crazyheart's picture



Who are Grass Roots?

I used this word in a thread recently, and now, ( cart before the horse), I want to know who posters think the Grass Roots are in society and in the church.


Do you think Grass roots are lay people?

or/and  , in the church do you think Clergy are also Grass Roots?


Like any seed that is sown, it has to be watered, and nurtured by something - sun, rain, soil).


So, in the church, are the congrgations nurtured by Clergy ( watered and fed)


So because Clergy are  in relationship with the the church, does that automatically remove them from the Grass Roots category.?

My question stems from the Wondercafe - Grass Roots threads where there are few -  if any rev's responses.


What are your thoughts?

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GordW's picture



I can't offer a definition to answer your question CH, because I am never sure.  COming from populist ALberta that spawned the Refoooooooooorm Party grass roots was often a code for protest.  It was rarely used for those members of the general population who agreed with what the Federal government was doing.


As to the observation at the end of your post.  I know I was sent a link to a SurveyMonkey survey aroun the whole Emerging Spirit campaign.  I think all paid ministry personnel in the UCCan were sent it and so we have had a chance to provide feedback.  That may be why.

Panentheism's picture



Gord is correct - i responded to the survey that was sent to all cong and clergy types - by the way we are not employees we are in a relationship.

Arminius's picture



All people are grass roots!

crazyheart's picture



Sorry, pan - in relationship. I will change it.


And Arminius that's what I thought too.

GordW's picture



Another POV in terms of clergy is that we are officers of the congregation, not employees, but officers who are paid.


Relationship is present in both those alternatives.  But certainly it is not a straight "congregation=employer" situation.  In fact it can be argued that in traditional use of the term clergy have no employer.

Pinga's picture



I must admit, i didn't get the "grass roots" usage here....but....figured any & all testimonies were fine.


yeah..sure...all participants who support wondercafe's existence...and engage in providing support, are part of the grass roots. 


Whether someone is a minister (ordained, diaconal, lay, cm, ldm, abcde) or a person from another denomination or an atheist is irrelevant.

LBmuskoka's picture



GordW wrote:

In fact it can be argued that in traditional use of the term clergy have no employer.


Ah but in the literal metaphorical use....



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