martha's picture



Please Share: Spam (not) from UCCan service providers

Please Share this with anyone/everyone: The United Church's service providers will NEVER email you (unless you are actually expecting them to; that's a different story). Currently, email using ADP's name is being circulated around Canada: THIS IS SPAM. DELETE IT: do not click any links in this email.

If you aren't sure, by all means CALL ADP, or your bank, insurance company or other company.

Mendalla's picture



Webmail options?

I have to move my primary email address because we are probably switching ISPs (from Bell to cable from either Teksavvy or Distributel) and I use a email address that comes with our Bell Internet.


To avoid this in future, I want to use a "net neutral" address that isn't tied to a provider. I know about the common options (Hotmail and its derivatives such as and, GMail, Yahoo! Mail, etc.) and have accounts at a couple of them that I might use, though for various reasons I may not.


martha's picture



Maritime Conference: Email on pensions -More Information

Please be aware that this email (below) was sent to a number of ministers in the Maritime Conference. The ministers contacting the HR office are not aware of who this group is and were not at the Tatamagouch Centre presentation.
