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In 2010, Somewhere, a People Cheered as One

Ok.  Some of you might have heard that Vancouver, BC, is hosting some event.

Where ordinary people come from all over the world in order to compete in various events.

So I'm here and have known aboot it for quite some time now.  The local media reports run the gamut from cost overruns and 'Free Speech Areas' to the Olympic Torch's travel and the new streetlamps that have been put up in some places.

I find myself being torn between the spectacle of the thing and being afraid at all the security (which brings up a whole shwack of other feelings and ideas--terrorism, bush, anxiety, etc etc etc).

I really like people.  So when I talked to that Skytrain guy and he went on aboot how his union, Translink, and the olympic officials lied to him, I cringe and feel very very sorry.  When he starts talking aboot how Masons are in 'control', I notice my reactions of skepticism, which then morph into 'Hey, let's enjoy this ride and riff with this guy's riff.'

Or when I'm at the dollar store and hear the cashier talk aboot all the hoolah-hoops being bought so that people can make their own Olympic Logos and she warns them against being fined.

Or when I'm walking down a greenway and hear an older man go on aboot moving away from the 'Criminals and Lawyers' to somewhere quiet.

Or when I'm listening to a young man, late late late at night, with a megaphone to his lips talking aboot all the bad that the Olympics are doing...

I've come to the conclusion that...I have a choice.  We have a choice as to how we feel aboot this whole shebang.

I am taking the choice to feel:  at this time, the world WILL BE WATCHING.  So, it is so easy to complain and put down and not do anything actually; no struggle there at all.  It's almost automatic pilot.

But at this time, at this place, the WORLD WILL BE WATCHING.  And what do you want them to see?  What is your message?  Did you take time to plan this out (you had enough time)?

People like this, awe inspire me:

An artist has rigged up a whole shwack of what look like searchlights along a waterfront and is asking people to go to that website and create a performance.  I have seen a bit of it, these white rays of light spearing across the night man-made northern lights...

What do I want the world to see?

I think that is what it boils down to.  Those who want to fight the anti-homeless injustices, DO IT!  Those who want to volunteer for the Olympics, DO IT!  Etc etc etc.

I heartily encourage you WC folk to go to that site...and DO IT :3


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