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Widen the Embrace CCPC Conference 2011

The Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity has just announced its upcoming conference in London ON, Oct 21-23, 2011.  There's a great line-up of speakers including the LTQ folks and wondercafe's very own, iwonder!!


Check it out at Widen the Embrace Conference



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BTW - follow the link to the conference site by clicking on the words "Widen the Embrace Conference" at the end of my post.

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And, note that John Spong is speaking at the same church, First St. Andrew's United, on the same weekend (giving the sermon on Sunday morning and delivering their Proudfoot Lecture in the afternoon) . It's not part of the conference, but a good tie-in.


I know two of the presenters personally through my UU fellowship and I'm quite interested in some of the other events as well, so I'm seriously thinking about going. However, October tends to be a travel month for my family (due to the timing of my professor wife's research term) so I may not be in town and can't really register this early since I still don't know what our plans for this year are.




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Another UCCAN connection is Dr. Mark Toulouse - Principal of Emmanual College.

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For those looking for SS curriculum, the TCPC will be showcasing their new resource!

“A Joyful Path”

- Deshna Ubeda

A Joyful Path is a brand new Spiritual Curriculum for ages 6-10 developed and published by The Center for Progressive Christianity. Inspiring to teachers and children alike, A Joyful Path’s 38 sessions celebrate compassion for all, the wisdom within, and a joy-filled life. The full color written material is available on both CD and in pre-printed Teacher/Student packs and includes a teacher training DVD.

Each lesson comes with a teacher’s reflection, a full color Affirmations page to print out and take home with artwork like the one above, inspiring quotes, fun activities that tie it all together, discussion questions, a story to bring home, and tips to bring nature and music into the lessons.

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