Gordie_boy's picture



The Choking Game

A couple in our congregation have lost a wonderful grandson to the choking game.  This is creating a temporary "high" through asphyxiation, often done in small groups and, unfortunately, by some individuals on their own.  The byword is often secrecy so that adults and others never find out.  It is often called the "good kid's high" because it doesn't (usually) involve drugs or alcohol.   Too often it is seen as harmless by participants because no one is hurt.  Unfortunately, some die, too many.  Have any of you out there been involved in this practice and have any of you know the details around education, awareness and reaching the youth who consider this okay?

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trishcuit's picture



 I have heard of it. very scary.

The_Omnissiah's picture



I've heard of it too...it's macabre and unnacceptable.  It probably presents a more immediate threat to your health than alcohol...


As-Salaam Alaiykum


Namaste's picture



Wow. I actually hadn't heard of it until now.

Tiger Lily's picture

Tiger Lily


I've heard of it.  Very scary stuff.

BethanyK's picture



How can anyone possibly think that choking themselves is a good idea? That's just scary

jensamember's picture



Unfortunately it's not a new thing...my daughters and I had a talk about it through watching a television show a few years ago...I was glad we did. Not long after, my daughter shared that a friend of hers told her she was starting to do it. She came to me because she was concerned about what could happen, she could die, and thankfully I knew her mom and was able to talk to her about what my daughter told me. She talked to her daughter and the teen didn't realize how real the consequences could have been and stopped doing it...it could have turned out like your friend...sorry to hear about their loss, I'll keep them in prayer. 

killer_rabbit79's picture



I've heard of this too. The high comes from oxygen deprivation in the brain. Definitely worse than drugs.

chemgal's picture



 I'm sorry to hear about the child, Gordie-boy.

I've heard about it a few times in the news and was surprised when it was described as something relatively new that teens did.  I remember classmates doing this in elementary school!  A few teachers got after them for doing it.  I didn't think it would have much appeal for teens, but unfortunately it seems some enjoy it.  I was a little surprised at how behind the media was, it definitely isn't new since it was occurring decades ago.

Beloved's picture





That is a very sad loss for this couple in your congregation.  I have heard of this game before.  Perhaps your topic starter will prompt somebody reading it here on Wondercafe to talk to their children/teens about this, and who knows, perhaps even save a life.  It needs to be talked about and our children need to be educated about the dangers.


Hope, peace, joy, love . . .


if.i.were.a.boy's picture



As a child I knew of other children who did this. I never did it personally but I was there when friends of mine would put eachother in choke holds until they passed out. I was watching CSI, and the term they used was, AUTO EROTIC ASYPHXIATION. Unfortunately it is now a sexual practice. Education is the best tool to use when it comes to children. Talking about it, and not ignoring it like it doesnt exist, is key to spreading awareness.

Sebb's picture



Ah the choking game...I know it well but have never played because 1) i don't want to die because some1 choked me for too long and 2) starving your brain of oxygen can cause brain damage later on in life. if.i.were.a.boy, auto erotic asphyxiation is different, that is when some body chokes themself or has their sexual partner choke them, it's not for a high but ratehr a way for them to "get off" where as the choking game is for a small high. I think that teachers and parents should talk to their children about the choking game and warnt hem of consiquinces but when it comes to auto erotic asphyxiation I think that two (or more ~_^) consenting adults can do what ever they like in the bedroom (or house or friends house or w/e  (as long as it's not somewhere public)~_^).

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


This thread reminded me of how my younger sister could pass out at will when we were kids. We lived in a country village and had to catch a train to the nearest town to attend High School. We used to prefer to sit in the first class carriages, even though our school passes were for second class seats. One of the kids would act as sentry and warn us if the guard was approaching. By the time he reached us my sister would be lying on the floor - and of course he'd be more worried about her than where we were sitting.

It's a reminder of how stupid some adolescents can be. At the time we thought we were so clever, but now I shake my head when I think of our stupidity. There wasn't one amongst us that even considered the possibility that it could lead to death.

jesouhaite777's picture



Auto erotic stupidity has been around since the 80's some kids are just to dumb to live ....

Some theories are that the last wave of teen suicide was AES play gone wrong and not actual suicide attempts


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