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Maritime Conference: Email on pensions -More Information

Please be aware that this email (below) was sent to a number of ministers in the Maritime Conference. The ministers contacting the HR office are not aware of who this group is and were not at the Tatamagouch Centre presentation.

Please do refer questions about who Maritime Wealth Management are to Kendall Harrison (506-536-3902;  Kendall also can explain what the email means in the context of the pension changes they refer to.

The email begins:

"Most recently you have received a memo from the United Church of Canada Human Resources Unit, General Council regarding upcoming changes to your pension plan. (Link Attached )."

This link goes to the United Church website posting, which may seem like the General Council Office, or the Human Resources Unit is working with this "wealth management" group. This is not the case.

If you have questions about the changes to your pension plan, please contact either the United Church Pension and Benefit Centre ( or 1-888-657-4607) or the Human Resources Unit at 1-800-268-3781, x3161, or x3010.


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(sorry: only the 1st paragraph is included here)

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