crazyheart's picture




This is a word that apparently is used for the Holy Spirit in Christian churches as well as Advocate . I have never heard it before and do not use it. What about you?

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SG's picture



I heard this word (greek) more in Judaism than I do in Christianity, although it is a Christian term also. I simply have not heard it used in Christian circles. The word Synegor is used in Midrash  and is the same as Paraclete.


Arminius's picture



I've read the word Paraclete or Paracleitos in Gnostic literature and take it to mean a direct or experiential revelation of the Holy Spirit.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Sounds like a type of sports shoe or concrete so light it is spooky :3

paradox3's picture



crazyheart wrote:

I have never heard it before and do not use it. What about you?


Yes, I have heard it before. It was explained as the Holy Spirit sent at Pentecost. But, no, I don't use it personally.

BrettA's picture



Paraclete (n).  Alt spelling for Paracleat.  The gizmo one pounds into the ground to secure the apex of older style - 'round' - parachutes to apply tension (line stretch) for packing.


Bearded Guy in white and yellow shirt about to lean back / apply tension to paracleted white and yellow canopy - for packing rig.
Bearded Guy About To Apply Tension To Paracleted Rig.

( Yer welcome... ;-)

Beloved's picture



I have heard the word Paraclete being used in teaching sessions about the Holy Spirit or in Christian education classes, but it is not a word I have ever used.  Advocate would be a word, or something I would think in my mind before the word Paraclete.  Comforter would also be a more common word for myself.  When we were little both my grandma and my mom had huge "comforters" made out of down feathers - they were light, fluffy, warm, and when we were cold or laying down we would cover or wrap ourselves up in these comforters with a feeling of well being in our worlds.  That is how I feel about the comforter/comforting Holy Spirit - that I am wrapped in God's love.


WaterBuoy's picture



You need a par a cletis ... one on either side of the vessel to give some balance in a Tach'n situation ... change of direction? Is that a new way for a child following his desires alone without a clue? Need two for a singular thinker without care is pathe logical ... isn't that de deux ... in induced thinking from stimuli .... sympathetic ends converted to eMpathe' ...?

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