A's picture



What challenges your faith the most?

And, how do you deal with the challenges, whatever they are?


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momsfruitcake's picture



what challenges my faith?  the spiritual extremes of my "beliefs".  the non-believer and the "extreme"-believer.  both challenge me for the better.  they help keep me on middle ground.  i could never believe that all this came from nothing and i could never believe that god is anything but love, so somewhere in between there is my faith (spirituality).


nish:  breaks are good.  i know you've taken a few from this forum before.  i too hope you'll return again.  you bring passion and i always enjoy your intelligent posts.  i have taken my own breaks.  when the boards get quiet or redundant, when i need to contemplate or when i just find myself heated.  in the mean time, take care of yourself :)

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