lifesucks's picture



life - is there any point in living?

1. The life of the believer - is boring and uninteresting and has no pull for me

2. The life of the sinner/unbeliever - initially exciting but evenuatlly boring... and u have find the next new thing to get the high...

The problem is I still believe in God so I am unable to kill myself.

I hate life... There no point.

You are born and go school 20-25 years. The work for another 25-35.

Meanwhile you maybe get married and get some kids along the way.

By the time you get some money and no more work (if u one of the lucky ones)

you too old to do much of anything... i'm not excited about anything... all i want is heaven now..

wish there was skip button like those commodore 64 games. alt + ctrl + skip life

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Neo's picture



Maybe you're looking in the wrong direction for satisfaction LS.

LoveJoy's picture



Or maybe you're clinically depressed. "Not caring" about living is a symptom of that. Perhaps you don't really want to die - you just want to feel more hopeful and motivated and optimistic. Sometimes this is a chemical thing in one's brain and not just an attitude that any sort of religion can fix.



Neo's picture



LoveJoy has a very good point. I usually find that doing something creative helps me when I'm down. Photography, painting, music. Especially music.

Kyle B's picture

Kyle B


LS: I understand where you're coming from. Here's how I see it:


We all have a "Lord" of our lives. If it is not THE Lord, it will be something else, ie. our job, our spouse, our identity, etc. Yet the difference is that all of those latter things or people can fail us at any moment. If and when they often do, our whole world comes crashing down because we have put all of our hope on such arbitrary things...things that do not have the power to bring more than superficial, temporary meaning into our lives. And so as long as we go on living in this way, we should not ever expect to experience true meaning. A good example would be to look to the personal lives of many pop-celebrities...who are dealing with addictions, anxiety, depression, etc. Could this be because though they have attained all that this world upholds as its highest ideals of wealth, power, influence, fame, other ends of self-absorption etc., they were not enough in themselves to fulfill the deepest longings of the human heart?


Is it not self-centeredness that makes the world go 'round'? Is it not said, "Pride comes before a fall?"


When we humbly acknowledge our true selves before God (who also rightly commands us not to have any other gods before him), we effectively open the door for true hope in our lives. When we put our identity in Christ, the Author of Life, who asks that we exchange our lives for a new one in Him, our hearts will be drawn from out of ourselves and into a truly meaningful and exciting life of service to others in the world, in accordance with the divine will. A life that whose actions in living out God's greatest command, love, (which is the selfless and ultimately true antidote to selfishness and the evils in the world caused by it), are eternally validated. And unlike the finite elements of the world, Christ the rock can bring true fulfillment to one's life, and He can forgive us when we fail.


I believe we need to stop building our lives on fallible self-pursuit, which is like sinking sand, and instead build on the solid, eternal rock. Not to sound overbearing...=)

Kyle B's picture

Kyle B


"Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain, but from being weary of pleasure."


-Dr. Ravi Zacharias

InannaWhimsey's picture



LS, go out to a library, go to the SF section and find a short story by Theodore Sturgeon "A Saucer of Loneliness" and read it.

lastpointe's picture



Hello , life

You sound very sad and perhaps depressed.  That is a serious medical condition, not unlike getting any other disease.

Go to your doctor.  Tell them how you feel.  Ask for some help.


Life has much promise and potential.  Life also has great disappointments and stresses.


Sometimes our ability to keep these in balance swings out of control.


seeler's picture



LS - I feel for you, I really do.  It is terrible to feel that there is no joy in life. 

First and foremost, get help.  Find out if there is something physically wrong.  Are you overtired, over extended, run down.  How is your hemoglobin?   Are you getting enough to eat of the proper foods?  Lots of vegetables, and iron rich foods?

Then look at the possiblitity of stess or depression.  Perhaps you are in mourning for something that happened some time ago.  Perhaps you have had an unhappy childhood.

Then try to change your attitude.  Feel the sun on your face, or the breeze in your hair and give thanks.  Smile.  Talk to someone, ask them how they are doing.  Do something for someone else.  Get involved.  Take a course.  Play with children. 

Try to find something creative that you really enjoy - music, art, drama - and do it.

And keep in touch with us on the Cafe.  I've found a great bunch of supportive friends here.  I think you can too.   We care.


sighsnootles's picture



lifesucks wrote:

I hate life... There no point.

You are born and go school 20-25 years. The work for another 25-35.

