Kimmio's picture



Not in Kansas anymore...

This is a legal tech question and nothing personal. I am serious. I was thinking the expression, once we leave the oversight of UCCan that "we're not in Kansas anymore." In all seriousnessness, what are the legalities around one of the admins accessing the forum from say, Kansas? Copyright, uploading YouTube, etc.? Do they change if you cross the border and access the site as an owner from your laptop?

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Kimmio's picture



You work for The Corporation (all multinational for profit companies everywhere I include in this). Same thing I guess. Metaphorically. (Henry) Ford in Brave New World. They own the world. You are an individual- you just work there- you are not them- so it's not really about you per say because I don't know you but you and I have some ethical conflict. You can argue this point if you want but if huge corporations were so great and helpful, considering their reach in the world and how it has grown, there wouldn't be 3.5 billion in poverty by now. I like to keep my faith and personal life as seperate as much as possible from The Corporation. I think it's reach goes too far into every aspect of our lives- we sort of just accept that.

gecko46's picture



I think this debate about coroprations and ethics should have a separate thread.


Kimmio's picture



gecko46 wrote:

I think this debate about coroprations and ethics should have a separate thread.


I see your point but Pinga was trying to get to the source of my distrust -over admins doing admin work on work time, etc.

Kimmio's picture



carolla wrote:

Kimmio - I sense that your present anxiety is related to upcoming change, and things occuring beyond your control, which is a bit of a recurrent theme on which you post.   More talk about it is clearly not helpful to you, and seems to be increasingly irritating to others.


Pinga - I have a sense that any number of logical explanations on your part are not likely to allay Kimmio's anxiety.  Hasn't shown that effect so far, so that leads me to this conclusion. 


Might be time to both call a truce on this one.



Carolla- it's not likely to much, no. I wish it wasn't an irritation to others. There used to be several members who discussed these types of issues- where the world's headed and it was interesting and thought provoking. I am concerned. It is not headed in a good direction. Most of those members have left. Sorry you find it irritating. Please don't come across as scoffing or mocking because I'm concerned (which is what having a side conversation to Pinga feels like)- not just from an observers point of view. These things will and do affect us. We hear of these same types of concerns all the time lately- and we should be concerned, IMO.

Kimmio's picture



Truce. I've had it with this discussion once again.

gecko46's picture



[/quote] Carolla- it's not likely to much, no. I wish it wasn't an irritation to others. There used to be several members who discussed these types of issues- where the world's headed and it was interesting and thought provoking. I am concerned. It is not headed in a good direction. Most of those members have left. Sorry you find it irritating. Please don't come across as scoffing or mocking because I'm concerned.[/quote]


Kimmio, no one is mocking you.  As far as discussions on world issues, I have those discussions with people all the time, but I prefer to do it in person.   I like it when people share air time.


We can get really wrapped up in "the world is going to hell in a handbasket" philosophy.

It's good to look for positive and peaceful solutions.


I have been an environmental activist for years - did some work for Greenpeace and several other organizations.  At one time if I googled my name on the internet, my name would appear attached to some of the articles I wrote.  It was a bit unnerving, considering Greenpeace is now regarded in some quarters as an environmental 'terrorist' organization.   So far, no one has come knocking at my door.


Have a great night.  Signing off.







Kimmio's picture



I do too- I focus on positive things, too. I work on behalf of a large humanitarian organization and that gives me some hope in humanity and positive focus- but we have to point out where things could be going wrong first to do anything about it- where it may not be obvious. The corporate/ government/ technical triad is kind of scary to me. It's the stuff of dystopian novels- although the metaphors are not so obvious as we live daily life and get used to it. And I'm not the only one pointing it out. It's not alarmist. Three or four years ago all this stuff we're hearing about would brand skeptics conspiracy theorists. I might have ignored them too. But I had a feeling, since the 90s about what I'd call 'corporate creep' into so many aspects of life. It was harder to articulate then. Even the Pope's noticed it, ironically. I don't have faith in it. Not in a world full of wars, environmental damage and 3.5 billion in poverty that's not getting better. Can we dial it back or transform it into something not so oppressive? Or are we stuck with it going to hell in a hand basket? That's what I wonder.

Kimmio's picture



As for sharing airtime, I started this particular thread. I haven't been hogging the WC2 discussions the last couple of days. A couple of comments, fairly light ones, but by now my comments stick out like sore thumbs to you, I guess.

lastpointe's picture




If you are sincerely worried about internet privacy, privacy in general, then stop using your computer.

Everything you write is tracked by google.

Pinga has nothing todo with it.

So stop posting. Actually I thought last week you were stopping.

Good bye' good luck

Best wishes

Kimmio's picture



That's rude. Thanks a lot. My critique is not with you so I don't know why you react to me like that with a virtual 'talk to the hand'. You have been respectful lately to me....?

Kimmio's picture



My point is if lack of privacy bugs us that doesn't mean we should stop using the computer it means that the privacy issue is a problem. Pinga's not advocating that position. Nor is anyone else I guess. Off to the Brave New World we go...almost there!

chansen's picture



But it is an INTERNET problem, not a WC2 problem. We can't do squat to you unless you post private info to WC2. You run the same risk with WC2 as you do with any other site - not more. If you can't accept that, don't sign up.
Seriously. Don't sign up, and don't bring it up here again. We can't help you. Stop asking.

Kimmio's picture



I won't. All the best.

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