Tragicfalls's picture



NEWS: Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Saskatchewan.


   The images first appeared on a greenhouse window in Ile-a-la-Crosse, in September. Soon after that, images began appearing farther north in the remote community of Fond-du-Lac where hundreds immediately flocked to see the figures on a living room window that were illuminated by "rainbow" colours. The third community, Black Lake, not far from the second, had experienced the same. Then in January, the images occured in Beauval, a small town not far from Ile-a-la-Crosse on more than one home. Near the end of the month a spectacular six-foot representation of Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared in Canoe Narrows prompting prayer and packed churches. Around the same time a similar image appeared in Wollaston Lake, but went unoticed by many for almost three weeks until the news was announced. Since then the image has drawn people from surrounding areas and the entire community of about 2,000. In May, an image of the Virgin Mary and holy symbols appeared in La Loche, quickly drawing as many as 5,000 people say residents. The images formed on the windows of a home owned by Judith Lemaigre, who had passed away prior to the events. What makes this incidence unique is that many believe the images are connected to this woman who many call a saint.


     I'm sure a few of you people on Wondercafe have heard about this happening in 2002-2004 , but it is still happening. I haven't seen a post about this topic yet on Wondercafe. So there seems to be this phenomena happening in Northern Saskatchwan  I have witnessed a few of these sightings, one of them actaully has roses going around the image of the Virgin Mary and they were made of frost, like literally. They were even reports that there was movement of the image of Mary.



  People of Wondercafe, what are your views on this?

  Can this be really be a sign of God?

  What does it mean?


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Arminius's picture



Hi Tragicfalls:


Unexplainable phenomena appear all the time, and are explained according to one's belief system, religion, and culture.


The Virgin Mary is seen primarily in Catholic areas. Pagans see nature spirits, Christians and New Agers see angels, and non-religionist see ETs or UFOs. Science measures and explains phenomena according to the scientific method, and lumps everything else under "unexplained phenomena." I just speculate and explain metaphorically.


Actually, all phenomena are interpreted according to a pre-conceived, interpretive framework. We experience reality uninterpretted, and then interpret it according to a pre-conceived set of concepts. We don't see the objective reality objectively; we see what we think or believe we see. Believing is seeing!

retiredrev's picture



That does it, I'm turning Catholic, regardless if my Orange Lodge Grandfather turns in his grave or not!

retiredrev's picture



In Saskatchewan, you say?  What would Oscar Leroy say about this?

crazyheart's picture



 Saskatchewan is known for many things besides gopher holes, dontyaknow?



Located a half hour's drive from Nipawin, Tobin Lake is well-known for its walleye and pike fishing. On January 4, 2005, Father Mariusz Zajac, a Catholic priest known for his interpretation of "the good book", made his mark in the record books when he hauled in an 18.3-pound walleye, a world walleye record for ice fishing. Father Mariusz reportedly was reflecting on Luke 1:45-55 at the divine moment and now offers up those God-praising biblical verses as a tip to fellow anglers.

crazyheart's picture



And we also have Gus.


Now you know why are weather is kind of iffy.



Meet Gus Wickstrom, a man who claims he can predict weather patterns six months in advance. Incredibly, Gus, from Saskatchewan in America, doesn't use computers, or technology of any sort to perform his meteorological miracle. Gus Wickstrom uses pigs' guts. Twice a year Gus, using a technique learned from his father, slaughters a pig, plucks out its spleen, and tells you whether it's going to rain. Six months from now.

Gus's technique requires dividing the spleen into six sections, one for each month in his half-year cycle. Depending on the thickness of the spleen's section (the thicker it is, the colder it'll probably be), Gus can predict rain, snow, sun - even the temperature. Apparently. 

Seventy two year-old Joe King is another spleen-studier. However, Joe believes the spleen must be removed in the autumn or early winter; any later, and the spleen is rubbish. You can find out more here at the Farmer's Almanac… but first let us finish with the words of the pig-spleen experts, who remind us that the spleen is a vascular, ductless organ that stores blood and destroys worn out blood cells. "The spleen is a useful organ that has bodily functions. It has nothing to do with predicting the weather," this well-balanced article informs us. And who are we to disagree?


Mate's picture



Things to happen that are inexplicable.




killer_rabbit79's picture



It can all be explained, but not necessarily by humanity in its current state. It may be too late by the time the images are gone anyway. Either way, everyone's going to have their own techniques for explaining things. I'm with Arminius on this one.

graeme's picture



we love magic. All training for the clergy should  include a course in card tricks.


Beloved's picture





Arminius said "Believing is seeing!"  We see something . . .  and perhaps we each see something different, and therefore believe something different.  Some see frost on a window and see something in it to believe in and others just see frost.  Just as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so is believing.  Mine is not to question what someone else believes.  If someone believes they've seen the Virgin Mary or a spirit or an angel, etc. then that's what they believe . . . truth or lie, reality or farce, real or fake . . . who knows . . . I may not believe as they do, but it is what they believe.


Hope, peace, joy, love ...


revjohn's picture



Hi Tragicfalls,


Tragicfalls wrote:

What does it mean?


The house needs new windows.


Grace and peace to you.


mrs.anteater's picture




that's kind of scary. i have not been to sk, is it safe?

people tend to see images of jesus, too. the white man with the beard. just like a north american. there seems to be a need for some simplified religion. important is the outcome. if the holy water from lourds helps to heal someone from cancer, because his/her believe empowered her healing resources-why not.

Namaste's picture



LOL John.

wonder_mocha_2010's picture



Hi Tragicfalls,

Where did you get the last (second) picture from? Did you get it from

Some of my family members went to Ile-a-crosse. Actually, some of my family members are pictured on there.

The following places that are mentioned in SK. are not the only one's where people see apparations. It may not be reported or anything like that...

Can this be a sign from God?  Yes, it very well could be. To draw people closer to Him.

What does it mean? It could mean that people need to Pray more, depend on God more, it could mean anything. I also notice that most apparations appear in Native communites. Could that mean something? Perhaps.

God bless,



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