revjohn's picture



Who's the Fool?

Hi All,

Way back when in a little thread called "The Danger of Everbody" I mentioned that I didn't like to "go all dad on everyone" and I shared that I have a talent for stating the obvious.

So it isn't that I like to post this or even want to post this. I feel compelled to post this and part of that compulsion stems from some rampant foolishness floating about.

I'm not here to point fingers or make anyone look like a jerk so if while I'm stating the obvious you feel like I'm aiming for you. Well, it could be that it is because you are being a jerk and the best thing you could do for yourself and others is to reign it in a little because if it is obvious to me others are way past noticing.

Heated discussion is going to happen here. We've got forae for Religion and Politics.

Powderkeg situation.

In the heat of the discussion there is going to be a moment when you feel it more effective to attack the character of the other rather than there ideas . . . only a true chowderhead would be so stupid as to think that was a good idea.

What really sets that ninny aside from all of the other jack-a-ninnies is that moment when they are so entrenched in the heated exchange they decide to critique the intelligence of their opponent. You know what I mean, insinuate that the other isn't the sharpest lightbulb in the deck kind of thing.

When I read that two things happen.

The first is that I wince. I wince because that is where so many go from being just a plain ass to an even bigger hole.

The second is that I get the giggles. I mean really, you the dunderhead is calling some cheese doodle dense and you somehow think that elevates your mental status to the level of genius.

That's rich.

You should think again.

But you won't.

Because you've already demonstrated how proficiently you think.

A wise old man once had a scriptwriter hand him a line that asked a pretty powerful question: "whose more foolish, the fool or the one who follows him?"

Paraphrased into WonderCafian that would read: "whose more foolish, the fool or the one who can't stop arguing with the fool?"

Again that just seems so obvious to me but that is my gift. Seeing things right in front of my nose I share it freely with all because some appear to have difficulty seeing as far as their nose. Which is a real shame because I'm sure their noses are telling them something close stinks.

Love mercy.

Do justice.

Walk humbly.

Or keep trying your way and show everyone what a nimrod you aspire to be.

Grace and peace to you


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revjohn's picture



obvious bump

LoveJoy's picture



wow - congrats for coming up with so many colorful synonyms for dumbass all in one thread!

revjohn's picture




I owe it all to Word Power in the Reader's Digest.

And incredibly long waits in Doctor's offices all across this fine country.

Grace and peace to you.


sighsnootles's picture



hey, anyone who quotes a line from STAR WARS is not a fool at all!!! you go, revjohn!!!!

i however am guilty of enjoying an online spat a little too much. i know i'm a fool for doing it, but i do it anyways... thats how sad i am as a person.

what can i say.

StephenGordon's picture



RevJohn, I cannot help hearing you ( sounding much like Mr. T) say "Pity the fool". I guess it was the opening title that did it.

revjohn's picture





I so wanted to use "Pity the Fool"

Grace and peace to you.


LoveJoy's picture



for the record, the line is "pity-da-foo"

Intuit's picture



Revjohn wrote: that is where so many go from being just a plain ass to an even bigger hole.

That made me snort!

Great post.

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