The_Omnissiah's picture



Starting over

Well don't I seem needy?  Two threads dedicated to making me feel my...what am I becoming??


Well this isn't really a "Make Omni feel better" thread so much as a general thread that stems from my experience.


Having just come out of my longest relationship yet (a year and 3 months), I am probably the most recent victim of the dreaded break up...dun dun duuuuuh!!


The_Omnissiah's picture



Oh so soon

I can't wait!  tomorrow at 7:00 am I'm leaving for edmonton for 7 days of sheer awesome!


I just cannot describe how excited I am!!  I get to visit my Girlfriend, my friends from camp, and even a couple friends who moved away in like, grade 8 :D


That is all.  lol.



As-Salaamu Alaikum