Meanwhile you maybe get married and get some kids along the way.

By the time you get some money and no more work (if u one of the lucky ones)

you too old to do much of anything... i'm not excited about anything... all i want is heaven now..

wish there was skip button like those commodore 64 games. alt + ctrl + skip life


good grief, you sound like me.  i can't tell you how often i drive up to the bridges on the highway and think... 'you know, if i just turned my steering wheel a bit, i could drive into those pilings and it would all be over....'


i'm not going to tell you that its unfair or wrong, though, cause i know from experience that you couldn't really give a toss about how your family or friends are going to feel after you kill yourself.


i am going to say, though, that if you don't get help it is going to get WAAAAY worse, and at some moment of weakness, you will probably off yourself. 


so, go to your doctor and tell them exactly what you feel right now, and let them help you through this.  be prepared, though... there are going to be setbacks, and you are going to have to fight and claw your way to feeling better.  but if you do this, you will.


you deserve to be happy, and you will be happy someday. 

Pilgrim's picture



I agree with the others above that your feelings are signs of depression.. Many many people have periods of depression in their lives however depression can be treated. I agree that you should see a doctor, as a start..  

Many people who don't have depression are not very happy in life. One secret to being happy is to bring happiness to others.

I read somewhere recently that the secret to happiness in life is to be passionate about something.  For some people it is their loved one, for some people it is their religion, for others it is their career, or it may be art, or music, or sports.  

Accumulating material possessions however does not usually bring happiness.


revjohn's picture



Hello lifesucks and welcome to


lifesucks wrote:

The problem is I still believe in God so I am unable to kill myself.


I'm with LoveJoy and Sighsnootles.  What you communicate sounds desperate.  My greatest concern is what happens when this belief in God which restrains you crumbles to the point of providing no resistance?


I don't beleive that you are dealing with some kind of funk which could be resolved by reading anything or even by simple prayer.  It sound's like your problem is something you are going to need some outside help with.


It might be something of a spiritual nature.  I feel it is likely to be something more physical.


I believe that you would profit from a visit to and a frank conversation with a Doctor and I wouldn't leave until I had a reference to another Doctor who specializes in brain chemistry disorders.  I wouldn't completely discount the efficacy of prayer either.  I just wouldn't attempt to lean on something that just isn't there at present.


Please, please go see your doctor.


Grace and peace to you.


LBmuskoka's picture



revjohn wrote:

Please, please go see your doctor.



This can not be stressed enough.  If nothing is bringing you happiness you need to seek medical attention.  You could be suffering anything from clinical depression to chemical imbalance.  Find the root cause and work from there.



Several factors may play a part in the onset of depression. These include a genetic or family history of depression, psychological or emotional vulnerability to depression, biological factors such as imbalances in brain chemistry and in the endocrine/immune systems, or a major stress in the person's life.


Depressive symptoms may be the result of another illness that shares the same symptoms, such as lupus or hypothyroidism. Depression may be a reaction to another illness, such as cancer or a heart attack. Finally, depression may be caused by an illness itself, such as a stroke, where neurological changes have occurred.

CAMH Depression fact sheet

Panentheism's picture



Welcome life - two things that people have said are crucial - see a doctor and explore spiritual resources - like Kathleen Norris's new book on this very topic -  hurry to thearpy. God be with you.

waterfall's picture



Hi LS,

I'm looking out the window right now and looking at glorious sunshine, and then I have to realize that for some that same sun becomes an invasion into their pain.

I go to work and (as a nurse) watch others that would give anything for a second chance to live and then I listen to you as you painfully describe how death is preferred over life.

The irony is so profound, yet I wouldn't dare to discount that you have an illness as real as someone tryin to cling to life. Yet with our mental health it is that much harder to recognize for ourselves that it is just as urgent to seek out help as fast as you would if you found a lump or obvious physical symptoms.

Your need is now, reach out as anyone would with any illness and seek help. There is no shame in anything you are going through. (anyone out there have other suicide prevention sites?)

If you care to share more personally what it is you're going through, we're all here for you at Wondercafe---it's anonymous. We can also be a secondary support, but I agree with the others you need to have someone that is there for you in a more personal way that is not anonymous.

