graeme's picture



shale gas - New Brunswick

The shale gas issue is getting very, very hot down here. The government, bought and paid for by the Irving government and by other big money, is determined to ram through more shale gas exploration - no matter what public opinion might be. And the collusion of the irving newspapers  (which is all of them) is obvious and lying and malicious.

I would not be surprised at violence - perhaps incited by the billionaires. Certainly, we know that the RCMP is spying on environmentalists, and is giving bienniel reports on them to the council of canadian CEOs.

And I'm happy to say that I'm sure I'm on the RCMP list. My daily blog has rocketed to several thousand hits a day.

It's going to be a hot summer.

(Not for the churches, though. They have spiritual air-conditioning.)

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stardust's picture




I think there's going to be  BIG TROUBLE in the days ahead. There are 30 groups in N.B. opposed to shale gas I read. In the U.S. some people's drinking water is unsafe because of it.  There are other  health related  problems.


3 arrests during a demonstration


stardust's picture


Council of Canadians

Stop Fracking in Canada

Fracking is a technique that involves the injection of millions of litres of water and thousands of litres of unidentified chemicals underground at very high pressure in order to create fractures in the underlying shale rock formations and extract the natural gas below the surface. Fracking for unconventional gas is rapidly expanding in almost every province across Canada.

The Council of Canadians opposes fracking because of its high water use, its high carbon emissions, its impacts on human health, the disruption it causes to wildlife, and the danger it poses to groundwater and local drinking water. We are calling for a country-wide stop to fracking operations.



Communities across the country are raising red flags because of water contamination, green house gas emissions and the impacts on public health. Despite this, industry is expanding across the country at an alarming rate. The fracker tracker is an interactive tool that maps where fracking is happening so communities can share information, learn from and join in fights across the country. Please note these map locations are approximate, if you have more detailed information to offer, please e-mail us at
Fracker Tracker Map- Canada


Alex's picture



Congratulations on the success of your blog.

Especially Enjoyed your recent comments regarding PEI, even if it was only to compare it to NB


It shows how people are learning that you can not find the truth in the Irving papers.



I think they are using NB as a starting place becasue of the way information is controled. Quebec and Ontario have much larger deposits of shale, and if you stop them in NB you may also save Ontario and Quebec from being next.






graeme's picture



One of interesting things is that i have seen no mention of where they intend to dump the billions of gallons of toxic laden water that they will be using to flush out the wells.

I expect the frackers to encourage violence - even to doing something like destroying their own equipment, blaming it on protestors, and using that to call ijn police.


The greater difficulty is that New Brunswickers are remarkably timid people when it comes to dealing with government and big business. Intimidation by business leaders has been a normal practice here for well over a century. Saying the wrong thing can get you fired. Almost all people who write in to my blog list themselves as anonymous.


It's understandable. Big business, notably the Irving family, is so powerful it reaches every corner of life. And the Irvings are utterly ruthless. The Liberal and Conswervative parties are made up largely of puppets and morons.

carolla's picture



I think the Christian Peacemaker Teams Aboriginal Justice section have come alongside the Mi'kmaq & Maliseet First Nations people regarding this issue in NB.  We did include this in our prayers this morning in church. 

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