chemgal's picture



"I don't know"


I'm looking forward to discussing this with Chemguy later.  I'm pretty opinionated, but I also use many qualifiers as it opens me up to express what I think while staying open minded when I'm not sure of all the details.  I probably do so a bit less when writing than when speaking.


somegalfromcan's picture



A Video For International Women's Day

I thought this video might be of some interest to folks here:



Pinga's picture



Social Media Shares: Social Justice, Alternative News

This is a place to share social media items that you have found.


Some of them may spawn threads to discuss them;however, it would be awesome if this thread was really focussed on the information that you feel is worth passing on to others.


Suggestion:  Pull the links, and put a short description of why you think it is awesome.

Consider it a library.,




oui's picture



Church of England Denies Women Bishops

Are we in the 3rd century, or the 21st century?  The Church of England has blocked women from becoming bishops.   Is the church above the law of equal opportunity?


Why do christian institutions, in fact all monotheistic institutions, have such a hard time accepting basic equality between the sexes?


The golden rule promotes equality, to treat others as you wish they would treat ourselves.  How can this principal be brought into action if its major proponent, the church, cannot view our two genders of our species as equal?

trishcuit's picture



taking iron supplements

I have low iron and have been sentenced to a period of time taking iron supplements. The doctor perscribed the least expensive (knowing we are so low income), ferrous sulfate. Little red tablets.  Took two this morning, on an empty stomach and had a bit of sweet bell pepper for the vitamin C factor, to help absorption.   Twenty minutes later I am chewing down three extra strength Tums and then took a Gravol. I was so certain I was going to puke. I used the  word 'sentenced' because it felt like a punishment.

Fionavar's picture



Blogging about Miss Represenataion

I thought I would share a recent blog I wrote after watching the documentary Miss Representation and preparing for a youth/young adult exploraiton of the role the media has in molding gender roles and expectations. Would love to hear any feedback/challenges as life & time permitted!

Rev. Ali Smith's picture

Rev. Ali Smith


Bad Girl Eve

On Monday, November 21, I offered the first session of Bad Girls of the Bible, an occasional Bible Study that will look at a different woman each time. This time, we focused on Eve, the first woman. I obviously can't share the Bible study with you here as it was wonderfully interactive with rich conversation. But I thought that I would write something up based on the notes I used to guide the discussion.


Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Women's Day, Lent, and Parliament

On March 7th and 8th I was in Ottawa with other faith leaders, urging the government to adopt the recent recommendations of a multi-party parliamentary committee report entitled Federal Poverty Reduction Plan: Working in Partnership Towards Reducing Poverty in Canada.

Serena's picture



Women, Food, and God

Who has read this book? What r ur thoughts?

carolla's picture



Kung Fu Grannies

I saw a spot in TV this week about Kung Fu Grannies in Kenya - a programme teaching martial arts to older women for self defence, as rape is a growing problem for them.   A sad thing that such a programme is needed - but kudos to all who are involved.


Have you ever taken a self-defence course? What difference has it made to you?