Life Sucks sometimes, you're right, but Life can also be beautiful. It just depends which place you'd choose to live in if you could right now. Sometimes circumstances cause  us to have to chase the beautiful and claim is at our god given right to be happy. 


stardust's picture



Hi lifesucks

  • I'm very happy you've chosen to come here and talk. I lost a nephew, age 42, two years ago. He showed no outward signs of depression, was very attentive to his physical health, and totally adored his two young children. He didn't talk or share his feelings with anyone. I always think if only he knew how much he was loved  by his family but its too late.
  • I agree with what the others are saying as well but I'm aware that some people believe there's a stigma attached to seeking help for mental health problems especially in a small town or village . Should this be the case with you I pray you'll get the courage to do it. If not its of the utmost importance that you continue to talk to people about your problems. You've taken a big step forward just by the act of being here. We're listening. We love you and we care.
  • Please read the thread  Help Needed by Thiefree  where I've posted about the power of our thoughts making our very lives. I believe God has given us freewill, a brain,  and the ability to choose our thoughts. Its a lot of work but we can turn our  negative thoughts away from despair  and darkness by replacing them with good positive thoughts and being grateful for what we have. We have to stand outside of  ourselves so to speak ( as if we were listening to someone else )and  pay attention to what we are always thinking or saying to ourselves. Whatever we think can become true for us. Mind is the builder. What we feed grows. Don't put yourself down. Sometimes we'd never put other people down the way we put  ourselves down, eh?
  • lifesucks there are so many people in this world that really need you and all the love you have to give. I used to work for Unicef. We had a poster with a child in Africa being  asked : "What do you want to be when you grow up?". The child's answer was : Alive . I don't mean to give advice (nobody likes advice) but I've a glimmer of hope that perhaps you can find someone who really needs your help be it a child or an old person, someone alone who is just waiting for someone as beautiful as you.  Your life can be worth more than gold to someone else.
  • Sorry I'm preachy but you also do know that as people we are constantly changing or in flux. We are really never the same from one day to the next although we don't often realize it. Every day is a new day. Everyday is hope. We know too that all things are passing. Whatever our feelings on a given day, no matter how blue.....this too will pass. I sometimes think of the millions or trillions who have struggled through life before us and they made it !  We are not less than anyone else. We can make it too!  You surely know Obama, the Messiah...kidding.....Yes We Can !!!!
  • I'll pray for you. Whether you believe in God or not  God can make a way where there is no way.  Even if you feel like a phony try to speak pleasant words  and you'll attract pleasant people into your life. Like attracts like. Remember as a little boy playing in the mud you surely fell down and got all dirty. You changed your clothes and went back out to play. C'mon....its not too late to be that little boy again.
  • Much love and here's a big hug  (((((((((((((((((((((((((((lifesucks))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))





Beloved's picture





lifesucks wrote:
... all i want is heaven now..


Some say the kingdom of heaven is now - in the right here and now . . .


Share the feelings you have shared in your topic starter with someone in your life


Get thee to a physician


Although Wondercafe is made up of a bunch of great people who care about you, I think you need more help and support with your struggles than you are able to get here on Wondercafe.


Hope, peace, joy, love . . .

stardust's picture



I agree with Beloved but help can come from many sources in the here and now this very minute.


Chiquitita - Abba...
Shine once more like you did before
Sing a new song Chiquitita....
Today I Heard A Bird Sing - short movie
Louise Hay Wisdom Cards: ( I read these; no need to ask questions)
Louise Hay was abused as a child, she had cancer etc. but found a way
like the phoenix to rise above the ashes. Her cards and philosophy now
help people all around the world. She teaches people how to have a good self image.
Namaste's picture



I will echo what everyone has said. Go talk with your doctor. And if you can, talk with a friend you trust.


I have felt this way before too. But you don't have to feel like this forever. It is very treatable.

bygraceiam's picture



Hello lifesucks.....God bless you.........


I am in agreement with others here .....the first things you should do is seek a doctor and refuse to leave until you are physically checked many things can go wrong in our of them is thyroid...when the thyroid is out of wack the rest of your body is forced into feeling yuck...with this type of problem there is no will to get out of will to talk to with no happinesss....I urge you to check this out right away....


