as a leader - at least not a religious leader.  I don't know if the disciples did either.  I think of him rather as a fellow traveller, a companion, a friend, possibly a teacher - but not a leader - at least not the leader of an organization. 


I think the group that made up the followers of Jesus, at least during his lifetime on earth, had very little organization.   Peter, James and John seem to be the disciples closest to him.  Thomas questioned him on several occasions.  Judas held the purse strings - sometimes indicative of power.  I'm not sure how some of the women in the group fitted in but it seems that Mary Magdalene was very close to Jesus.  And James, the brother of Jesus, emerged as a leader in the early church, perhaps indicating that he had held an important leadership role even during Jesus lifetime.  Sometimes it's hard to determine who the leader is - who is wisest, who holds the power, or the money, or has the most dianamic personality, or is the heart and soul of the group.  


Should Jesus be listed as a leader in the world today?  Probably not.   Should Jesus be listed as one of the most influential people of all time?  Probably yes.


crazyheart's picture



This is the thread posted Dec.31

Mendalla's picture



I think seeler's on the money (and gave her a +). Jesus isn't really a leader in the modern world, but a powerful influence on both leaders and followers.




waterfall's picture



I assume Crazyheart that you are referring to my answer.

It was a quick reply but the topic caused me to think how active or "real"  Jesus is to me and to my life today. Is God/Jesus a far away entity only to be admired in awe from a distance or is this a living God that yes provides profound influence but do I also believe that he/she/it actually lives today, not just in my heart but as a reality that also exists outside of my being.


I also considered that those following any religion, would they not be more of a disciple, rather than "the leader"? I suppose it's just semantics and the take on the word, "leader" how one defines it.


More or less, does God lead my life from a past existence of Jesus physically walking this earth or do I believe the Spirit of God in a spiritual realm continues to  have relevance to my physical existence. In other words it made me wonder if Jesus was not thought of for the list because he is not physically seen to be active in our lives and yet we build alters, churches, and pray to.........what? Somethng that is "out there" but not really "here"?


I'm not sure I'm even expressing myself properly and I understand I am regarding this from a "christian" perspective, but whatever faith one follows I would wonder the same thing.

unsafe's picture




This is what I think


All the Religious Leaders are either alive or dead ---so there is no other leader that can compare to  Jesus as He is the only leader that died for us and now lives --No other leader can make such a claim so he need not be on any list because He is the supreme leader above all .


Just my view

Arminius's picture



Jesus wasn't a religious leader. He was an itinerant preacher and head of a spiritual and social movement that would later branch out into many religions.

crazyheart's picture



Thank you Waterfall for your explanation of your thoughts.

waterfall's picture



Your welcome.



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