John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


A serious ethical question

Former President Bush's Book will be out this week:

Concerning warrent-less wire tapping, he wrote

"I knew that an interrogation program this sensitive and controversial would one day become public," he wrote. "When it did, we would open ourselves up to criticism that America had compromised its moral values. I would have preferred that we get the information another way. But the choice between security and values was real."

The choice between security and values.

Personally, I think his choice was ...uh...un-American.

graeme's picture



obama bust

Remember the enthusiasm for Obama? Remember how he was going to introduce medicare, stop torture, get out of wars, Close Guantanamo,?

in fact, h e has followed Bush in just about every respect. He has massively stepped up the war in Afghanistan and exttended it into pakistan. Guantanamo is still a prison. And there are over a dozen such camps, mostly in Africa that our press never mentions. Congress just passed a blll authorizing torture - and obama will sign it.

sighsnootles's picture



george w bush is almost gone!!!!!

i can hardly wait!!  it's almost like christmas... they should make a countdown calendar for this, like advent calendars... little pieces of chocolate shaped like stars or something...


can you BELIEVE it?!?!?  WHEEEEEEE!!!!
