Witch's picture



Becoming Human. Link to an excellent resource

Hi folks. I came across this resource while searching for resources for home schooling science. I highly recommend it to those whishing to get some good, solid information on homonid evolution, in plain language.  The documentary is great, and the additional explorations are also very valuable.




"Becoming Human is an interactive documentary experience that tells the story of our origins. Journey through four million years of human evolution with your guide, Donald Johanson."

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sitka's picture



I visited the website today and found it very interesting and informative. My daughter said the presenter's voice is boring...I said: "O? But the topic is interesting..."

The topic (like many) can be very boring at technical level unless one is really interested. I can understand why many people prefer to believe things to studying...it takes less effort to believe and a certain level of intelligence and hard work and lots of time to be a serious student.

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