crazyheart's picture



HOLODOMOR - so how are we doing?

This is National Holodomor Awareness Week Nov. 22-28.

This is to remember the Ukranian famine genocide from 1932 -1033 under Stalin's Communist regime where l1 million Ukranians died.

Saskatchewan passed Bill No. 40 , an act to recognize Holodomor  in 2008.

The United Nations passed a similar bill.

Senator Raynell Adreychuck wrote " We must never again allow a repressive regime to use food as a weapon for the pursuit of ideological views and goals."

So how well do you think we are doing?

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RitaTG's picture



.... I was not aware of this at all ...... oh my.....

Thank you for the thread....

Food as a weapon ....... oh my entirely disgustingly true....


Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


Hmmm.  Israeli blockades of Gaza.   Confiscation of land used by small farmers in third-world countries forcing them to work on the plantations or move to the cities to find work to be able to buy the food they used to grow for themselves.

EasternOrthodox's picture



 And the New York Times won't give up the Pultizer Prize Walter Duranty won by writing inaccurate information about for the newspaper.   Of course, he was hardly the only one in denial.

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