Motheroffive's picture



BC Seniors in care suffer more punishment

Lower and middle income seniors in care in BC are having their rates increased in public-funded spaces. (click bolded for CBC story) As if the situation isn't bad enough with our provinces having the fewest number of these spaces available, per capita, in the country, the BC Liberal government is going to raise the rates for seniors in care by between $120 - $160 or so per month for seniors whose annual income is $22,000 per year and up. They are doing this under the auspices of developing a rate structure that's more fair but it's complete and utter hockey-pucks! This government is implementing the HST so as to protect their friends in business, passing the increases disproprotionatly onto the lower income people (with any benefit to us collectively since it's meant to be revenue neutral) and then they stab vulnerable seniors and their families in the backs.


My father is now in long-term care because he is violent with my mother in his dementia. Their combined income is under $30,000/yr and yet, he already pays $1400/month, leaving my mother with very little to live on now. An increase of $150 will probably lead to her seriously considering bringing him home...and it will endanger them both. I know that she and my dad are not alone...perhaps all of them need to consider legal separation so that a portion of the income can be considered hers (and not to be used in the calculation of his rate).


I am absolutely sick and incensed about this! I have written my MLA and the BC NDP critic for health...if anyone out there knows of people in this situation, please help them by doing the same. It could mean life or death for some seniors...after all, it's not as if their pensions and other sources of income are going up at the same time. I hope that, together we will graphically illustrate the absolute inhumanity of this move and get it rescinded.

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ninjafaery's picture



That is outrageous.  I'm going to return to this thread when I'm finished work this weekend, but I am so pissed at this development.  It's insane -- what a worry for you.

Motheroffive's picture



Thanks, ninjafaery! We'll "talk" more later.

LBmuskoka's picture



Sad to say Motheroffive, but your mother and others in her situation, may be wise to consider the legal separation.   However, in doing this she may sever her ties to the shared CPP and OAP. 


What a mess and a sad statement on how we treat our elders who have contributed greatly to our society.


As an aside, was your father a Vet - Vetran Affairs provides additional services, including financial,  for seniors and often people are not aware of them.



Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.     Pearl S. Buck

ninjafaery's picture



"They are doing this under the auspices of developing a rate structure that's more fair but it's complete and utter hockey-pucks! This government is implementing the HST so as to protect their friends in business, passing the increases disproprotionatly onto the lower income people (with any benefit to us collectively since it's meant to be revenue neutral) and then they stab vulnerable seniors and their families in the backs."


This is the part that makes me feel the most helpless rage.  Knowing that it's all a crock of shit masked as a benefit to seniors. 

I wish CARP would take this on.  Doesn't it make you wonder how things will be when you and I are in need of care? 

Who the hell can make do with $279 a month for spending as a senior?   So much of what one needs isn't covered by any other plan. 

Why does this kind of crap always manage to fly in under the radar and be the "new normal" before anyone gets wind of it?

The only thing I might look at is the difference in the costs of nursing home care and supported home care.  It may be cheaper to hire someone to stay with your parents (if it comes down to that) and utilize day programs and other supports.  I've never done this calculation, but it wouldn't surprise me if coordinated,private homecare would be more affordable.

Motheroffive's picture



LB, I now recognize that legal separation would negate my mother's access to my father's survivor benefits from his pension and government pensions. Yes, he does get help from VA but, without going into their complicated calculations, it's nowhere near sufficient to protect her from poverty.


ninjafeary, you're absolutely spot on...however, in my parent's case, homecare is not an dad, in his dementia, is violent with my mother in the evenings and at night, even with others there. He's in a special care unit of the facility where he is safe, where others are safe (he doesn't do that in the carehome) and where his routines are extremely stable. There are no other available options to him.

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