bygraceiam's picture



Open Table..Spiritual Reality..

Hello everyone.......God bless you.....

I want to share with you .......some of Gods words I have been reading lately....

Enjoying Intimacy with all books with God discernment.......

WE are now, and we will be in the future, only as intimate with God as we really choose

to be ...J. Oswald Sanders...


Dr. AB Simpson....clarified the Spirits function...


The great business of the Holy Spirit is to stand behind the scenes and make Jesus real,

Just as a telescope, reveals not itself, but the stars beyond , so Christ is revealed by the

Holy Spirit, as the medium of our spiritual vision...Through the telephone of prayer, we may

catch the very voice of our Master and be conscious of the heart throbes of His Love, ......

The presence of the comforter but makes Him nearer and dearer, and enables us to

realize and know that we are in Him and He in us.......


Charles Wesley...

Changed from Glory into Glory

Till in heaven we take our place,

Till we cast our crowns before Thee

Lost in wonder, love and praise.....


Awesome God we Serve...

I worship Thee , sweet will of God

And all Thy ways adore,

And every day I live I seem

To Love The More and More.


Faith is a wonderful thing........Praise the Lord God


William Hendrickson...


In the process of bringing salvation to hearts of men, God is ever first..  By His Spirit He invades the heart of the sinner . The sinner who  has now become a saint has recieved the power to abide in Christ...


And they shall see His Face, and His name shall be on their forheads..few things on earth are more beautiful then the fellowship enjoyed by kindred spirits..In heaven, with all possible causes of discord and dessenison excluded...we shall enjoy an infinite extension of the intimacy we have enjoyed with God on earth.....


It sure gives a person lots to think about.....and I enjoy Gods words so much...

Awesome God We Serve.....

Praise Jesus, He is the Way, the Truth, the Light


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stardust's picture




Beautiful; just beautiful. I'm so glad you're here. You give me wings!

I told you before that every time I read your posts the Holy Spirit comes to me.

Thank you.

God bless you always and may  you always  waltz  with the angels!

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