If your physically healthy then I  would suggest a deeper seeking of God whom you say you believe in.....stop thinking negative.....this happens because we let the enemy and the world do this to our responsibility to keep ourselves healthy and this is mind , body and soul....remember the Lord restores our souls and this is where I would start...give all things to God ....for He takes our burdens....rebuke (to scold) the negative out of your can do it.....that is why so many people in this world believe in God...but faith is no good without out do you start that.....well you ask God to give you wisdom and knowledge in the scriptures ask Him to give you strength...courage, happiness, healing, patience, joy......become the character of the Lord Jesus Christ....become these important thing you must remember ....put it upon your brain...drill it into your mind...ONE DAY AT A TIME.....when you get up in the morning shake off the negative and change one thing each day....this way your working with action on your journey with I am going to concetrate on being happy....all day...I will rebuke the negative and ask God pour out Your happiness upon this each and every day...each day add one more thing to I will be happy and patient......I rebuke these negative things out of my life today.......I ask You God to replace them with love, happiness, healing, excitement of what You will do for me today....God gives us all of these things we must ask for them....Jesus spent many hours alone in the mountains...on the the garden...just asking God for what He needed to get through ONE DAY AT A TIME...


Say to yourself each morning ... I am in control of my own life....I want happiness, love, healing...put these words all over your bedroom wall  if you half too...look at them before you start your day....and put action with your faith...become that word....


You say you believe in God...well look around you and see what God has provided...In Genenis..God gave us the sun and the moon and the show us He indeed exists...with action you can turn your faith into a mountain....ask God to show You the wonderful blessings He has given you.....your, friends, animals...a roof over your head...a bed to sleep in your others have said here.....we cannot reject what the Lord has given us .....this is the strength that keeps us going......but you must be willing to renew your change the things around you....all of us here on wondercafe have problems....different ones ....but none the less we have them..but it is in our attitude of life that makes us happy or sad.....myself and others here choose to be happy and healed in life rather than go through life depressed....believe me if I contsentrated on the bad things in my life....I would never get out of bed....but no one else can do this for is your responsibility alone..


Many many times in life you will run into things that can change your life forever...but it is the attitude that you hold in your heart that will make the difference...every day look for the wonderful signs God has  put into your life to show you Life is worth living....and it can be a long life and for myself I "choose" to better mine each day on this journey....becoming the things God wants me to be......


LOVE, HAPPINESS, GRATEFULL, WISE, KNOWLEDGEABLE, HEALED, FAITHFULL, KIND, MERCIFULL, GRACEFUL, PATIENT, WARM , GENEROUS, ENERGETIT, USEFULL, SEEKING, GINVING, HELPFUL, SPIRITUAL.......Gods book is full of these things......the attributes the characteristics of Jesus Christ ....the Lord of All Things....


Each day like I said pick one and refuse to be anything else for this day....

God is with us 24/7...He is in the sun, in the grass, in the birds, in the flowers, in the trees, in children, in adults, in schools, at work...He is everywhere ........

We must choose I want to be depressed without hope or do I want to be full of Joy of the Lord....happy with each day and what He provides for me....I guarantee if you do this each day and add each one of these to your daily will turn around...a way I learned was to read the scriptures.......look up these words in the bible.....and it will tell you how to apply all of these things to your works ....ask anyone here on wondercafe...your not alone life sucks ........we all must work on these things day day...each day be happy ....


Dear Lord I pray for lifesucks.....I pray Lord  first your presence upon them...I ask that You show walk with them daily...I ask that you open their eyes to see their ears to hear you....I claim lifesucks for Your kingdom Lord God and ask that you renew their mind....soul and body...give them vision...purpose and actions with faith...give them energy, strenght , courage, happiness, wisdom, knowledge and all they require for the them to walk one day at a time like You did when You were here and drew all from You Father in Heaven....I rebuke the enemy from their life and ask  You replace that with all wondeful thoughts from this day forward...I ask God that You apply Your beautiful ministering angels around them and watch over and protect lifesucks...untill they are all wrapped up in You ...Creator of all things....giver of the Breath of Life....giver all all we could ever want or ask for...

I ask Lord that You send Your workers Your servants into lifesucks life and I ask that You quicken these things.....I ask that you bless the doctor, nurses and people around them to find our quickley if the problem is physical....rain down Your wondefull blessings upon this life Lord...this is Your child Lord God calling out to You put Your loving arms around them and show them life with You can be Loving, exciting , happy and that You will heal them provide for them and show them the right road to go down on this wonderful journey we call life..

In Jesus name I pray ..... can do it....start today...dont waste another day feeling bad....God wants you whole that is why He gives us this prayer  ps..23....


