somegirl's picture



Halloween costume suggestions please

Hi all


Last year my department (well most of us anyway) dressed up as Smurfs for Halloween.  It was a big hit and we had a blast.  We've come up with a couple of ideas for this year so far:  The men as the Pussycat Guys and the women as the Backstreet Girls (not sure we have enough people for that), circus or zoo theme, sports figures or dress as the products that we manufacture. 


I was wondering if you WCers might have some suggestions that I could bring to the group.  Thanks in advance .

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Witch's picture



WEll I'm probably not the best one to ask, since my halloween costume is my church clothes.

lastpointe's picture



I have seen groups dress up as a box of Crayola's.  The costumes were pretty easy and cheap too,  uni-coloured clothing .  Colours just need to be coordinated and then bristol board fronts and backs and cone shaped hats made by someone.  Looks pretty cool when you all stand in order and "be" a box.


If this is a work time related thing I would personally stay away from suggestive things like Pussy Cat Dolls, even for the men.


My daughter's teachers one year all dressed the same, I think they just all wore the same colour T shirt and each shirt had a large letter on it, front and back.  No one could really figure it out until they all got together and they spelled a word, right now I can't think what it was.


Then they did this fun scrable game thing with the kids where they all whipped around making new words.





sighsnootles's picture



i remember one year i saw a bunch of people dressed as the cast of 'grease' and perform 'summer nights'... the men all dressed as the females, and the guy dressed as rizo was HILARIOUS - and the women were all the greaser guys. 


my god, it was just brilliant.

lastpointe's picture



I have seen groups do a rainbow too although it is pretty similar to the crayon idea, just easier. 

momsfruitcake's picture



i really like the products that you manufacture idea.


other suggestions:




the harlem globetrotters





oompa loompas

----------'s picture



Are you planning on celebrating Christmas as well? Or is it just the Witch's New Year you rejoice in?

somegirl's picture



Thanks for all the great ideas folks!!!  I'm going to bring them to my coworkers tomorrow.


Jae, we fully participate in the Christmas decorating contest too.  We won the year before last with a spinning Christmas tree with photoshopped pictures of all the people in our department as Christmas themed characters. Alas,  last year we had a gingerbread decorating contest and we didn't have anything that lit up or spun in our gingerbread village.  This despite a chocolate shortbread bribe for the judges.

chansen's picture



Jae the Victorious wrote:
Are you planning on celebrating Christmas as well? Or is it just the Witch's New Year you rejoice in?


Personally, just the Witch's New Year.  My family's favourite part of Halloween is finding a neighbourhood cat to boil in our stew.


Jesus H. Christ, Jae.  Are you always this much of a pill?

somegirl's picture



For the record:  We've decided to be a 6 pack of crayons (everyone else was too chicken).  We are going to construct a crayon box and everything.  I'm going to be purple. 

Sebb's picture



Jae the twit wrote:

Are you planning on celebrating Christmas as well? Or is it just the Witch's New Year you rejoice in?


Keep in mind Jae that many (actually all I think) Christian holidays are actually pegan festivals, take Easter for exsamle, did you ever wonder what's the deal with rabbits giving people eggs? Well (if my memory isn't failing me) it's because both eggs and rabbits are symbols of fertility and Easter was the pegan holiday of fertility untill the Church, in an attempt to make the transition from Peganism  to Christianity as easy and quick as possible, they used the same day.


But as for the costume question, I think that the "dressing up as pruducts that we manufacture" idea is pretty cool.


EDIT: lol cool Crayon idea ^_^

----------'s picture



Sebb wrote:


Keep in mind Jae that many (actually all I think) Christian holidays are actually pegan festivals, take Easter for exsamle, did you ever wonder what's the deal with rabbits giving people eggs? Well (if my memory isn't failing me) it's because both eggs and rabbits are symbols of fertility and Easter was the pegan holiday of fertility untill the Church, in an attempt to make the transition from Peganism  to Christianity as easy and quick as possible, they used the same day.


Yes, thank you, Sebb, I knew that. It explains why some Christians celebrate Easter without using bunnies and eggs.

----------'s picture



somegirl wrote:

Thanks for all the great ideas folks!!!  I'm going to bring them to my coworkers tomorrow.


Jae, we fully participate in the Christmas decorating contest too.  We won the year before last with a spinning Christmas tree with photoshopped pictures of all the people in our department as Christmas themed characters. Alas,  last year we had a gingerbread decorating contest and we didn't have anything that lit up or spun in our gingerbread village.  This despite a chocolate shortbread bribe for the judges.


Christmas themed characters? You mean like Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, the shepherds? Or are you speaking of Santa, elves, snowmen, and the like. At any rate, I think it's wonderful that your company allows you to have a Christmas celebrations. Many companies have changed to having winter festivals of various kinds instead.


"Christmas is a time when people of all religions come together to worship Jesus Christ." - Bart Simpson

Sebb's picture



Jae d twit wrote:

Sebb wrote:


Keep in mind Jae that many (actually all I think) Christian holidays are actually pegan festivals, take Easter for exsamle, did you ever wonder what's the deal with rabbits giving people eggs? Well (if my memory isn't failing me) it's because both eggs and rabbits are symbols of fertility and Easter was the pegan holiday of fertility untill the Church, in an attempt to make the transition from Peganism  to Christianity as easy and quick as possible, they used the same day.


Yes, thank you, Sebb, I knew that. It explains why some Christians celebrate Easter without using bunnies and eggs.

Really? I didn't know that some families do that . When I was a wee child going to church I thought that there was something strange about it but was told "the egg symbolises the stone infront of Jesus' tomb" or something silly like that.

lastpointe's picture



You should see if you can find face paint in all the  right colours, hair dye??


You guys are certainly on the ball for Halloweeen, I am still thinking summer holidays .


Have fun constructing



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