Pinga's picture



Wondercafe conference

People have tossed around the idea of a wondercafe conference or gathering.


I am posting this thread to allow us to weave in & out of the idea


Some of the things that come to my mind are:

a) what is unique about wondercafe and contributors that would be interesting to others

b) what would the conference look like? would it have lanes similair to the discussion topics

c) what location would make sense 

d) funding  / costs / challenges

graeme's picture



Two Superb Books

This is not reall a discussion. I just wanted to tell you about two of the most impressive books I have ever read.

1. Ishmaeil Beah, "A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier". The stunningly well told story of a child soldier in Sierra Leone.

crazyheart's picture



Race Relations

Please, let's keep this conversation respectful.

Yesterday a story was related to me. I won't go into the story but it started out "A drunk Indian woman approached me..............." If it were a Chinese woman I would presume it would be "A drunk Chinese womaan..........." but if it were a white woman, it would be said ."A  drunk woman approached me ...." with no reference to race.

I have heard "My neighbour has two cars." but on the other side of me "My East Indian neighbour has two cars."

All is one's picture

All is one


Society corrupting kids/teens?

Simple question

Why does media have to suck teens and children into their un realistic idea's that everyone has to skinny, sexual, popular, and most of all telling them THEY  have to be what they (media) want them to BE?


mae_searching's picture





Panentheist's picture



The stories we tell!

A past moderator, Bill Phipps, wrote a book "Cause for Hope". In it he makes the point that people (we) live by the stories we tell. He even makes the point that for us to change the future is rather easy; all we have to do is change the story! Assuming that he is right, this would be an interesting tool for us to use. We could begin by contemplating what our society is like and then make the connection with the foundational stories we tell.


The Squire's picture

The Squire


Are We Too Intolerant?

As a society, are we too intolerant? Or do we tolerate too much? In some areas, tolerance is definitely lacking. But in others, there is far too much of it.

Agree / Disagree? 


Yes, you in the back ...

crazyheart's picture



Who are Grass Roots?

I used this word in a thread recently, and now, ( cart before the horse), I want to know who posters think the Grass Roots are in society and in the church.


Do you think Grass roots are lay people?

or/and  , in the church do you think Clergy are also Grass Roots?


Like any seed that is sown, it has to be watered, and nurtured by something - sun, rain, soil).


So, in the church, are the congrgations nurtured by Clergy ( watered and fed)


efficient_cause's picture



biblical vs. cultural morality?

For those of you who would self-identify as Christian - do you find yourself 'shaped' more (in a moral formation sense) by the bible or by prevailing moral culture (i.e. what secular society values as good/moral)? I'm not saying they don't overlap - they certainly do - but they aren't always in agreement by any means. If there's a conflict between them (real or perceived), how do you go about deciding between them? Do you wish one shaped you more, or less?

Or do I even have my question wrong? :') Let's hear what you think.

Wonderingg's picture



Food for thought - Comedian Louis CK on Conan

Saw this clip a while back and thought I would post it. Many of you may have already seen this but its pretty funny and at the same time presents a lot of food for thought.


What especially intrigued me is his point that much of North American society feels like the world owes them something.