The Lord is my shepard I shall not want...if you are in want ask God ..He does not want you doing without.....


He maketh me lay down in green pastures...He gives us all the wonderful things in life we want......the blessings each and every day...all He provides ....


He leadeth me beside still waters....He gives us the strength, love, peace, healing everything we need to live a happy life.


He restoreth my damaged and crippled souls can be renewed by using what God gives us daily....pray to Him for these things and He will restore you soul to what it is suppose to be....


He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness...He will make things right as you follow Him..He will turn the depression and negative thoughts into happiness and healing...these are the right things for us to be....For His name sake....all His promises are real...have faith in Him..stop doubting what He can do...He will Deliver You....


Yea though I walk through the shadow of death ...I will fear no evil...for thou art with me...death is when we become depressed, lonely , unhappy, sick...these are the things He will bring you through and show you there is another not fear facing the negative things in your life..for God will show you how and when to do things...and for His children there is no physical death ......when we are healed of our souls we will continue into eternal life this way...Praise the Lord.....


For thou art with me...thy rod and thy staff comfort me....God is with us all the time...His love, guideance and leading will lead us into a better way of life...each day...and He knows how we feel for He has been here and wrestled with the same things as us ...that is why He can comfort us........let Him comfort you and give you His Love...


Thous preparest a table before me and in the presence of my enemy thou annointest my head with oil......The Lord God provides Love (annointing) each and every day and lays this out for us on our journey to use...and be happy with...My cup runneth over....if we see these things they will fill our lives full of joy, love , happiness and healing...all we can handle...Praise the Lord God.....


Surley goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life....each and every day He is with us to give us what we need.....and we must have faith to know He wants us His children happy as we can be.....and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.....this happiness that you claim will follow you today, tomorrow and into the eternal life God has given us....



Lifesucks...rededicate your life to God........



Dear Lord of today.....I will no longer doubt You......I will trust You to give me what I need...each and every day.....I will call upon You to provide for Me and I ask You to once again Light up My Holy Spirit I may see the will You have for my life....I will stop going my own way and each day work to follow what You have planned for my Life....I will draw all of my strength and love from You and Promise I will work hard at making this world a better place for myself and others whom You Love ....all Your children....Please renew my life and teach me the path that My Journey Here will take me on...Open new doors for me....In Your hands I put my heart body soul........

In Your name I pray Jesus......amen and is done.....


I will be praying for you as I am sure others here on wondercafe are doing now...anytime you can email me and I will provide all the help I another traveller on this journey I would love for you to see, feel and experience the Love God Has For His Children...


Awesome God we Serve....full of Love, Mercy, Grace, Healing, Guidance , Purpose, Visons, Wisdom and Knowledge......

amen .....It is done...


In Jesus Love bygraceiam........

match3frog's picture



It does sound like you're clinically depressed.

Are you a follower of Christ? If so, I suggest that you first go see a good Christian counselor. Your minister should be able to help you find one.

If you're not a Christian, I suggest you go now to see a doctor.

There is purpose for living. I agree with Geo that it's all about serving others in Jesus' name.

Please do pray. God can help you.

LoveJoy's picture



LS - this link is from an anti-depressant site, but the info about signs and symptoms is very good. Check it out:


Also.....not sure if anyone else suggested this but if you can't get to a doctor right away and at any time you think of doing harm to yourself, you can call your local CRISIS LINE. The number is in the front of the phone book or call 411 and ask to be connected. They are very good, and they will help you.


Meanwhile, I will pray for you.




The_Omnissiah's picture



I was like you once Lifesucks...


What you need to do is have one good experience.  One simply beautiful experience where a simple random act of kindness, intimate moment, or show of affection shows you just how much the little moments can mean.  You have to stop looking at the big picture, if you take things so trivially "you go to school, work and die"  then of course life is gunna suck.


Think of all the good things in life.  A Simple good meal.  Beautiful music.  Time with friends.  Good memories.  Et cetera.  Now thing of what a life of all this can bring.  Pride, happiness, a family, a legacy!


Think about your possible future kids, what will you leave for them, and what kind of world will you leave for them.  Will you amass a large library of books you've collected over the years?  Will you leave them the honour of being related to someone who fought in the military?  Will you bring about som political change?  Will you be a simple but well loved outstanding member of the community?  Will you revolutionize som form of philosophical thinking?  Will you coin a phrase?  Will you carve you name into something to be remembered forever?  Will you write an autobiography?


