qwerty's picture



So here's the thing ...

 So here's the thing ... Just after that fishing trip ... I went to the doctor's and he told me I have prostate cancer.  Its not early stage but on the other hand it is not late stage either.  Its right in the middle.  Just a little more than you'd want if you had your druthers.  So its all set.  I go into the hospital in the middle of December and have it taken out.  All I could think of (well maybe not exactly "all") was, "There goes Christmas!"  and "There goes the ski season!"  I suppose that makes me shallow.


They told me I have to lose thirty pounds before the operation so I'm working on that.  If its a psychological ploy to keep me from worrying about the cancer and the operation and the aftermath, then its working.  I'm working so hard at it I haven't had any time for anything else.  I'm going to be in top shape when I have that operation.  I'm really hoping it will last after the operation.


Its amazing how much time it takes to take care of yourself especially to get the right amount of exercise.  I've been used to taking care of my kids and my clients.  My schedule has revolved around that for many years now.  The kids are grown and mostly out of the nest but its still amazing how much psychic energy goes into this job of parenting. Its hard to stop.  The law practice is demanding of my time too.  I've always made time for my clients and tried to accommodate them sacrificing my own time.  Now I find it difficult to stop doing that and concentrate on myself.  With all this self directed attention, I feel like some sort of a narcissist..   


Anyway I'm losing the weight.  Ten down.  Twenty to go.  I'm working with my clients same as I always have.  I feel fine.  I feel like I ought to be more worried but on the other hand I think my family is doing that for me.  I'm just trying to keep everything on an even keel.



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The_Omnissiah's picture



 Well I wish you all the luck in the world!  Work that body!


As-salaamu alaikum


Tabitha's picture



Oh Qwerty,

May the surgery get all the cancer!

I'm a melanoma-skin cancer survivor-I was fortunate that surgery took all the cancer and my lymph nodes were clear.

Way to go on the weight loss. It's not easy to put yourself first and yet that is what is needed right now. Put yourself first now so you will be able to care for others later!


Pinga's picture



 Qwerty, i look forward to seeing the slender you.....and learning your tips -- i know...work work work..and push away from the table, right?...