AaronMcGallegos's picture



What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?


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AaronMcGallegos's picture



My wife and son, work, health, good food, curiousity, grace, beauty in so many things, fall, Toronto, Canada.

Neo's picture



Living in Canada! And while in Canada, living on the West Coast!

Poguru's picture



In "Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms" the goal is stated a being the acquisition of correct knowledge.


When I was very young, I looked around and could find no rhyme or reason for existence.  God did not seem to be present and the world abounded with an infintude of religious explanations.  Confronted with the multiplicity of explanations (few of which made any sense) and the vaccum of meaningful answers, I did what any wise man would do, namely, I ascribed to myself my own reason for living.  That reason was to acquire as much correct knowledge as I possibly could.  My hope was that after accumulating sufficient correct knowledge, I could then make sense of an apparently senseless universe.


I still hold to that goal although my understanding of what constitutes "correct knowledge" has changed sigmificantly over the years. Nonetheless, I am grateful for the opportunity presented to me.


Take the boddhistavic vow - pray for your own enlightenment for the benefit of sentient beings - boddhicitta.


Your buddy on the Path - Poguru

crazyheart's picture



Life, Love,family, friends and laughter


Given by God..

BetteTheRed's picture



Well, darn it, crazyheart, what did you leave un-thanked for the rest of us?


I'm thankful for the opportunity to go out to my own garden and pick a handful of this and a handful of that for a Thanksgiving feast. Also provided by Godde's rain and nutrition and energy.


Beloved's picture



My faith and relationship with God, my immediate family and my extended family, my friends, my health, my abundance - I have a home, a car, furniture, enough food, a few toys (including my computer to visit Wondercafe on, etc.), music, books, and TURKEY!


Beloved's picture



Today I am thankful I can walk, see, hear, smell, talk, and be fairly active . . . I sometimes take all these for granted . . . but I am thankful I am mobile, active, and my senses are great.


somegalfromcan's picture



Neo wrote:
Living in Canada! And while in Canada, living on the West Coast!


What Neo said! And so much more: for food, for friends, for family, for a good job, for a good faith community, for all the good things I have in my life.

chansen's picture



That my boy is still kickin', that science-based medicine saved him so we could have a shot, that stem cell research gives us hope of a good recovery, that my family has rallied around us and supported us, that Sick Kids and Bloorview exist and do the work they do, and that none of us have gone off the deep end and started appealing to medical or religious quacks in this ridiculously trying time.

Neo's picture



U trump us all Chansen

WaterBuoy's picture



Such is an "out-of-here" rationale for many of the population that hasn't been in those particular shoes ...


There are vast variants of that experience Chansen ... perhaps we should respect the odd ones ... irrationale fields?


When one wonders they see vast fields of pain ... with obvious reason behind it that mortals can't see ... takes a Classic Wisdom hated by Roman Empiric: "that common folk shouldn't know" ... is there Moor tuit?


People tend to reject such thought ...

WaterBuoy's picture



Can one be thankful for intellect in an overly emotional world? Takes a medium of sorts ... hated by polity ... who drew the line? Is there someone in there weaving ...


Thang odes ... for small nothings ... that's thought to a people that despise small-thinking peoples that would be satisfied with little things ...


Then there's thanx for perverted words ... so the anti-Semites won't know some of us understand the Icons ... for what isn't ... St Niche (of Qusah) holds the response ... something to get your head around ... improbable in a mortal state ... deligated to the quantum processor ... varient spectre ... as arrayed ...

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