All these are choices.  Your choices.  But they are yours, only you can choose to act on them.  That is where the onus is put on you.  It may be hard and seem depressing, but if you urge yourself to set a goal, maybe something little like grab some munchies, and enjoy a night of movies/gaming with a friend or might com to realize that life is what you make it.  And you can make it wonderful!


With love and empathy, Peace be unto you!




P.S.  You are in my prayers.  May Allah help you find peace.

killer_rabbit79's picture



I agree that it sounds like you have clinical depression. You'll want to get your doctor to reference you to a psychiatrist so you can get the right treatment.

lastpointe's picture



I think we need to be clear that depression, is an illness, it's not something you "overcome" on your own.


It can't be cured with a ministers visit.

It can't be cured with a glorious walk in the park.

Depression is an illness.


Someitmes we say things like  "i feel so depressed" but that isn't depression.  That is sadness.


Please go see a doctor.  If you don't have a doctor, call the crisis line and go to the emergency room.


If you are a university student go to the health center.

ShadowxXxDweller's picture



Hey LS.

Of course there's a point to life. Now, finding out what that is, that's gonna be the tough part. You'll do it. I have faith in you. ^-^



RevJones's picture



As usual, Lovejoy kicks the snot out of the obvious by identifying a potential depression.  From what you have written here it reads like a very real possiblity.  You're not alone in experiencing these things and it certainly isn't the first time these thoughts have been named like this. 

Do yourself a favour and go see a doctor.  You'll probably get a referral to someone who can prescribe a decent anti-depressent. Give yourself some time to work your way through this.  The anti-depressent therapy, alone, will take some time as the doctor will want to figure out the proper dosage. 

While you're looking into the whole prescription thing you should also look up someone you can talk to.  Don't bother with clergy as most of us are in over our heads with this stuff.  Even the ones who think they are properly trained are desperate quacks more concerned with meeting their own needs than those of anybody else.  Go slow and find someone who knows something about finding a reason to keep going in spite of all the madness and stupidity around us. 

And skip the Norris crap - You'd be better off reading Hunter Thompson's old ESPN ("Hey Rube") columns.  Thompson may have been a drunk and menace with a fully charged cattle prod but at least he had a decent grasp on what was going on around him. 

jesouhaite777's picture



Either you are severly depressed or you are having a midlife crisis and need to do some radical change.

Can really say more without some input

What is it that you want out of life ?


EmoCookieDough's picture



I sometimes feel the same way, lifesux... Maybe your right and there is no goals in life but now lets have a little dialogue...

"WHy do you play viedo games, there's no goal in that" I say

"I play them cause its fun" you say

"Well live life like it was a game. Try new things, Hang out with friends, do things you like, find your talents and passions"

"Well I can't stand my life, its miserable and painful"

"Just like a video game when you're stuck somewhere and you get all mad"

There's good things and bad things with everything, try to see the good things. If its 'cause of your life and the pressure, later you're gonna leave your parents and live on your own rules. You'll live your life with the person you love and have kids that you created (or adopted). Then you will have goals:

Raise children (difficulty out of 10... 10! :P )

Keep a good relationship with your beloved one (difficulty out of 10.....10 again!)

Now, you have to really difficult goals in life and do not forget the one of being a good person which is also really hard. Try to set you goals of charity, it will make you feel beter about yourslef

The_Omnissiah's picture



Haha Emocookiedough....nice analogy :) 


Life:  Difficulty: 10




...for everything else there is mastercard lol.



Assalaam Alaiykum


EmoCookieDough's picture



lol, omni :P

WaterBuoy's picture



Life is a thoroughly misunderstood gift because of sybling rivalry that would like the rest of creation go away.


Like I said understanding is a BIG Que ... but we are discouraged from going there by all sorts of Roue's ... thorns in the side that we must learn to get over or learn what their shadow is all about. Institutions in particular will discourage any change in thought you might have for a man in the pits is a burd in the hand ...


Recall the story of Joseph and his encounters away from ... ahem ... his family? And people will say there is no imaginary God've delight and wisdom ... quietly chit on eM ... ID'll make yah feel better ... and yah mighty ven learn something about your self in your expression ... do eM in black like I do ... emotional words that few good m'n will unravel ... maybe even your self ... the I 'n yah!


Cheer up some of us tattered fabric are thinking bout cha ...

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