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Bought New Moon from the Twilight series!

   So i was in Winners with my mom and just before i headed towards the cashier i spotted something AMAZING. The New Moon book from the Twilight series!! It's so hard to get your hands on one of those ever since the movie came out. Mind you, I have not read the books(before that day) but i saw both the movies(Twilight, and New moon), the day they came out. I absolutely LOVE the two movie's and i knew that if i loved the movie than i would simply love the book even more. In fact, I was planning on going to the library that same day to see if i could find theTwilight book.

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Girls night out turns into a depressing crying fest.

   Last night was a big disapointment. Its sad to see how easily my friends minds can get taken over by guys. For all my life i've had guys go in and out of my life very quickly. There was endless boy drama whether i liked it or not. After i ended things with a guy i told myself that I was done with them because with almost every guy there is always an identicle outcome. I talk to a guy for a couple days, weeks, or months and in the end its either one of us loses interest, or the guy becomes a complete jerk.

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Weird Weather

Alright everyone, I just wanted to add something to what i've been talking about. You may think this theory is ridiculous, but what happened yesterday in Ontario is a great example of whats going on with our world. A tornado at around 7pm went through Ontario, and into one of the most populated cities in Canada. The tornadoe destroyed many houses, and honestly i have to admit it was scary. I was watching t.v. last night while there was a crazy thunderstorm outside, but i didn't care too much about it because it rained a lot this summer in where i live.

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